Robin Kaplan Robin Kaplan

Join the Normalize Breastfeeding Campaign

The San Diego Breastfeeding Center is so excited to announce that we are the newest local sponsor of the Normalize Breastfeeding Campaign, a project who's mission is to normalize breastfeeding and address the taboo of public breastfeeding in modern society, through photography.  

The San Diego Breastfeeding Center is so excited to announce that we are the newest local sponsor of the Normalize Breastfeeding Campaign, a project who's mission is to normalize breastfeeding and address the taboo of public breastfeeding in modern society, through photography.  

Vanessa Simmons, a Ghanaian-American photographer,  mother of three, and founder of, started her breastfeeding awareness media campaign in June 2014 by posting photos of breastfeeding women on social media.  Now with over 7,200 Facebook followers, 50 volunteer social media admins, and a website, Vanessa has launched a Kickstarter campaign to raise money for her Normalize Breastfeeding OB/Pediatrician and WIC Offices book.  The content of the book will be a collection of stories from the women who Simmons photographs and from the stories featured on her blog. She will be sharing her own breastfeeding stories in greater detail, as well.  The money raised through the Kickstarter campaign will fund expenses for Simmons to travel to cities and towns, throughout the United States, to photograph the many ways that breastfeeding is 'normal.'  


So, what does 'normal breastfeeding' include?  

Pretty much everything, which is why we are so passionate about helping Vanessa raise this money!  We can't wait to see more photographs of breastfeeding mothers of color, mothers breastfeeding preemies, mothers using supplemental nursing systems, exclusively pumping moms, tandem nursing moms, breastfeeding in public, and moms nursing their toddlers and preschoolers!  AND, we cannot wait to get these Normalize Breastfeeding books into OBGYN, Midwife, and Pediatrician offices, hopefully inspiring mothers to find themselves in these photographs, making breastfeeding more accessible and creating a new definition for 'normal breastfeeding.'  


How can YOU help?

Join us today to help normalize breastfeeding by donating to the Normalize Breastfeeding Kickstarter Campaign!

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Robin Kaplan Robin Kaplan

Our Interview with Abby (THE Badass Breastfeeder!)

A few weeks ago, I serendipitously stumbled upon the e-mail course called "Becoming a Badass Public Breastfeeder in 7 Days."  For those of you who have been following our blog since January 2013, you are already well aware that I am in the process of creating a San Diego Nursing in Public Task Force to assist mothers who have dealt with nursing in public harassment.  In this process, I have been combing the Internet to find websites to include in our resource list.  Well, as always, Abby (The Badass Breastfeeder) has outdone herself by creating something that is fresh, pertinent, and totally relatable for breastfeeding mothers.  I was dying to 'meet' her, as well as ask her a few questions about her email course, and she enthusiastically agreed to an interview.  So, here's Abby telling a little about herself and sharing her fantastic resource, Becoming a Badass Public Breastfeeder in 7 Days! 

A few weeks ago, I serendipitously stumbled upon the e-mail course called "Becoming a Badass Public Breastfeeder in 7 Days."  For those of you who have been following our blog since January 2013, you are already well aware that I am in the process of creating a San Diego Nursing in Public Task Force to assist mothers who have dealt with nursing in public harassment.  In this process, I have been combing the Internet to find websites to include in our resource list.  Well, as always, Abby (The Badass Breastfeeder) has outdone herself by creating something that is fresh, pertinent, and totally relatable for breastfeeding mothers.  I was dying to 'meet' her, as well as ask her a few questions about her email course, and she enthusiastically agreed to an interview.  So, here's Abby telling a little about herself and sharing her fantastic resource, Becoming a Badass Public Breastfeeder in 7 Days! 


Tell us a little about yourself.  When and why did you start The Badass Breastfeeder?

Ok, well, I can be a bit chatty so I might tell you more than you ever really wanted to know about me! I was born in Cincinnati, OH. I have lived in Columbus, OH; Racine, WI; Abcoude and Amsterdam, Holland; Brooklyn and Queens, NY; and Chicago, IL. I am 36 years old. I received my Bachelor’s Degree in Criminology/Psychology from John Jay College of Criminal Justice in NYC in 2001 (yes, I was there during the 9/11 terrorist attacks. That sucked). My now husband and I moved from NYC to Chicago, IL in 2003. I received my Master’s Degree in Social Work from Jane Addams College of Social Work in 2009. I spent 14 years working with adolescents and their families involved in the criminal justice system and the child welfare system.


It all came to a sudden stop when my son, Jack, was born on July 30, 2011. I suddenly knew nothing about children. Everything that I had believed and thought was thrown into question when I met my son. There was not one aspect of parenting that I planned for that fit with how I felt about my new life. I started completely over and basically read so much that I got another Master’s degree, but this time in gentle parenting. I didn’t really get another degree, but I immersed myself in information about breastfeeding, babywearing, cosleeping, etc. I struggled big time with getting started with breastfeeding. I felt totally alone and afraid. I felt like a failure every time it was time to nurse Jack. He seemed to hate it. He cried, struggled and popped on and off. We supplemented with formula and my breastfeeding relationship with my son was close to ending every day. I was devastated. Then we decided to kick the formula. The more I read the more empowered I felt. I fought really hard to get him exclusively breastfeeding. I stayed up all day and all night reading everything under the sun. By 2 month we were exclusively breastfeeding. I felt so powerful! I started to feel like my old self again, but better. I had learned so much about myself and we were now on an exciting journey to gentle parenting and Jack would be in charge of weaning. I was so excited. I had so much to say and share. Then one day I was harassed by some moms in a private Facebook group for posting a photo of me breastfeeding in a park. The next day in March 2012 I started a Facebook page to share these pictures publicly because I wanted moms to have a place to celebrate breastfeeding where they would be free from harassment. I started a blog for my friends where I shared the details of my parenting journey. And then I have no idea what happened! It just got really big really fast. I started channeling my passion for advocacy from my social career into sharing information with other moms and challenging what we were hearing from the mainstream and providing support where it was majorly lacking. It grew and grew and grew! I have tried to let moms guide me and show me what they need.

What inspired you to create the email course: Becoming a Badass Breastfeeder?

It became clear from running the Facebook page that our culture sees breasts as sexual and nothing else. Women are afraid of being harassed when they breastfeed in public. Women are being devalued as mothers and nurturers. Women choose not to breastfeed at all sometimes because of discomfort with their bodies or having never been around it. Women get the message that their bodies are to be hidden away for the sexual use by the partners. We have become so disconnected from our natural purpose and power. Some women become mothers and never see breastfeeding at all until they are breastfeeding their own babies. I got so much feedback from women who said that they were afraid to breastfeed in public. This motivated me to take all of my thoughts about breastfeeding in public, all of the support and advice I had given on the Facebook page and my blog, and put it into one place. In November 2012 I created the e-mail course “Become a Badass Public Breastfeeder in 7 Days.” The e-course is a great method because people can get small bits of information allowing them to think about it and digest it before moving onto another topic. I worked harder on it than I thought I would and through writing it I became even more passionate about the topic. I feel like it solidified for me my niche as The Badass Breastfeeder.



What resources does a mother receive when she signs up for the course and where can she sign up?

    In the e-course, a mother will receive tips for exuding confidence while nursing in public, tips for dealing with staring (which is the number 1 fear I heard from women), ideas about clothing and finding comfy spots in public, tutorials on how to breastfeed while babywearing, detailed advice on engaging unsupportive family and friends in a conversation about nursing in public, comebacks for negative comments from the public, and a summary of the laws that protect breastfeeding in public. I focus on empowerment through rethinking about our bodies and providing information. You can sign up at I have also created a workbook version that goes into much greater detail and engages the mother in a journey of self-reflection designed to empower her on all levels of motherhood. I created this doe to the demand from many women who wanted to do the course with their friends and for professionals interested in running groups on the topic. More information on this can be found at

    Have you received any feedback about this course?

      It has gotten great reviews! I get e-mails from women, on a daily basis, who say that they no longer feel afraid, that they nurse in public regularly and feel empowered as a mother. I am quite happy! It’s more than I ever expected. I feel if breastfeeding in public can be normalized then more babies will be breastfed. And that is the entire point.


      What are your top five tips for Becoming a Badass Breastfeeder?

      1. Change your thinking about your body. We can become so focused on our insecurities, but when we reframe our thinking it actually changes the way we feel about ourselves and the way we act.

      2. Engage fully with your baby. This will help take the focus off of others so you won’t be as concerned about what they are thinking or where they are looking.

      3. Get into babywearing! It makes it so much easier when you are out and about. I know breastfeeding while babywearing can be difficult to figure out, but the course can help.

      4. Learn how the breastfeeding laws in your state protect you. You can print them out and carry them around. You might be surprised by how much more confidence this gives you.

      5. Create a support network of family and friends. It’s almost impossible to be successful at anything when the people in our lives are unsupportive. The largest section of the course is about engaging family and friends to be more supportive and finding like-minded moms to meet face to face. Moms are so good at supporting moms! 

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      Robin Kaplan Robin Kaplan

      Breastfeeding in Public is Legal in California, Right?

      Recently San Diego, California (aka America’s Finest City) has been hit with some pretty obnoxious breastfeeding-in-public harassment situations.  While I assumed that most Californians knew that breastfeeding in public was legal in our wonderful state, apparently, most people don’t.  Even my husband, who is an attorney and married to a lactation consultant, was unaware that there was actually a California law that protected a woman’s right to nurse in public. 


      First and foremost, it is shocking to me that we actually need a law to protect a woman’s right to feed her baby in public, but yet, I must remind myself that most people think breasts are for fun rather than functionality.

      Secondly, why don’t most people know that this law exists? 

      Third, how is it possible that EVEN WITH a law stating a woman can breastfeeding in public, mothers are STILL being harassed for doing so?

      What does the California law actually say?

      Recently San Diego, California (aka America’s Finest City) has been hit with some pretty obnoxious breastfeeding-in-public harassment situations.  While I assumed that most Californians knew that breastfeeding in public was legal in our wonderful state, apparently, most people don’t.  Even my husband, who is an attorney and married to a lactation consultant, was unaware that there was actually a California law that protected a woman’s right to nurse in public. 


      First and foremost, it is shocking to me that we actually need a law to protect a woman’s right to feed her baby in public, but yet, I must remind myself that most people think breasts are for fun rather than functionality.

      Secondly, why don’t most people know that this law exists? 

      Third, how is it possible that EVEN WITH a law stating a woman can breastfeeding in public, mothers are STILL being harassed for doing so?

      What does the California law actually say?

      According to California Civil Code, section 43.3, “Notwithstanding any other provision of law, a mother may breastfeed her child in any location, public or private, except the private home or residence of another, where the mother and the child are otherwise authorized to be present.” 

      In laymen’s terms: a mother may breastfeed her child in ANY public space!

      Are you ready to hear about the situation where a mother was harassed for nursing in public?

      Hope you’re sitting down for this one!


      On January 8, 2013, Rebecca Garcia was breastfeeding her 8 month old son in one of the courtrooms at the Chula Vista Courthouse.  When her son started to fuss, the bailiff, Deputy Chong, approached Rebecca and asked what she was doing.  When Rebecca said she was breastfeeding, Deputy Chong stated loudly, in front of the entire courtroom, “You should be ashamed of yourself, it’s inappropriate, you need to leave and go outside, do that somewhere else private, and it is illegal to breastfeed in court!”

      Rebecca reported that, “I felt embarrassed and ashamed because of the way that the Deputy was staring me down, so I unlatched my child thinking I should leave.  I did not want to interrupt the proceedings and I was so embarrassed and started to get very emotional. The judge heard the commotion and stopped the court and asked what was going on.  I explained to her what the deputy said and she said that I could stay. She also asked me if I had a cover, which I did, and gave permission to continue breastfeeding.  I was relieved to hear this from her because the Deputy was so rude and uncaring.” 

      Unfortunately, Rebecca’s son started to fuss again, so she chose to leave the courtroom and breastfeed in a cubicle in the hallway, due to her embarrassment from the confrontation. 

      This is where I hope you’re sitting down….

      Deputy Chong followed Rebecca out of the courtroom and continued to harass her for breastfeeding in the courtroom, making many disparaging comments, including his opinion that she should be ashamed of herself.  At one point, Rebecca attempted to leave Deputy Chong’s presence, and Deputy Chong went so far as to physically block her way out of the cubicle so that he could continue the harassment.  Finally, even when Rebecca exited the cubicle, Deputy Chong followed her to say a few more disparaging comments, finishing with, “I don’t know what kind of world you live in, but it’s not okay to breastfeed in public.”

      Following this incident, Rebecca filed a complaint with Deputy Chong’s supervisor.  The supervisor informed Rebecca that she would speak with Deputy Chong, but not to expect a phone call describing the resolution or any form of apology.

      Again, how is this possible?  The fact that Rebecca’s right was so egregiously violated inside of a California State courtroom by a California State employee shows that awareness of this law is clearly lacking.

      Fortunately, Rebecca decided that her story needed to be heard.  Following this incident, she contacted our San Diego County Breastfeeding Coalition.  Katherine Doan, another breastfeeding mom who happened to be a witness to this incident, contacted me through our San Diego Breastfeeding Center Facebook page to see if I could help as well.  I was so moved by Rebecca’s story (as were all of you), that I knew I had to do something!  Plus, ironically just 1 week before I found out about this incident, I had written an article for Lactation Matters about how I planned to create change in my community for protecting a mother’s right to breastfeed in public.  Coincidence…. I think not!

      Here’s what Rebecca and I have done so far….

      We’ve contacted the San Diego County Courts to request a meeting with their executive officer to discuss the following:


      • A request to place a substantial segment in the court’s annual discrimination training to educate their staff regarding the language of California Civil code, section 43.3, that states a woman can breastfeed in public.
      • A request that ALL San Diego courthouses display ‘Breastfeeding Welcome Here’ stickers.
      • A demand that Rebecca Garcia receives a formal, written apology for the actions of Deputy Chong.

      Due to the publicity on our Facebook page, Caridad Sanchez, a staff member from Senator Barbara Boxer’s office, contacted me and was moved to action.  Caridad was appalled by Rebecca's nursing in public incident and inspired to help remedy this situation, as well as make sure that this doesn't continue to happen to other breastfeeding mothers.  Caridad and I plan to meet in the next few weeks to discuss how she can help connect me with state legislators to pursue an enforcement provision to the CA state law, as well as other possibilities to protect the rights of breastfeeding women.

      It is my every hope that this situation resolves in a peaceful and compassionate manner.  I will continue to update this blog as more details and resolutions become available. 

      In the meantime, here’s what you can do to make a difference:


      The more we can ‘normalize’ breastfeeding in public, or breastfeeding in general, the less common this form of harassment will be.

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      Chest/Breastfeeding Robin Kaplan Chest/Breastfeeding Robin Kaplan

      What about My Freezer Stash of Breastmilk During a Power Outage?

      As many breastfeeding moms prepare for Hurricane Sandy and her aftermath, we wanted to share a fantastic article written by our friend, Katy Linda of Stylin’ Momma.  Here’s all you need to know about what to do with your frozen breastmilk during a Hurricane, or any power outage for that matter. 

      Our thoughts are with all of you on the East Coast who are bracing for this monstrous storm and hope Sandy is much weaker than expected.


      Weathering a Storm with a Freezer Stash of Breastmilk

      Reposted with permission by Katy Linda, IBCLC of Stylin’ Momma

      As Hurricane Sandy approaches the east coast of the US, many moms are wondering, ‘What about my freezer stash?‘.  And with good reason.  There is concern about what this storm will do and how long people may be without power.  Many moms have worked hard to have frozen milk on hand for their babies, and the thought of losing that liquid gold is just too much to bear.

      As many breastfeeding moms prepare for Hurricane Sandy and her aftermath, we wanted to share a fantastic article written by our friend, Katy Linda of Stylin’ Momma.  Here’s all you need to know about what to do with your frozen breastmilk during a Hurricane, or any power outage for that matter. 

      Our thoughts are with all of you on the East Coast who are bracing for this monstrous storm and hope Sandy is much weaker than expected.


      Weathering a Storm with a Freezer Stash of Breastmilk

      Reposted with permission by Katy Linda, IBCLC of Stylin’ Momma

      As Hurricane Sandy approaches the east coast of the US, many moms are wondering, ‘What about my freezer stash?‘.  And with good reason.  There is concern about what this storm will do and how long people may be without power.  Many moms have worked hard to have frozen milk on hand for their babies, and the thought of losing that liquid gold is just too much to bear.

      So how long can you go without power and still save that precious breastmilk?  Let’s see…

      We know that the safest place to store breastmilk is in a chest freezer or deep freezer at a temperature of 0 degrees Farenheight. ABM Protocol #8

      We also know that a freezer generally stays frozen for 24-48 hours without power, especially if it is full. via USDA

      So, we know off the bat that breastmilk frozen in a full chest freezer is absolutely safe for 48 hours!  Great news.  The best way to protect your milk is to store it in the center of the freezer, where temperatures are more stable. This will ensure it stays frozen as long as possible.

      And what if the power is out longer?  Let’s see –

      Breastmilk is still considered frozen if there are ice crystals in it or it is a slushy consistency. via HMBANA’s best practice, 2005.

      Wow.  So even beyond 48 hours we can look for ice crystals to tell us the milk is still frozen. Wonderful news. But what do we do when the milk is thawed and there are no ice crystals left?

      Take a look at this:

      “The data generated by the authors support the contention that milk is relatively robust. Milk that has been left unrefrigerated for less than 8 hours, or placed in the refrigerator for a day, is safe to use and retains a good portion of its nutritional value. Moreover, it appears that unpasteurized milk that has been accidentally thawed remains safe to use provided it has not been left too long in an unthawed condition. Based on these data, it appears that unpasteurized milk that has thawed in the refrigerator for up to 8 hours may be safely refrozen. Moreover, this data would seem to support the use of frozen milk to which fresh milk has been added and then refrozen. This should allow for more convenient storage and for the salvage of milk that mothers might otherwise have been told to discard.

       Rechtman DJ, Lee ML and Berg H. Effect of environmental conditions on unpasteurized donor human milk. Breastfeeding Medicine. Spring, 2006;  1(1): 24-26.

      So it looks like thawed milk CAN be refrozen if necessary.

      Let’s keep in mind that breastmilk is a living fluid, and is full of live cells and active immune factors and enzymes which can be, and are, damaged in the freezing process.  The BEST way to have breastmilk is fresh.  That is when the nutritional content is at its highest.  The more we change the temperature the more we denature the proteins, and we lose some of those important qualities.  You might consider leaving out the milk that would be used in the next 24 hours, then re-freezing the rest.

      *** Keep in mind that this is to be used for emergency situations, not on a regular basis.  Since you don’t pump in a laboratory you may want to make sure the milk passes the sniff test before feeding it to the baby.  Breastmilk that is bad will smell BAD and you will know.  If it smells fine, it likely is.



      Some tips to maximize the length of time your milk will stay frozen & safe -

      1. Store milk in the center of a full chest/deep freezer. To help fill the freezer you can fill plastic bags or containers with water and freeze them into ice.

      2. Group bags of milk into plastic container or larger bags to avoid leaking in case of defrost.

      3. Avoid opening the freezer, this will allow warm/room temperature air in and speed up the thaw process.

      4. Dry Ice can be added to the freezer to keep milk frozen for extended periods of time – More info can be found here.

      5. Feed your baby directly from the breast as often as possible during the power outage, and avoid using the frozen milk when proper heating isn’t possible.

      Stay safe and warm, and enjoy some downtime with your little ones.


      *** This article was first posted on Stylin' Momma

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      Robin Kaplan Robin Kaplan

      How To Lose Weight While Breastfeeding Without Losing Your Milk Supply

      Last week, Tracy Anderson made some pretty provocative comments about women using pregnancy as an ‘excuse’ to gain weight, to eat whatever they want, and keep on the weight after having a baby.  Tracy, having given birth just 3 months ago, has already lost all of her pregnancy weight, yet remember ladies….. this is not a normal expectation for us regular moms out there.   While most of us in the real world cannot spend hours a day, or thousands of dollars, working to lose weight and tone our bodies after our babies are born, her body and exercise program is what she is KNOWN for.

      What I did appreciate was that Tracy mentioned that when you are losing weight while breastfeeding, you can’t forgo the nutritional aspect of the foods you eat and the calories you need to maintain your breastfeeding relationship.  I’ve seen Tracy talk about her daily nutrition and this woman eats more than her fair share of nutrient dense foods, healthy fats, and protein, which are all going to keep up your milk supply while you exercise and gently shed those pounds after birth.

      Now, here is the deal…. we ALL want to lose our pregnancy weight after we have our babies.  Yet it is really important to make sure you are losing weight healthily so that your milk supply doesn’t end up slowly sinking away.  Excessive dieting CAN reduce your milk supply.  So here are a few tips to keep in mind.

      Last week, Tracy Anderson made some pretty provocative comments about women using pregnancy as an ‘excuse’ to gain weight, to eat whatever they want, and keep on the weight after having a baby.  Tracy, having given birth just 3 months ago, has already lost all of her pregnancy weight, yet remember ladies….. this is not a normal expectation for us regular moms out there.   While most of us in the real world cannot spend hours a day, or thousands of dollars, working to lose weight and tone our bodies after our babies are born, her body and exercise program is what she is KNOWN for.

      Tracy Anderson Ups Ante For Losing Baby Weight (ABC News) 

      Tracy Anderson Ups Ante For Losing Baby Weight (ABC News) 

      What I did appreciate was that Tracy mentioned that when you are losing weight while breastfeeding, you can’t forgo the nutritional aspect of the foods you eat and the calories you need to maintain your breastfeeding relationship.  I’ve seen Tracy talk about her daily nutrition and this woman eats more than her fair share of nutrient dense foods, healthy fats, and protein, which are all going to keep up your milk supply while you exercise and gently shed those pounds after birth.

      Now, here is the deal…. we ALL want to lose our pregnancy weight after we have our babies.  Yet it is really important to make sure you are losing weight healthily so that your milk supply doesn’t end up slowly sinking away.  Excessive dieting CAN reduce your milk supply.  So here are a few tips to keep in mind.


      Tips to Losing Pregnancy Weight While Maintaining Your Milk Supply:

      1. On average, a breastfeeding mom needs an extra 300-500 calories per day than was needed to maintain her pre-pregnancy weight to keep a sturdy milk supply. (Kellymom)
      2. A healthy, well-nourished breastfeeding mom can safely lose up to 1 pound per week. (Lauwers, Counseling the Nursing Mom)
      3. After your baby is 2 months old, exercising moderately can help you burn more fat while building muscle mass, therefore helping you shed those extra pounds. (Kellymom)


      I also interviewed Leigh-Ann Webster, owner of 52 Healthy Weeks, who is a Licensed Wellcoach, a Certified Personal Trainer and a Nutrition for Fitness Coach.  Here’s what she had to say about eating a healthy postpartum diet while trying to lose the pregnancy weight.

      "Every woman wants to return to her pre-pregnancy weight as quickly as possible. But, if you’re breastfeeding, it’s really important to focus on foods that are nutrient dense so you have the energy to care for your baby, to put towards all of your other responsibilities, and to exercise. Remember that producing milk takes a lot of your body’s resources and energy!"


      The following foods will help you feel good so you have the energy to get through your day with flying colors. Well, maybe not quite flying colors due to the lack of sleep that comes with having an infant, but you will certainly feel better than you would with a low calorie and nutrient-deprived diet.

      Aim to eat foods that contain high amounts of Omega 3’s. These include walnuts, eggs that have been fortified with Omega 3’s, low sugar breakfast cereals that have been fortified with Omega 3’s, salmon, basil and spinach.

      Eat consistently throughout the day.  By doing this you will accomplish 3 things. First, your metabolism will stay revved up because you are constantly fueling it. Second, your body will not become depleted of vital nutrients  needed to make breastmilk. Third, your energy will remain more consistent throughout the day.

      Eat lots of iron-rich foods.  Focus on foods like lean cuts of beef, spinach, lentils, black beans and leafy green vegetables.

      Eat a diet that rich in complex carbohydrates.  Focus on whole grain or whole wheat products and avoid empty calories from “white” products. Eat whole grain English muffins, bran muffins, brown rice, wheat pasta, sweet potatoes and lots of vegetables.

      Eat a diet that is rich in calcium and protein.  Snack on foods like yogurt, string cheese, smoothies made with milk or almond milk and a banana.

      Aim to eat the color of the rainbow each day when you are choosing fruits and vegetables.


      In addition, some research indicates that high-intensity exercise can lead to a build-up of lactic acid which will result in sour tasting breast milk, although perfectly fine to feed the baby. This 1992 study was fairly inconclusive.  Yet if you find that your baby begins rejecting your milk, and you have been doing intense intervals (where your heart rate would be very high), then cut back a bit and see if that helps.  Also, make sure you take a shower, as salty sweat could also change the flavor of your milk!


      What tips do you have to maintain your milk supply while losing pregnancy weight?

      What are your favorite foods to keep up your energy level while working out?

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      Prenatal Robin Kaplan Prenatal Robin Kaplan

      Partner Support: Can It Make or Break Your Breastfeeding Experience?

      When Ben was born almost 7 years ago, I had no idea how much I would rely on my husband to be my pillar of support.  When I was gliding along my roller coaster of postpartum hormones, it was my husband who gave me space, as well as made sure I stayed somewhat sane.  He brought me water while I was nursing, ordered in dinner when we were too tired to cook, and made me laugh when I thought all I could do was cry.  He was also the person who got on the phone to call the lactation consultant when I had no idea why breastfeeding wasn’t going the way I have envisioned it. 

      Breastfeeding was important to US and we knew we could make it work.

      Partner support helps with breastfeeding

      When Ben was born almost 7 years ago, I had no idea how much I would rely on my husband to be my pillar of support.  When I was gliding along my roller coaster of postpartum hormones, it was my husband who gave me space, as well as made sure I stayed somewhat sane.  He brought me water while I was nursing, ordered in dinner when we were too tired to cook, and made me laugh when I thought all I could do was cry.  He was also the person who got on the phone to call the lactation consultant when I had no idea why breastfeeding wasn’t going the way I have envisioned it. 

      Breastfeeding was important to US and we knew we could make it work.

      In all of my prenatal breastfeeding classes, I discuss with my students how to create a team of support, for both birth and breastfeeding.  The first and most important person on this team is mom’s partner, or as I fondly call my hubby - My Partner in Crime!  My students’ homework for the night is to discuss how THEY can get breastfeeding off to a great start. 

      I recommend discussing the following questions:

      • What are your breastfeeding goals (i.e., how long would you like your baby to breastfeed, will you exclusively breastfeed, etc.)?

      • Will your baby receive bottles during this time?

      • How would you like your partner to be involved with breastfeeding?

      • What support do you need from your partner?

      The last question tends to be the most difficult to answer prenatally, as it is sometimes hard to envision what breastfeeding support you will need after the baby arrives.  Also, it is hard to explain to a partner what it feels like to be the sole person in charge of meeting your baby’s nutritional needs.  Yet, I feel like it is the most important question of them all. 

      In our society, when so many of us are not meeting our breastfeeding goals, our main cheerleader (often our partner) can truly make or break our breastfeeding experiences.  When a mom calls me up, with desperation in her voice, yet is unable to book an appointment with me because her partner doesn’t see the benefit of meeting with a lactation consultant, I can sense that her breastfeeding journey is going to be an uphill battle that she is fighting alone.  On the flip side, when I have a partner asking to hold the tube and syringe so that mom can supplement their baby at breast, I am confident that this mom will continue to try to overcome her breastfeeding challenges.


      So, how can your partner help you to meet your breastfeeding goals?

      In last week’s article, Why Aren’t Moms Meeting their Breastfeeding Goals, we talked about several different ways that society members could offer support to breastfeeding mothers.  This week, I have collected advice from a few wise mamas about ways in which their partners helped them to meet their breastfeeding goals. 

      “While we were dealing with some initial breastfeeding challenges, I asked my husband to tell anyone who came over that they could only say positive things about breastfeeding.  Rather than saying that it would be ok if we gave our baby a bottle, our guests mentioned what a great job I was doing trying to breastfeed and that they were sure things would get easier soon.  I truly believe that the positive vibes in our home really helped to turn around our breastfeeding challenges.” - Sarah

      “Up until my son was a few weeks old, he liked to sleep all day and party all night.  After the 11pm nursing session, I really wanted to have a few hours of sleep before we started all over again.  My partner would take our son out to the living room, watch John Stewart, and let our baby sleep on his chest until the next feeding session.  After those few hours of uninterrupted sleep, I felt like a million bucks!  It made all the difference!” – Michelle

      “When our son was 6 weeks old, my sister in law got married.  The dress I was wearing required that I had to take the whole thing off to nurse my son. …probably poor planning on my part, but I LOVED the dress!   Whenever I went into the bridal suite to nurse, my partner joined me and hung out for those 30 minute intervals.  I so appreciated her company and support!” – Jessica

      Here are a few other ways that partners can support breastfeeding, as well as support a new mom’s well-being, that I have stumbled upon over the years:

      • Call a lactation consultant if mom is having breastfeeding challenges.  Don’t expect her to solve this all on her own.

      • Bottle feed the baby in a ‘breastfeeding-friendly’ manner so that your baby will be willing to go back and forth between bottle and breast

      • Set up the pump when mom is pumping often.  This just removes some added stress.

      • Document your new baby’s life with photos and videos and share with family/friends through email, Facebook, and Kodak Gallery

      • Soothe the baby when the baby is not hungry and doesn’t need a diaper change

      • Wear the baby.  There’s nothing sexier than a baby-wearing partner!

      • Massage moms’ sore neck and shoulders, or make an appointment for mom to get a massage

      • Help baby to latch on to the breast, as mom sometimes can’t even see her own nipples :-)

      • Make sure mom is eating healthy foods and drinking plenty of water.  Sometimes new moms forget to take care of themselves, which can really make her exhausted and lower her milk supply (i.e., cranky!)

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      Robin Kaplan Robin Kaplan

      Why Aren’t Moms Meeting Their Breastfeeding Goals?

      In the Pediatrics research article, Baby-Friendly Hospital Practices and Meeting Exclusive Breastfeeding Intention, scheduled for publication in July 2012, the authors conclude that most moms will not meet their personal breastfeeding goals.  According to the Pediatrics study, more than 85% of the new moms in the study said they intended to breastfeed for three months or longer, but just 32.4% met their mark.


      The study found that moms who were most likely to meet their goals:

      • Were married
      • Had given birth to other children
      • Started to breastfeed within an hour of birth
      • Had babies who were less likely to be given formula or pacifiers during the hospital stay


       Of these findings, breastfeeding exclusively while in the hospital, without giving supplemental formula, was the most significant factor in reaching breastfeeding goals.

      So, what were the indicators that correlated with a mother to be less likely to meet her breastfeeding goals? 

      • Obesity
      • Smoking
      • Planning to breastfeed for longer durations


      Still 32.4% of the moms in the study didn’t meet their goals of exclusively breastfeeding for 3 or more months.  The American Academy of Pediatric recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months. 

      We are failing our moms!  

      Why is this happening?

      Study after study has shown that new moms need breastfeeding support to be able to meet their personal breastfeeding goals.  (Cochrane meta-analysis)

      So what does this breastfeedingsupport look like?

      • We need peer to peer support (like a support group) where we can learn from our friends and teach one another about the lost art of breastfeeding.
      • We need access to affordable and effective prenatal breastfeeding classes that are routinely promoted by our OBGYNs and midwives, so that we can increase our breastfeeding initiation rates. 
      • We need capable, caring lactation support in the hospital that can assist us when we need help and guidance, and recommend local breastfeeding support for when we leave.
      • We need hospital practices that support breastfeeding, like skin to skin in the first hour, even after a cesarean birth, and limited visiting hours.
      • We need access to affordable, on-going lactation support, from a trained certified lactation consultant (IBCLC) starting from day one until we decide to wean our baby.
      • We need our health insurance to cover the cost of qualified lactation services, just as they do with routine well-baby check-ups.
      • We need pediatricians to value breastfeeding and recognize that breastfeeding will protect their patients from so many preventable chronic illnesses.  So, when a concern arises about breastfeeding, we need them to immediately share with us breastfeeding resources in the community, both free and for payment.
      • Ideally, we need lactation consultants (IBCLCs) in our pediatricians’ offices so that when issues are brought to our attention at our appointments we can receive immediate and ongoing breastfeeding support and assistance.
      • Lastly, we need formula companies to stop sending free formula to every new mom.  If a mom needs or wants to use formula, she can get it at any local grocery store… no judgment!  Yet, let’s not make it so easy for new moms to succumb to self-doubt.  Do you know that the WebMD article, Most Moms Don't Meet Own Breastfeeding Goals, that first shared these findings from the Pediatrics' study happens to be placed RIGHT NEXT to a HUGE Similac formula advertisement.  Seriously???


      Why do I think breastfeeding support for all moms is imperative?

      As a married, breastfeeding in the first hour, and ‘no formula supplementation’ mama, it was the lack of community breastfeeding support that led to me not meeting my personal breastfeeding goals and that is something I will always regret.  When my milk was dwindling as my son turned 4 months old, it was never recommended by a health professional to see a lactation consultant to increase my supply.  Why was formula an acceptable substitute for my son in their eyes?  It doesn’t make sense to me.  Why didn't this doctor recommend that I see a lactation consultant?  

      My story is not unique.  I meet women every day who feel guilty for not meeting their personal breastfeeding goals.  This doesn't have to continue!

      Support, support, support!  It’s what we all deserve for ourselves and our babies!  We need to make this happen NOW!


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