Chest/Breastfeeding Robin Kaplan Chest/Breastfeeding Robin Kaplan

On-Demand vs. Scheduled Feeding: Which is Best for Baby?

When it comes to chest/breastfeeding, parents often wonder whether on-demand feeding or scheduled feeding is best. Explore the differences and find what works for you.

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Originally published on Dec 9, 2014; Revised Nov 10, 2024 

Author: Robin Kaplan, M.Ed, IBCLC, FNC

When it comes to chest/breastfeeding, parents often wonder whether on-demand feeding (also known as on-cue feeding) or scheduled feeding is best for their baby’s growth and well-being.

We get asked this question in our clinic all of the time!  Parents hear a lot of differing information about when to feed their babies in the early weeks - every 2-3 hours, 8-12 times in a 24 hour period, etc.  It can be confusing to know what this means exactly - is it every 2 hours or every 3 hours?  What if the baby goes longer than 3 hours?  What if the baby seems hungry before 2 hours?  In this post, we’ll break down the differences between on-demand and scheduled feeding to help you decide what works best for you and your baby.


The San Diego Breastfeeding Center was established in 2009 by Robin Kaplan, International Board Certified Lactation Consultant, Functional Nutritionist, and parent.  Her vision was to create a judgment-free, inclusive support system for families navigating infant feeding challenges. 

SDBFC offers a wide range of one-on-one breastfeeding, infant feeding, and nutrition consultations - as well as classes, support groups, online articles, and social media - making it your one-stop-shop for all things infant feeding!


On-Demand vs Scheduled Feedings

What’s the difference between demand feeding and scheduled feeding?

Demand feeding, or on-cue feeding, involves feeding a baby whenever they show signs of hunger, like rooting, sucking on their hands, or fussing. 

Scheduled feeding means feeding a baby at set intervals, like every 3 hours, regardless of hunger cues.

What Does On-Demand Breastfeeding Look Like?

  • Babies regulate their own intake: Babies feed as often and as much as they need to support their growth and development.  Some feedings can last 10 minutes.  Others can last 45+ minutes.

  • Babies are fed when they show common hunger cues: For the first few months, your infant will show you they are hungry by licking their lips, sticking out their tongue, rooting around, and sucking on their hands, etc.  Crying can also be a hunger cue.  

  • Babies show signs when they’ve had enough: When a baby is done with a feeding, they may unlatch themselves and not try to relatch or fall asleep while nursing and seem content when the parent unlatches them.  

Benefits of On-Demand Breastfeeding

  • Optimizes milk supply: In the immediate days following birth, putting a baby to chest/breast at any and all hunger cues is excellent for bringing in a robust milk supply.  Mammary glands make milk in response to the frequency of suckling. The more a baby nurses, the more milk a parent produces. If a baby suckles less frequently, milk production slows. Frequent feedings during growth spurts also boosts milk production.

  • Ensures proper infant growth: Parents have different storage capacities in their chest/breasts and all babies take in different amounts - even the same baby will take differing amounts throughout a day.  On-demand feeding optimizes the baby’s ability to take in the amount of milk they need within a 24 hour period, rather than the same amount every feeding session.

  • Bonding opportunities galore: Feeding on demand allows for more skin-to-skin contact and closeness between parent and baby, as infants tend to settle more easily when held.  Plus, infants smell delicious, which helps parents release oxytocin (aka the love hormone!)

What Does Scheduled Breastfeeding Look Like?

  • Fixed feeding intervals: In scheduled breastfeeding, parents feed their baby at set intervals, such as every 3 hours, regardless of whether the baby shows hunger cues. 

  • Limited feeding duration: Some parents may set specific feeding times, like feeding for 15 minutes on each side.

  • Structured daily routines: Scheduled feeding often fits into a structured daily routine, like feeding before naps or bedtime to establish predictable eating and sleeping patterns. 

Benefits of Scheduled Breastfeeding

  • Sleepy newborns don’t always wake for feeding sessions: Some infants are very tired for the first few weeks and may not wake up on their own to feed 8+ times in 24 hours.  To help babies get back to birth weight by 2 weeks old, we recommend that parents wake their infants to feed at least every 3 hours during the day and at least every 4 hours at night for the first few weeks.  If your baby wants to feed more frequently, go for it!

  • Helps manage triple feeding: Triple feedings is when a parent is chest/breastfeeding, supplementing, and pumping. This is most common for babies born prematurely, babies with jaundice, babies with tongue ties, and babies who are having a difficult time gaining weight.  Ineffective and infrequent feedings can cause slow weight gain and can possibly cause a low milk supply.  Temporarily putting a baby on a feeding schedule can ensure that they are getting enough in a 24 hour period.

What If I’m Feeling Exhausted From On-Demand Breastfeeding?

  • Help your baby feed as effectively as possible: If your baby is feeding frequently, due to ‘snacking’, try to help your baby take in more milk at each feeding.  Keep your baby alert while breastfeeding by stripping them down to just a diaper, using breast compressions to help your baby get a let down more easily, or switching back and forth between breasts (switch nursing) when your baby’s swallows start to slow down.  Also, if using a nipple shield, see if removing it helps your baby take in more milk per feeding.

  • Prioritize rest when possible: Try to nap or rest whenever your baby sleeps, even if it’s just for short periods. Sleep is essential, especially during the early weeks when feedings are frequent.  

  • Share the load: Ask for help from your partner, family, or friends. They can assist with diaper changes, burping, or soothing your baby after a feed, allowing you more time to rest and recover.  

  • Remember that this feeding frequency is temporary: In the early months, babies feed frequently to build up milk supply and ensure proper growth. As your baby gets older, feedings will naturally space out, and you’ll have more flexibility and rest as a result.

So, how do I choose between on-demand feeding and scheduled feedings?

Honestly, it all comes down to what feels best for you and your family.  Remember you can always do a combination of on-demand and scheduled feedings.  It doesn’t have to be all or nothing.  

Why does my baby want to breastfeed constantly

What should I do if my baby wants to breastfeed constantly? This is a great time to meet with a lactation consultant and we are just a consult away!

If your baby wants to breastfeed constantly(i.e. snacking at feeding sessions), and it is not a temporary growth spurt, this is a great reason to meet with a lactation consultant! Let us help you figure out the root cause and an effective solution.  Book a one-on-one appointment with one of our lactation consultants today for personalized support tailored to you and your baby’s needs.

SDBFC is committed to providing high-quality lactation and functional nutrition consultations to parents in San Diego and beyond. Explore our postpartum, prenatal, and functional nutrition consultations, take a breastfeeding class or attend a workshop.

About the Author

Robin Kaplan has been an IBCLC since 2009, the same year that she opened up the San Diego Breastfeeding Center.  Robin was the founding host of the Boob Group podcast and published her first book, Latch: a Handbook for Breastfeeding with Confidence at Every Stage in 2018.  Melding her passions for supporting lactating parents and holistic health, Robin finished her Functional Nutrition Certification in 2023. In her free time, she enjoys hanging out with her two teenage boys, hiking, traveling, weaving, cooking, and searching for the best chai latte.

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Chest/Breastfeeding, Infant Health Robin Kaplan Chest/Breastfeeding, Infant Health Robin Kaplan

Understanding Infant Sleep - The First 6 Weeks

“I slept like a baby”  

When I hear this saying, I immediately envision sleeping deeply, soundly, and for 10 hours straight.  Whoever came up with that saying clearly didn’t have children!  All of the babies I know definitely do not sleep soundly for an extended period of time until at least toddlerhood… and even then sleep can be disrupted by teething, colds, and just regular night waking. With current infant sleep recommendations stating that babies should learn to sleep on their own, all night, by 6 months, I have to wonder how much of this information is hearsay and old-wives’ tales and how much is evidence-based (using good research models). 

So, let’s break this down using the most current research.  

“I slept like a baby”  

When I hear this saying, I immediately envision sleeping deeply, soundly, and for 10 hours straight.  Whoever came up with that saying clearly didn’t have children!  All of the babies I know definitely do not sleep soundly for an extended period of time until at least toddlerhood… and even then sleep can be disrupted by teething, colds, and just regular night waking. With current infant sleep recommendations stating that babies should learn to sleep on their own, all night, by 6 months, I have to wonder how much of this information is hearsay and old-wives’ tales and how much is evidence-based (using good research models). 

So, let’s break this down using the most current research.  




What does research tell us about infant sleep patterns?

Today I am going to discuss sleep patterns and behaviors for infants during the first 6 weeks.  I will continue to share information about sleep patterns for older babies throughout the next few weeks.


How much does a 0-6 week old newborn typically sleep in a 24 hour period?

  • Newborns sleep in short spurts, both day and night.

  • Most babies this age sleep between 9-19 hours over a 24 hour period (that’s a huge variation!)

  • Newborns have extremely small stomachs, which means they need to eat small, frequent meals, at least 8-12 times per day (as a minimum).  These feeding sessions can take anywhere from 15 minutes to over an hour, on average.  

  • Newborns eat about ⅓ of their food during the night.

  • Some babies may take one longer stretch of sleep at the beginning of the night (maybe 4 hours), but then may spend more time eating throughout the rest of the night and day to make up for the food intake they missed while sleeping longer. 

Take home message: It is biologically and developmentally normal for your baby to sleep in only 1-3 hour increments during the first 6 weeks because they are unable to eat enough at a feeding session to go for longer.  


Why do newborns wake often?

  • Besides having a small stomach capacity, newborns are hard-wired to wake frequently during the day and night.  This is one of the ways their bodies are protected from SIDS.

  • Newborns’ sleep cycles are different than adults: when they fall asleep, they spend more time in active (REM) sleep rather than quiet sleep (which means they wake more easily), their temperature doesn’t drop in the middle of the night (which means that they cannot distinguish daytime from nighttime), and they have no circadian rhythm.

  • Newborns are often unable to join multiple sleep cycles together.  This takes a few months for their bodies to figure out.  A newborn sleep cycle is 45 minutes long.  You might get two sleep cycles strung together for 90 minutes of uninterrupted sleep, but then they are right back up again.

Take home message: Babies are programmed to wake frequently and sleep lightly.  This is developmentally normal infant behavior.





What are realistic sleep expectations for your 0-6 week old newborn?

  • Your baby’s sleep patterns are going to be all over the place.  Unpredictable. Some short spurts (20 minutes).  Some long spurts (3 hours).  This is normal and will become more predictable over time. 

  • Your baby is going to wake frequently during the day and night until he/she develops a circadian rhythm around 3 months.  At 3 months, your baby may still wake frequently during the night, but will at least be able to fall back asleep fairly easily and quickly.

  • Your baby is also going to eat all of the time.  This is what builds and maintains your milk supply.  This is also what helps your baby gain weight and grow.

  • Sleep patterns will be disrupted during growth spurts.  Growth spurts happen around 2 weeks, 4 weeks, and 6 weeks.  What this means is that your baby will sleep less for a few days and want to eat more.  Once these growth spurts pass, your milk supply should be even more robust than before and your baby will slow back down to eating slightly less frequently.





What are some tips for parents feeling really overwhelmed and sleep deprived with baby’s frequent waking?

  • Sometimes just knowing that these sleep patterns are normal and temporary makes the situation seem more manageable.  Remember, your baby will eventually start sleeping for longer chunks of time (which we will discuss in the next few articles)

  • Have your baby sleep on someone’s chest while you take a nap.  Babies LOVE to sleep on an adult’s chest and usually sleep a bit more soundly and longer.  This is not spoiling your baby or creating a bad habit.  This is meeting your baby’s developmental need to be near others.

  • Look into safe co-sleeping guidelines, as research has shown that families who safely co-sleep or bedshare get more sleep than those whose babies sleep in a different room. 

  • Try what the authors of Sweet Sleep call ‘Front Loading:’ do more work early in the day and start to unwind earlier in the evening.  If you can unwind earlier, that means you can fall asleep earlier and easier, as well.  Check out this Huffington Post article about 15 Science-Backed Ways to Falls Asleep Faster

  • Start filtering out the misinformation you receive from others about what they think your baby should be doing regarding sleeping and eating.  This will only create a situation where you think there is a sleeping problem, when in actuality your situation is most likely perfectly normal.


In our next article about infant sleep, we will discuss normal sleep patterns for babies 6 weeks to 4 months.

Resources for evidence-based info about normal infant sleep:

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Chest/Breastfeeding Robin Kaplan Chest/Breastfeeding Robin Kaplan

I’ve Had My Baby - Now What? Breastfeeding During Weeks 3-6

Welcome back to our new series, I’ve Had My Baby - Now What?  This is a guide with basic information to help you navigate the first days, weeks, and months of breastfeeding your new baby.  

Today we’d like to talk about weeks 3 through 6 of your baby’s life, and what breastfeeding looks like.  What can you expect for normal behavior from your new baby, and when do you know there’s a problem that you should seek professional help for?

Welcome back to our new series, I’ve Had My Baby - Now What?  This is a guide with basic information to help you navigate the first days, weeks, and months of breastfeeding your new baby.  

Today we’d like to talk about weeks 3 through 6 of your baby’s life, and what breastfeeding looks like.  What can you expect for normal behavior from your new baby, and when do you know there’s a problem that you should seek professional help for?



What does normal breastfeeding look like in weeks 3-6?  How often should my baby be eating, and how long should feedings take?

It’s extremely common for babies at this age to still want to feed frequently, every 2-3 hours.  Some *may* become more efficient and take in more at feedings and start to space them out a bit more, but don’t fear if your baby hasn’t done this yet!  Feedings may start to speed up as mom’s milk volume is higher and baby has had good practice breastfeeding, but again, don’t worry if your baby still feeds at the breast for as long as he/she did in the early weeks.  It can take some time for mom and baby to really get their groove and you may still be working out some kinks during weeks 3 through 6.


How much weight should my baby be gaining at this age?  How will I know if he/she is getting enough when I’m not seeing my pediatrician as frequently for weight checks?

Up to 4 months of age, we expect babies to gain .5-1 oz/day, or 4-7 ounces a week.  There are many ways other than weight to be sure that your baby is getting enough milk.  If your baby is having plenty of wet and soiled diapers each day, and generally seems content after feedings for two hours or more (outside of growth spurts and cluster feeding periods), you can feel good that he/she is probably getting enough.  If you want a little more concrete evidence, a great way to track your baby’s weight is by attending a free weekly breastfeeding support group.  There will often be a scale there to weigh your baby, you can do test weights to see how much baby is taking during that feeding, get help from a lactation consultant or educator, and, the BEST part, meet and connect with other moms.


Can I give my baby a bottle now?  If so, who should give it and how often should they do so?

 Once breastfeeding has been established, weeks 3-5 are the perfect time to introduce a bottle to your baby if you’d like them to take one.  It’s normally best that someone other than mom gives the baby the bottle, as babies often associate mom with breastfeeding and may refuse a bottle from her.  Plus, often times, partners and grandparents have been waiting for their moment to participate in the feeding of the baby.  We recommend that mom start pumping after week 3, once a day or so, to start to save up milk for that first bottle.  2-3oz is an appropriate amount to start with.  Be sure that the bottle is fed to the baby in a breastfeeding friendly manner.  If mom is going back to work, we recommend that baby receives a bottle on a somewhat regular basis, a few times a week, so that he/she remains familiar with it.  Plus, mom should pump every time baby receives a bottle to maintain her milk supply.


My baby is inconsolable for a few hours in the evenings.  Why is this happening and what can I do?

Many babies have a “witching hour”, or as I like to call it, “an unhappy hour”.  The term is a bit misleading as the behavior normally lasts for more than an hour!  It occurs most frequently in the late afternoon/evening hours.  Babies are often fussier than normal during this time, and want to eat often.  And while they want to feed often, they may pull off more frequently as well.  There are a number of theories as to what causes this fussiness at this time.  They may be feeding often to “tank up” on calories before taking a long sleep (sounds wonderful!).  They may be overstimulated from their day and having a hard time winding themselves down.  This is often a busy time for the entire household, as partners are home from work and older siblings may be home from school.  Best thing that you can do during this time is to offer the breast often.  Learning to nurse in a baby carrier can be a lifesaver as it will allow you to be hands-free while the baby is snuggled, fed, and comforted.


How will I know if my baby is colicky?  Is this the same as the ‘witching hour?’

Many parents confuse normal fussy behavior for colic.  Colic is defined as 3 hours or more of crying, 3 or more times a week, for 3 or more weeks in a row.  It normally resolves itself around month 4.  If your baby’s crying looks like this, he/she may have colic.  There are no definitive cause for colic, but it could be related to gut issues due to food sensitivities.  The “witching hour” is the period of time of day when your baby may seem unusually fussy, normally lasting for a couple of hours. This behavior peaks around 6 weeks and then often starts to fade.


If I am still having a challenging time building up my milk supply at this time, have I missed the window for increasing my milk supply?

Not at all!  Depending on the reason for mom’s low supply, there are plenty of things that can help boost  supply at this stage.  The most important thing is to learn why mom is struggling with her milk supply.  As always, lots of good breast stimulation is best - either from a baby or a hospital grade pump. There are also herbs and medications that are available that can help boost supply as well.


There may be times when things aren’t going the way they should.  If you find this, please contact an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant to help you.  Some signs that you might need some additional help:

  • Sore, cracked, bruised, or bleeding nipples.

  • Baby is gaining less than 4oz per week.

  • You suspect your baby may be tongue-tied.

  • Painful, recurrent engorgement.

  • Oversupply.

  • Baby is having problems stooling.

  • Overly gassy, fussy, or colicky baby.

  • Breast infection - mastitis, abscess, or thrush.


For  more information about what normal breastfeeding looks like in the first few weeks, check out our article,What Every Mom Should Know About Breastfeeding During the Early Weeks, which highlights our brand new brochure!  Also, check out Ashley as she discusses more tips and tricks for breastfeeding during weeks 3-6 on the Boob Group episode, New Mom Breastfeeding Manual: Weeks 3-6.

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Chest/Breastfeeding Robin Kaplan Chest/Breastfeeding Robin Kaplan

I’ve Had My Baby - Now What? Breastfeeding During the Second Week

Welcome to our new series, I’ve Had My Baby - Now What?  This is a guide with basic information to help you navigate the first days, weeks, and months of breastfeeding your new baby.  

Today we’d like to talk about the second week of your baby’s life, and what breastfeeding looks like.  What can you expect for normal behavior from your new baby, and when do you know there’s a problem that you should seek professional help for?

Now that my milk has increased in volume, what should feedings look like?  How much does a baby need at each feeding and how long should it take?

Welcome to our new series, I’ve Had My Baby - Now What?  This is a guide with basic information to help you navigate the first days, weeks, and months of breastfeeding your new baby.  

Today we’d like to talk about the second week of your baby’s life, and what breastfeeding looks like.  What can you expect for normal behavior from your new baby, and when do you know there’s a problem that you should seek professional help for?


Now that my milk has increased in volume, what should feedings look like?  How much does a baby need at each feeding and how long should it take?

Most moms will see their milk change from the first low-volume colostrum to the fuller-volume mature milk somewhere between day 3 and day 5.  So by week 2, there is often more milk for baby to take per each feeding.  However, in the early days of the second week, a baby only needs about 1.5 ounces per feeding.  By the end of the second week, the baby will need 2-2.5 ounces per feeding.  Feeding length should still be determined by baby and when baby seems satisfied, but most little ones at this age should be able to get a full feeding in 30 - 60 minutes.



How much weight should my baby gain in week 2 of life? When should they regain their birth weight?

It’s normal for all babies to lose some of their birth weight in the first few days of life.  Once mom’s milk transitions to the fuller volume milk between day 3 and day 5, baby should gain ½ - 1 oz per day.  Most babies who are breastfeeding well will reach their birth weight by 10-14 days.  If your baby doesn’t regain their birth weight by 14 days, it might be a good idea to seek the help of a lactation consultant.

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My baby seems to prefer one of my breasts over the other, and even has a difficult time latching onto the other one - is this normal and what can I do?

It is common for babies to prefer one side over the other.  They have often been lying in one position in utero, which can cause tightness in their necks and jaws.  Sometimes a long and difficult labor can affect the baby’s ability to latch onto one side - if the pushing section was long and baby was in birth canal for many hours - the compressions to his head may affect him in this way.  Often babies will work it out in the first few weeks, but if your baby continues to struggle, we often recommend body work for the baby, in the form of Craniosacral Therapy or Chiropractic care.


My baby starts choking shortly after starting to breastfeed.  What is causing this and what can I do?

Some moms find that their milk “lets down” very quickly.  When a baby begins to feed, the stimulation of the nipple releases hormones for mom to signal her body to “eject” the milk from the milk ducts.  When this happens quickly and forcefully, sometimes the sudden flow can take the baby by surprise and they may come off the breast coughing and sputtering.  If all is going well, the baby should learn to manage this within the first couple of weeks.  Feeding in a laid-back position can also be very helpful to slow down your let down. If your baby continues to struggle with a forceful letdown, it could indicate that there is something happening anatomically that is preventing him from being able to adapt.  This would be a good time to visit with a lactation consultant.


My 2 week-old baby is suddenly famished!  He went from eating every 2-3 hours to wanting to eat *constantly*!  He never seems satisifed and is fussy at the breast. Does this mean my milk supply is decreasing?

All babies go through a growth spurt around 2 weeks of age. The behavior above describes what a baby will act like during these growth spurts. It’s a natural occurrence to help build your milk supply to help keep up with the baby’s increasing needs.  Growth spurts usually last 48-72 hours.  As long as your baby is continuing to have plenty of wet and dirty diapers, there is no reason to think that your milk supply is faltering.

There may be times when things aren’t going the way they should.  If you find this, please contact an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant to help you.  Some signs that you might need some additional help:

  • Sore, cracked, bruised, or bleeding nipples.

  • Baby is still well under birth weight near 14 days of life.

  • You suspect your baby may be tongue-tied.

  • Painful, recurrent engorgement.

  • Oversupply.

  • Baby is having problems stooling.

  • Overly gassy, fussy, or colicky baby.

  • Breast infection - mastitis, abscess, or thrush.

For  more information about what normal breastfeeding looks like in the first few weeks, check out our article, What Every Mom Should Know About Breastfeeding During the Early Weeks, which highlights our brand new brochure!

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