Fall Diaper Donation Drive to Benefit the IRC in San Diego

San Diego Breastfeeding Center is excited to announce our Fall Diaper Drive, which will benefit the International Rescue Committee in San Diego! Beginning on Wednesday, October 12th and continuing through Wednesday, November 30th, we will accept donations of new, unopened packages of diapers at our office in Hillcrest [3355 4th Avenue, San Diego, CA 92103]. Diapers can be dropped off during our weekly Breastfeeding Support Group, every Wednesday between 11:30am and 1pm. If you would like to make a diaper donation, but are unable to drop off during this time, please contact Anna Choi of the San Diego Breastfeeding Center to arrange a pick-up of your donation [annachoi@sdbfc.com].


Chris Williams, Resettlement Program Manager in San Diego, tells us:

The International Rescue Committee [IRC] welcomes more than 1,000 refugees to San Diego each year from war-torn nations around the world, including Syria, Iraq, Somalia, Afghanistan, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and others. Many such families have arrived in just the past few months, and after years, or even decades, in transition, they’re looking forward to a new life and a fresh start in San Diego. IRC provides assistance to these families in a number of different ways, however the first month after arrival can be very difficult, especially for families with young children. Families receive limited financial assistance through the federal government and as such, the IRC really relies on donations and support from the community to help provide for these newly arriving families. What may seem like a small donation of a package of diapers can go a long way in helping people feel safe, welcome, and comfortable in a new place.


As a mother myself, I know how quickly the cost of diapers can add up, and I can’t imagine what it must feel like for these parents to arrive in a new country with uncertainty about how they will provide for their little ones. With that being said, I encourage everyone reading this blog, who has the means to, to consider making a small donation {or a large one!} by purchasing an extra package or box of diapers the next time they are at the store, to donate to the IRC. The IRC has a particular need for diapers in sizes 3 and up and would greatly appreciate donations in these sizes.

For more information about the diaper drive, or to arrange a pick-up, please contact Anna Choi at annachoi@sdbfc.com. Thank you!