Meet SDBFC's Newest IBCLC - Mariana Covarrubias

We are so thrilled to introduce you to our newest lactation consultant at SDBFC! Mariana joined us on March 24th and will be doing office visits starting June 1st!  Here is our interview with Mariana.  We can't wait for you all to meet her!

Mariana, tell us about yourself!

I grew up in Tijuana, just across the border from San Diego, CA. I then moved to San Diego when I was 16 years old. Since then I have lived in other cities like Mexico City and Miami, but recently moved back to San Diego. I love living in San Diego because I am close to family and because it is next door to Tijuana, which has the most amazing food and it is where my roots are. I have been married for 6 years and have a daughter who is the center of my life and one of the biggest reasons I decided to pursue a career as a lactation consultant. I have a bachelor’s degree in Nutrition & Dietetics.  It is a field I love and am very passionate about, but I wanted to look at nutrition from the start. My curiosity and constant love for learning led me to study lactation. I had the pleasure of working for a Pediatrician, IBCLC while living in Mexico City which further propelled my curiosity, since I got to learn about the many facets of lactation and the big difference I could make helping people. I am a constant student and homebody that loves doing anything creative. I also have a passion for living a natural/non-toxic lifestyle. I love to cook and really enjoy creating beautiful tables when hosting friends and family.

Check out Mariana’s bio page

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What inspired you to become a lactation consultant?

As a Nutrition & Dietetics student gaining experience in the field, I had the opportunity to work on the delivery floor of Mary Birch Hospital. Working on that floor made me happy; I really enjoyed working around babies. Being the constant learner that I am, I started looking at the different learning possibilities that I could add to my career. I learned about becoming an IBCLC and never looked back. Mid-way through my IBCLC program I found out I was pregnant  and had to pause it, due to a high-risk pregnancy. When my daughter was born and I had the opportunity to experience everything first-hand, I found out I was even more passionate about this than when I began. I then finished my training with UCSD Lactation Program and am so proud to be able to provide help and guidance to anyone who needs it.

What are you most excited about working for the SDBFC?

I am most excited about the fact that I will be able to offer lactation services to Spanish speakers. I am Mexican and fluent in both English and Spanish. Being the first consultant at SDBFC that is a Spanish speaker is a badge that I wear with honor. Coming from Mexico, I used to cross the border daily to go to school in the U.S. We would wake up at 5:00 AM and sometimes it would take up to 4 hours to get to school and then we had to do the same journey back, all to start it again the next day. I am proud of where I come from and am thankful for all the sacrifices my parents made to give me an education. I am proud that I will be using that education to help others and hopefully it will inspire people in the Hispanic community to seek out my help and guidance. I am proud to be representing the Latina community as a lactation consultant, bringing my culture and experiences with me. I am so excited to meet new families and help them along their journey.

What are your top 3 tips for a brand new chest/breastfeeding parent?

1.     Be flexible with your expectations. Although, ideally your chest/breastfeeding journey is exactly how you pictured it, it may be a little or completely different. Do not let that discourage you. Chest/breastfeeding looks a million ways, the right way is what works best for you and your family. You are a great parent no matter what your journey looks like. Allow yourself to see beauty in the unexpected.

2.     Support system, support system, support system. It is ideal that you plan out your support system, whatever that may look like for you.  It does not necessarily have to be family.  Supporting your postpartum period may look like ordering a meal delivery service, having a friend cook some meals for you, or hiring someone to help with household chores. This will allow you the time to focus on you and your baby. Ask for help… a good support system will help you deal with sleepless nights and new parent duties. At SDBFC we offer chest/breastfeeding support groups; meeting up with parents going through similar journey’s might help you a feel sense of community and most importantly have your questions/concerns addressed.

3.     Opinions, everyone has them, but only you know what works best for you and your family. Follow your gut instinct and trust it. You will get a lot of opinions or “advice” from friends, family, and sometimes even strangers, but letting your instincts guide your choices will turn out best. Seek out professionals that align with your values and gather all the necessary information to make informed decisions.

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Welcome to the team, Mariana!


Meet SDBFC's Newest IBCLC - Yvonne Campbell


Our Fundraiser was a HUGE Success… all thanks to you!!!!