Model Call for Family Photo Shoot

SDBFC and SDBFC Foundation are hosting a professional photo shoot in a few weeks and are looking for 10 parents/babies of varying ages to participate.  The photographer will be taking breastfeeding and non-breastfeeding photos, so you are still welcome to apply even if you are not nursing at this time.  

These photos will be used by the San Diego Breastfeeding Center and the San Diego Breastfeeding Center Foundation (our nonprofit) on our website, social media, and marketing materials.  Our goal is to show the diversity of families in our community.   As a 'thank you' for participating, each family will receive 5 digital images that your can print on your own.

If you are interested, here are the details:

Date: Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Time and Location:

12:30-1:30p Southeast Clinic with Chardá (704 Euclid Ave, San Diego, 92114)

2p-3p SD Community Birth Center with Jarrah Foster (2801 Fourth Ave, San Diego, 92103)

4p-6p San Diego Breastfeeding Center with SDBFC Staff (8325 University Ave. La Mesa, 91942)

Requirements: Each family must sign a photo release form prior to the photo shoot, giving SDBFC and SDBFC Foundation permission to use any of the photos on our websites, social media, and marketing materials.

If interested, please send an email to by May 16, 2023. Include:

  • Your name

  • Phone number

  • Age of your baby

  • A photo of you, your partner (if he/she would like to be photographed, as well), and your baby.  This can totally be a photo from your phone....doesn't have to be professional!.  

  • Indicate while clinic photo shoot you would like to attend

  • Indicate whether you are comfortable being photographed while breastfeeding.  Not all photos will be of breastfeeding families, so it is still possible to participate even if you have already weaned or your baby is not breastfeeding at this time :-) 

Once we know who is interested, we will choose 10 families based on infant's age.  We are hoping for a nice variety of age groups! We will be contacting chosen participants by May 19, 2023.


Meet SDBFC's Newest IBCLC - Erin Thom
