Baking for a Cause - Petite Paleo Bakery

Community. It’s what makes living in a particular location worthwhile and fulfilling. I have had the pleasure of living in San Diego for most of my life and each new life chapter has encouraged me to broaden my community. Becoming a mom 13 years ago (and having a child with severe food allergies) led me to search for a more environmentally-conscious, wholistic, and wholefoods-based community. One of these generous community members has asked to kick off our ‘end of the year nonprofit fundraising campaign’ with a Bake Sale! We are so grateful to have Rose, of Petite Paleo Bakery, in our community and for her incredible generosity. Please allow me to introduce Rose!


My name is Rose Malihan and I am the owner of Petite Paleo Bakery. Our delicious homemade Paleo inspired baked goods are free of gluten, grains, dairy, soy, and refined sugars. Our natural sweeteners are dates, coconut sugar, or honey. We also offer savory wraps and rolls and use organic and local ingredients as much as possible. And most importantly, all of our sweets and treats are kid-tested and mom-approved!

I was passionate about health and fitness before I became a mom, so breastfeeding was an obvious choice after my baby was born in 2010. We met Robin at her weekly breastfeeding support group when my daughter was less than a month old.  I am so thankful that we found her, because unfortunately for us, breastfeeding was challenging!  My newborn baby girl was not latching correctly, nursing was painful, and she was slow to gain weight. Robin was so compassionate and put us in touch with the right healthcare providers, and soon thereafter, I gained more confidence about being a mom, nursing in public, and advocating for what I felt was right for us. My daughter started gaining weight more steadily, and we continued our nursing journey until she was two years old.

I am forever grateful for Robin and the San Diego Breastfeeding Center, and for the resources they provided to us when we needed it the most. Being able to breastfeed my baby for as long as we did was the most amazing experience, and I am thankful that we had that time to bond, and that my body experienced the beauty of nourishing a life. 

When I started Petite Paleo Bakery earlier this year, one of my goals was to make a difference in the community, and especially with families. I chose to bake in honor of Robin and the San Diego Breastfeeding Center Foundation, because they made what I feared at many times to be impossible, possible. I was able to provide one of nature's most precious gifts of love and health to my daughter the first two years of her life. Through our bake sales, we will raise money to help provide this gift to other local families in need, in hopes that they may also have this beautiful and empowering experience. We appreciate your support!

Rose will be offering two separate bakes sales. One for pick up before Thanksgiving and one before the Christmas holiday.

If you are interested in just donating to our nonprofit foundation, feel free to head over to our website. Our End of the Year Fundraising Campaign starts next week and we would love to include you as one of our donors!