Heather Sherman


Heather completed her training to become an IBCLC through University of California, San Diego in 2021. Heather was born and raised in upstate New York. She moved to San Diego with her family in 2018 after 15 years of moving around the country as a military spouse. Heather holds a Masters Degree in Psychology with a concentration in Industrial/Organizational Psychology from Old Dominion University. She is a mother to three kind, funny, and energetic boys.

Heather's story:

I became passionate about breastfeeding after a traumatic birth experience with my first child.  He was a surprise breech baby.  After 12 hours of labor I was rushed to an emergency cesarean section.  Naturally this wasn’t the experience I had hoped to have.  After his birth I didn’t have the space or support I needed to process what I had just been through.  On top of everything else I was told breastfeeding would probably be difficult for me.  It was very discouraging.  However, I worked closely with the lactation consultants at the hospital and I learned as much as I could before discharge.  There were some bumps in the road, but breastfeeding became an integral part of my emotional healing.  Through my breastfeeding journey I learned to trust my body and my intuition again.  As my passion continued to grow I became “that friend” who was ready and eager to talk about all things pregnancy, birth, and breastfeeding.  It has been a privilege to support friends as they find their way as new parents.  Working as a lactation consultant has been a long-time dream of mine.  After over 12 years of thinking over the possibilities I found a program that worked for my life as a busy mom and turned my personal passion into my profession.  

I feel extremely grateful to be joining the San Diego Breastfeeding Center to work alongside the knowledgeable, supportive, and inspiring lactation consultants here.  I look forward to empowering parents to find the feeding journey that works best for their family and to helping them navigate the ups and downs along the way.