Chest/Breastfeeding Robin Kaplan Chest/Breastfeeding Robin Kaplan

Breastfeeding the Older Baby: 12-18 Months

Written by Anna Choi, BS, IBCLC

Thank you for joining us for our third and final article in our blog series, Breastfeeding the Older Baby – What to Expect and How to Adjust. I’ve enjoyed writing these articles, as we have explored the evolving breastfeeding relationship between mama and baby, and I hope to have provided some insight for you about what this evolution might look like for you and your little one. In this final article, we will look at months 12 through 18 of your toddler’s life.

Written by Anna Choi, BS, IBCLC

Thank you for joining us for our third and final article in our blog series, Breastfeeding the Older Baby – What to Expect and How to Adjust. I’ve enjoyed writing these articles, as we have explored the evolving breastfeeding relationship between mama and baby, and I hope to have provided some insight for you about what this evolution might look like for you and your little one. In this final article, we will look at months 12 through 18 of your toddler’s life.



How often do toddlers breastfeed?

This answer varies greatly from one toddler to the next. Some mothers and nurslings have slowly decreased the number of breastfeeding sessions they have each day and may find that at this age, their toddler is breastfeeding as little as once or twice a day. Others may have a toddler who nurses like a newborn and goes to breast frequently throughout the day, nursing as many as 10 or more times in 24 hours. What’s important to remember is that there is no one “right” way to nurse a toddler and no magic number for how many times each day your toddler should or shouldn’t nurse. As long as mama and baby are happy with their nursing relationship and have found a rhythm and balance that works for them, then breastfeeding is going well.


Now that my little one has celebrated his/her first birthday, do I need to introduce cow’s milk or another milk alternative?

Such a great question – and one that we find ourselves answering frequently! In order to provide you with the most educated answer to this question, I enlisted the help of one of San Diego Breastfeeding Center’s favorite Registered Dieticians, Rachel Rothman. Here is what Rachel had to say:

Cow's milk is a good source of fat, protein, calcium and vitamin D, though it is not the only potential source of such nutrition. As infants become toddlers, many pediatricians make the recommendation to start baby on cow’s milk in order to meet baby’s specific nutrient needs.   If your baby is consuming a sufficient amount of these nutrients (in other forms), there is no reason he/she needs cow's milk or an alternate milk source.   One note I always give to my patients is that for children up to at least 2 years of age it’s advisable to give them full-fat / whole milk dairy products (cheese, yogurt, or milk) to ensure they receive enough fat to satisfy their needs. Keep in mind -  breast milk is an excellent source of fat and other nutrients.

- Rachel Rothman, MS. RD

If you find yourself having further questions about your little one’s diet, I encourage you to reach out to Rachel, as she possesses a wonderful wealth of information on nutrition {}.


I’ve reached my goal of breastfeeding for one year and I am ready to wean, what is the best method?

Congratulations on reaching your goal! If you are ready to wean from breastfeeding, there are several methods to choose from. Weaning gradually often makes for the smoothest transition for you and your little one {and your breasts!}. To start the weaning process, choose one breastfeeding session and replace it with something else {such as previously pumped breastmilk, water, solid food, etc}. After a few days, you’ll choose another breastfeeding session to replace with something else, and so on. Usually the nursing sessions before naps and bedtime are the hardest to wean from, and therefore the last to go. Your little one will appreciate extra snuggles as they adjust to this big change in their life. Depending on the temperament of your child, and how often they are currently nursing, the weaning process may take a few weeks or a few months. If you’d like more information on weaning, check out this link to a previous blog series all aboutweaning an older child


Can I stop pumping at work and continue to breastfeed when I’m with my toddler?

Absolutely! As a working mom myself, I was eager to put away the pump after my little one turned one year old. I knew I’d miss that lovely womp womp womp sound and getting undressed and redressed in the middle of my workday, but figured I’d somehow survive. How soon you can stop pumping at work will depend on your work schedule, baby’s solid food intake, and what you have decided baby will consume in place of the pumped breastmilk you’ve been supplying. If you stop pumping at work and continue to breastfeed your toddler when you are with them, your supply should adjust to meet the needs of this new routine. Some moms find that their supply decreases as a result, but this usually isn’t a huge concern since your toddler should be eating plenty of table foods at this point. If you decide to stop pumping at work, remember to drop pumping sessions and reduce the amount of time spent pumping gradually, to reduce your risk of engorgement and plugged ducts.


How do I handle unsolicited advice about my toddler being “too old to breastfeed?”

The short answer is, don’t feel the need to defend yourself. When someone makes a comment about your toddler breastfeeding, simply say, “We are doing what’s best for our family. Thank you.” And then, walk away.

If you’d like to get a little more detailed with your response, or perhaps provide some breastfeeding education to the person, you can reference the American Academy of Pediatrics and the World Health Organization’s recommendations, which advocate continued breastfeeding past twelve months of age. You can also let them know that nursing toddlers are generally sick less often and have fewer allergies than non-breastfeeding toddlers.


What did breastfeeding look like for YOU during months 12-18?

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Robin Kaplan Robin Kaplan

Check Out These Lactation Rooms at the San Diego Airport!

Traveling just got easier for breastfeeding and pumping moms traveling through the San Diego International Airport!  Just in time for the holidays, right?

Last month, the San Diego Nursing in Public Task Force was contacted by a local breastfeeding mom, Emily Mest, who frequently travels through the San Diego International Airport for work.  Here is Emily’s story, which set the wheels in motion to make breastfeeding and pumping easier for all moms traveling through the San Diego airport.

Traveling just got easier for breastfeeding and pumping moms traveling through the San Diego International Airport!  Just in time for the holidays, right?

Last month, the San Diego Nursing in Public Task Force was contacted by a local breastfeeding mom, Emily Mest, who frequently travels through the San Diego International Airport for work.  Here is Emily’s story, which set the wheels in motion to make breastfeeding and pumping easier for all moms traveling through the San Diego airport.


Over the last year breastfeeding twins as a fulltime working mom, I’ve had a lot of  “air travel adventures”. There was the first time I pumped in my seat on a packed plane, and the glorious time an American Airlines stewardess curtained off her jumpseat area to give me a clean, private space. I’ll never forget bringing 25lbs of frozen milk back for the twins after a week in Costa Rica, and the kind United agent who waived the overweight bag fee since all the extra weight was breastmilk. I’ll  also never forget pumping tucked into a dirty corner of the Houston airport, just to have a tiny bit of privacy without pumping in an even dirtier bathroom.

Through it all, I couldn’t stop thinking how uncomfortable and emotionally draining this all was. From being away from my small babies, the normal stresses of air travel, and dealing with pumping, to clogged ducts, maintaining supply, and the ever-looming threat of mastitis.  If I hadn’t fought with everything I had to breastfeed my 35-weeker twins, I’d likely have thrown in the towel. If I hadn’t found a savvy working moms breastfeeding support group on Facebook, I doubt I would have had the confidence for those moments when I chose to throw on a cover and pump in front of hundreds of people in a crowded airport (choosing that over pumping in a foul-smelling bathroom). I found myself sad for other mamas who would have to endure this. I was disheartened thinking that if they didn’t have strong support or entrenched stubbornness, maybe they would stop breastfeeding because pumping during air travel can push you to your limits.

I had seen other mamas posting pictures of beautiful lactation rooms or lactation pods in other airports, so I started to investigate a bit. I emailed some of the pod companies to ask about how they go about getting their pods installed in airports. I Facebook messaged Jenna Ikuta, the manager of the San Diego Nursing in Public Task Force, responding to a post of hers about breastfeeding advocacy, and asked if she knew anything about Terminal 1 in the San Diego International Airport, where pumping is particularly hard. From Jenna, I found out that as of January 2016 a new law in California would require a place for moms to pump that is not a bathroom in all airport terminals that had over 1 million flights per year, except terminal 1 in San Diego.  

I became a mom on a mission: even if it happened after I was done breastfeeding, something had to be done about Terminal 1 in San Diego. As it turns out, my “mission” had really already been completed – the lactation room in Terminal 1 opened earlier this fall.  The San Diego Breastfeeding Coalition sent me an email to this regard, and I was shocked and excited. The following week I had a business trip and low and behold, after asking 5 employees someone finally knew what I was talking about and pointed me to the lactation room. It was beautiful.




There’s still a bit of work to be done: educating employees about the lactation room, putting up a well-placed sign or two, and spreading the word among nursing mamas. I posted in a few of the local breastfeeding groups, and added the location to the great app “Moms Pump Here” that helps moms find pumping locations around the country. I’m ironically writing this on my first business trip in over a year without a pump – I’m just gone for the day and the twins are only nursing morning and night now.  I hope that the next time you’re at the San Diego International Airport for a Southwest flight you enjoy the new facilities: just past security to your left, tucked under the escalators.


After submitting Emily’s letter to the San Diego International Airport’s Customer Relations Coordinator (with the help of the UCSD’s Lactation Supportive Environments Department), we were thrilled to report back to Emily that there were, in fact, THREE Lactation Rooms at the San Diego airport.  It appeared that the security and airport staff just had no idea that all three existed.  Since this misinformation was brought to the airport’s attention, they have gone above and beyond to make these Lactation Rooms available and accessible to breastfeeding and pumping moms.  First, they have placed the breastfeeding symbol on their interactive map, showing where all of the lactation rooms are located. Secondly, they have sent out a press release so that all of their staff members will know about the Lactation Rooms and where they are located.  

Hopefully the last step will be to take Emily’s advice and affix well-placed signs throughout the airport so that moms can easily find these rooms when they need them.  

We would like to commend the San Diego International Airport for making breastfeeding and pumping moms a priority in their renovation plans and for creating a wonderful space where moms may have some well-deserved privacy.

Thank you, Emily, for bringing this to our attention so that all breastfeeding and pumping moms traveling through our airport can benefit from these rooms!  And, for moms who would like to breastfeed their children throughout the terminal, remember that California law protects your right to breastfeed in public!  

Safe travels during the busy holiday season, and beyond!

Have you seen a Lactation Room or a Mamava Lactation Suite at one of the airports you have traveled through?  Snap a photo and place it in the comments so that we can share this information with other traveling moms!

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Robin Kaplan Robin Kaplan

Update on our Kickstarter Project

Well, our 30 days are up for our Kickstarter project and, unfortunately, our Nursing in Public Task Force website project didn't receive the funding that we had hoped for.  We reached about 10% of the funding we needed and I am so incredibly appreciative of the support we received from our generous donors!  

While I am sad that the Nursing in Public Task Force website project will have to be put on hold for now, I am not too discouraged to let it go completely.  Over the next few months, I will be updating the resources on our local Nursing In Public Task Force webpage, speaking at the Annual California Breastfeeding Summit about our project, and hopefully finding other funding sources to pay for this valuable online resource.  So, if you happen to have any ideas for other funding sources (or an amazing benefactor who'd like to pay for the website!), please email me so we can explore these options :-)  

If you would like to stay current on this project, please sign up for our newsletter, as we will be updating our website with new information and resources for nursing in public.

Thanks, again!  This has been an enlightening learning experience for me and I hope to have a huge announcement in the next few months that we have secured funding for this valuable and needed website!



Well, our 30 days are up for our Kickstarter project and, unfortunately, our Nursing in Public Task Force website project didn't receive the funding that we had hoped for.  We reached about 10% of the funding we needed and I am so incredibly appreciative of the support we received from our generous donors!  

While I am sad that the Nursing in Public Task Force website project will have to be put on hold for now, I am not too discouraged to let it go completely.  Over the next few months, I will be updating the resources on our local Nursing In Public Task Force webpage, speaking at the Annual California Breastfeeding Summit about our project, and hopefully finding other funding sources to pay for this valuable online resource.  So, if you happen to have any ideas for other funding sources (or an amazing benefactor who'd like to pay for the website!), please email me so we can explore these options :-)  

If you would like to stay current on this project, please sign up for our newsletter, as we will be updating our website with new information and resources for nursing in public.

Thanks, again!  This has been an enlightening learning experience for me and I hope to have a huge announcement in the next few months that we have secured funding for this valuable and needed website!



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Robin Kaplan Robin Kaplan

Join our Movement to Stop Nursing in Public Harassment

We are so excited to announce that we have launched our first Kickstarter campaign today!  It is called the Nursing in Public Task Force Website.  

As you know, the ladies at the San Diego Breastfeeding Center are fierce advocates for protecting a woman's right to breastfeed in public.   This is exactly why we created the San Diego Nursing in Public Task Force in 2013. Too many local moms had been discriminated against and shamed for breastfeeding their babies outside of their homes and we just couldn’t stand by silently anymore!

We are so excited to announce that we have launched our first Kickstarter campaign today!  It is called the Nursing in Public Task Force Website.  

As you know, the ladies at the San Diego Breastfeeding Center are fierce advocates for protecting a woman's right to breastfeed in public.   This is exactly why we created the San Diego Nursing in Public Task Force in 2013. Too many local moms had been discriminated against and shamed for breastfeeding their babies outside of their homes and we just couldn’t stand by silently anymore!


In these past 2 years, we have helped over a dozen women mediate nursing in public harassment incidents, as well as countless of others to remedy discriminatory incidents on their own.  We feel like the time has come to expand these resources… to help breastfeeding women and businesses/organizations across the country uphold their state laws that protect the rights of breastfeeding mothers and stop these discriminatory acts.


So, how can you help?

Today we launched a Kickstarter campaign to raise money for a national Nursing in Public Task Force website.  The money raised will pay for a website designer, content creation, and a photographer/videographer for the website.  We would be extremely grateful if you would take a few moments out of your day to look at the Kickstarter project.  If you feel like this sounds like a worthy cause, please consider donating and share with your friends (by forwarding this article and sharing on Facebook).  Know that you will be making a difference in thousands of women's and children's lives, as well as creating more tolerant and supportive communities across our country.

Click here to check out our Nursing in Public Task Force Website Kickstarter campaign:


Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts!  

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Robin Kaplan Robin Kaplan

Positive Breastfeeding in Public Stories - Britain ROCKS!

So much of what we hear about feeding our babies in public is negative - stories from women being harassed and shamed for breastfeeding in public.  While we believe that it is so important to respond to these incidents and educate people on the importance of normalizing breastfeeding, we also think that one of the best ways we can empower women is to share our positive experiences as well.  Below is one of many examples of wonderful responses women receive while feeding their babies in public - meet Claire!


“Although I was born and brought up in the UK, my first experience of motherhood and subsequently breastfeeding was an all american one & in the Golden State of California. Although I had a nasty start to my mothering career (NICU, acid reflux & breastfeeding problems) I soon got into the swing of it, San Diego style. Motherhood is a serious business down in the 'Diego, but also a soft, fluffy, touchy, feely kind of business. I was part of a wonderful group of Mamas who did Stroller Strides. We were a village, a team, a sisterhood and to this day, I miss it. There was a genuine desire to help, share and offer advice, and an openness about breastfeeding was part of that. Initially I was embarrassed at whipping the girls out, but as time went on, that Bebe au Lait nursing cover got discarded and I felt comfortable feeding my first born wherever and whenever.

So much of what we hear about feeding our babies in public is negative - stories from women being harassed and shamed for breastfeeding in public.  While we believe that it is so important to respond to these incidents and educate people on the importance of normalizing breastfeeding, we also think that one of the best ways we can empower women is to share our positive experiences as well.  Below is one of many examples of wonderful responses women receive while feeding their babies in public - meet Claire!


“Although I was born and brought up in the UK, my first experience of motherhood and subsequently breastfeeding was an all american one & in the Golden State of California. Although I had a nasty start to my mothering career (NICU, acid reflux & breastfeeding problems) I soon got into the swing of it, San Diego style. Motherhood is a serious business down in the 'Diego, but also a soft, fluffy, touchy, feely kind of business. I was part of a wonderful group of Mamas who did Stroller Strides. We were a village, a team, a sisterhood and to this day, I miss it. There was a genuine desire to help, share and offer advice, and an openness about breastfeeding was part of that. Initially I was embarrassed at whipping the girls out, but as time went on, that Bebe au Lait nursing cover got discarded and I felt comfortable feeding my first born wherever and whenever.

Fast forward to 2013 and I found myself back in the Land of my Birth. Such is the lot of a military family, we move frequently, but this was a good transition. I was going home! The plan was to try for another baby when we got to the UK. There were a few bumps in the road, but eventually Thomas made an appearance in December last year.

Now I have a very bad habit, (who doesn't, but it has a tendency to make the alarm bells go off in the sensationalist part of my brain) and that's my fondness for reading British tabloid newspapers. Hey, I needed to stay in touch with my old friends by knowing all of the British Z List wannabe's! It was my secret shame, come on, who doesn't love a bit of trash? My downfall is the Daily Mail (the British equivalent of the New York Post/National Enquirer) These guys could win Olympic Gold in rabble rousing. Their particular target seems to be breastfeeding mothers, as you can guarantee once a month there is an article dedicated to haranguing mothers for daring to feed their infants in public.

I think I managed to work myself up into such a frenzy that I was armed with a speech to challenge anyone who dared to try and stop me! Surprisingly, this hasn't been the case and I guess I am a little disappointed that I haven't had to inform anyone that if they tried to stop me, they were contravening the 2010 Equality Act! Of course, I have pre-empted any potential conflict with the return of the nursing cover, although this makes feeding a bit like getting in the ring with Mike Tyson, as Master Thomas does not like being covered up. I do get the sideways glances as they see the little feet thrashing around under a spotty pink cover, but I live in such a posh part of the country, everyone is far too polite to say anything!

Similarly, my expressing experience: on a rare date night with hubby we went all out and went for dinner at a very high class restaurant in London called Rules. This place is the real deal, I mean they filmed some of Downton Abbey there for goodness sake! But the half empty glass of water side of me fully expected to be relegated to the restrooms to pump, but if you don't ask, you don't get. Deep breath, let's ask the Maitre D, fully expecting a long look down the nose and face of horror. Shockingly, the gentleman in question not only said he could help me, but he took me to one of the private dining rooms and covered up the window so that I could pump in private. To top it off, he even bought me a glass of water! I wanted to kiss him and tell him that I wished all men were as open minded and affable as he. It seemed he was well versed in the womanly art of breastfeeding, as his wife breastfed all of their children and it was, in his words, a beautiful thing. Forget Bradley Cooper, this guy should be No1 on People Magazine's 100 Sexiest Men, because let's face it, there's nothing sexier than a man who acknowledges that breasts are more than just being Fun Bags for the Alpha Male!”


Do you have a positive breastfeeding in public story to share?  Please email it to

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Robin Kaplan Robin Kaplan

Positive Breastfeeding in Public Stories - Nordstrom ROCKS!

Written by Ashley Treadwell, IBCLC

So much of what we hear about feeding our babies in public is negative - stories from women being harassed and shamed for breastfeeding in public.  While we believe that it is so important to respond to these incidents and educate people on the importance of normalizing breastfeeding, we also think that one of the best ways we can empower women is to share our positive experiences as well.  Below is one of many examples of wonderful responses women receive while feeding their babies in public - meet Margaret!


I took five and a half months off after my baby was born in November 2014. She is our first, and after twelve weeks maternity leave, paid at 55% of my regular pay, I had another twelve-ish weeks of personal leave upaid. It was worth the financial sacrifice!

Written by Ashley Treadwell, IBCLC

So much of what we hear about feeding our babies in public is negative - stories from women being harassed and shamed for breastfeeding in public.  While we believe that it is so important to respond to these incidents and educate people on the importance of normalizing breastfeeding, we also think that one of the best ways we can empower women is to share our positive experiences as well.  Below is one of many examples of wonderful responses women receive while feeding their babies in public - meet Margaret!


I took five and a half months off after my baby was born in November 2014. She is our first, and after twelve weeks maternity leave, paid at 55% of my regular pay, I had another twelve-ish weeks of personal leave upaid. It was worth the financial sacrifice!

I made it a point to go out for lunch at Nordstrom (using a generous gift card) once a week. I was breastfeeding and extra-hungry, and I enjoyed soup, a sandwich, and dessert every time.

Usually, I visited the Ladies Lounge to nurse before or after lunch. My most-positive experience was at the Nordstrom in Westfield North County (Escondido) just before Christmas. One of the couches faces the door, so that other women going towards the bathroom stalls pass by and see you. So many people stopped to admire the baby and say a kind word. Older women in particular stopped to admire the ability of a breastfeeder to give her baby food anywhere, anytime. They regretted bottle-feeding their babies so many years ago. I made sure to say a kind word, like "you were a new mommy when 'bottle was best' back in the day - you were doing what you were told!" and we would chuckle about how silly doctor recommendations can sometimes be, and smile with the mutual generosity of mamas who are just trying to do what's best.

It was, needless to say, a very supportive and empowering experience.

As the baby got older, her sleep-wake cycle changed and it was impossible to predict when she would be hungry. A few times I fed her from the breast while eating at Nordstrom Cafe (in Fashion Valley). The staff were nothing but kind - going the extra mile to carry my things and being so kind.

I hope other San Diego mamas can build a routine of feeding baby out of the house. If they're feeling shy at first, Nordstrom Ladies Lounge is a great place to start.


Do you have a positive breastfeeding in public experience to share?  Please send it to us at

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Robin Kaplan Robin Kaplan

Positive Breastfeeding in Public Stories

Written by Ashley Treadwell, IBCLC

So much of what we hear about feeding our babies in public is negative - stories from women being harassed and shamed for breastfeeding in public.  While we believe that it is so important to respond to these incidents and educate people on the importance of normalizing breastfeeding, we also think that one of the best ways we can empower women is to share our positive experiences as well.  Below is one of many examples of wonderful responses women receive while feeding their babies in public - meet Briana!

Written by Ashley Treadwell, IBCLC


So much of what we hear about feeding our babies in public is negative - stories from women being harassed and shamed for breastfeeding in public.  While we believe that it is so important to respond to these incidents and educate people on the importance of normalizing breastfeeding, we also think that one of the best ways we can empower women is to share our positive experiences as well.  Below is one of many examples of wonderful responses women receive while feeding their babies in public - meet Briana!

"So I'm at Ross today with the toddler and baby when baby gets fussy and hungry. I let the kiddo try on big girl shoes in the ladies dept while I nursed baby. But a woman and her 'tween came down our aisle and hovered. I wasn't covered up and panicked for a second thinking that this may be my first altercation regarding NIP.

NOPE. The super sweet lady said I was doing a great job--and the most important one. She breastfed all 3 of her babies. I felt such a sense of connection and gratitude. I had a hard time not crying and hugging her.

I've never had anything but support from family, friends and strangers, but this was really touching today.

Just wanted to share a happy story, and write a little blessing to the wonderful woman who made my day. May she feel the love that I felt from her today, every day."


Do you have a positive breastfeeding in public experience to share?  Please send it to us at

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Robin Kaplan Robin Kaplan

Join the Normalize Breastfeeding Campaign

The San Diego Breastfeeding Center is so excited to announce that we are the newest local sponsor of the Normalize Breastfeeding Campaign, a project who's mission is to normalize breastfeeding and address the taboo of public breastfeeding in modern society, through photography.  

The San Diego Breastfeeding Center is so excited to announce that we are the newest local sponsor of the Normalize Breastfeeding Campaign, a project who's mission is to normalize breastfeeding and address the taboo of public breastfeeding in modern society, through photography.  

Vanessa Simmons, a Ghanaian-American photographer,  mother of three, and founder of, started her breastfeeding awareness media campaign in June 2014 by posting photos of breastfeeding women on social media.  Now with over 7,200 Facebook followers, 50 volunteer social media admins, and a website, Vanessa has launched a Kickstarter campaign to raise money for her Normalize Breastfeeding OB/Pediatrician and WIC Offices book.  The content of the book will be a collection of stories from the women who Simmons photographs and from the stories featured on her blog. She will be sharing her own breastfeeding stories in greater detail, as well.  The money raised through the Kickstarter campaign will fund expenses for Simmons to travel to cities and towns, throughout the United States, to photograph the many ways that breastfeeding is 'normal.'  


So, what does 'normal breastfeeding' include?  

Pretty much everything, which is why we are so passionate about helping Vanessa raise this money!  We can't wait to see more photographs of breastfeeding mothers of color, mothers breastfeeding preemies, mothers using supplemental nursing systems, exclusively pumping moms, tandem nursing moms, breastfeeding in public, and moms nursing their toddlers and preschoolers!  AND, we cannot wait to get these Normalize Breastfeeding books into OBGYN, Midwife, and Pediatrician offices, hopefully inspiring mothers to find themselves in these photographs, making breastfeeding more accessible and creating a new definition for 'normal breastfeeding.'  


How can YOU help?

Join us today to help normalize breastfeeding by donating to the Normalize Breastfeeding Kickstarter Campaign!

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Robin Kaplan Robin Kaplan

A Resolution to the LA Fitness Nursing in Public Harassment Incident

Last month I shared a story about how a breastfeeding mother had been involved in a nursing in public harassment incident at a local LA Fitness.  During this incident, Monique Golueke was told that her only option for breastfeeding in the Oceanside LA Fitness facility was in the Kids Klub restroom.  After some media coverage, a nurse-in, and several cordial email exchanges between the San Diego Nursing in Public Task Force and Jill Greuling (Vice President of Operations for LA Fitness), I am elated to report that we have come to an incredibly positive resolution!  

Today, I received an email from Ms. Greuling, stating that the following memo will pop up for every LA Fitness employee in California when they log on June 5th, requiring an acknowledgement that they read and understand the information contained in the memo:

"According to California Civil Code, section 43.3, “Notwithstanding any other provision of law, a mother may breastfeed her child in any location, public or private, except the private home or residence of another, where the mother and the child are otherwise authorized to be present.”  To accommodate breastfeeding women in LA Fitness facilities, staff members may recommend reasonable places for her to do so, such as the foyer, the sales area or in the Kids Klub. It is not reasonable to tell a woman that the only place she can breastfeed her baby is in the Kids Klub restroom."

The San Diego Nursing in Public Task Force would like to commend Monique Golueke and Ms. Greuling for having the initiative to take tangible, practical actions that will prevent any incidences like this from happening in the future.  We are thrilled we were able to collaborate with her to bring forth such a positive resolution.

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Robin Kaplan Robin Kaplan

You Know You Are a Breastfeeding Mother When...

Cyndi: You have to plan your work meetings around your pumping schedule.

Sherry: You walk around the house for a few minutes before realizing you never put your boob away.

April: All your shirts open in the front.

Amy: You go to run a 10k and pack your pump as part of your post-race routine.

Kelly: Every shirt you own had a stain from leaking over one or both breasts.

Amy: You workout and apologize to your friends for smelling like a mixture of sweat and milk due to random let downs.

Dana: You are happy to have limo tint on the back windows of your car because you spend so much time pumping in the back seat.

KC: Your husband wakes up to a ‘peep show’ and you’re passed out.

Christine: Your knit shirts are all stretched out because of your toddler reaching down and grabbing for self service.

Bethany: You feel your boobs all day to see which one needs to be nursed from next.

Angelique: You fear the mailman has had a free peep show, but you don’t even care.

Melissa: You question how much milk spillage is acceptable on a shirt before you change it.... and the answer is A LOT!

Ruthii: When sitting next to you becomes a splash zone.

Jennifer: You catch your toddler breastfeeding her dolly.

Jennifer: You walk out the front door and reflexively grab your chest to make sure your boobs aren’t hanging out!

Julie: When you cry over spilling an ounce of milk on the counter.

Suzanne: You use your milk as a cure everything from sunburns to eye and ear infections. Breast milk is the equivalent to Windex from the film "My Big Fat Greek Wedding."

Ashley: You’re excited for a date night because it means you don’t have to choose your clothes based on which are the easiest to take off in public.

Jacqueline: Your boobs are often lopsided.

Alethra: When hunger, tiredness, getting hurt, or any other dilemma is solved and smoothed over with whipping out the boob.  Problem solved!

Brittany: You’re in public and when you hear a baby start to cry, your first thought is, “Oh, man!  I hope I put on my breast pads today!”

Angela: When you bring your breast pump on your Vegas trip and plan everything around your pumping schedule.  Times have changed!


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