Robin Kaplan Robin Kaplan

Call for Your Breastfeeding Stories!

This year’s theme for World Breastfeeding Week is Sustaining Breastfeeding Together, which really brings forth the collaborative nature of breastfeeding.  When I think about the components that shape a mother’s breastfeeding experience, the first thing that come to mind is support.  Who is part of her ‘Dream Team of Breastfeeding Support’?  Her partner?  Her family and friends? Her doctors and midwives?  Her lactation consultant?  Her local and online community? All of these connections shape how we view ourselves as a breastfeeding mother and how successful we feels about ourselves and our experience.  Since not all of us are fortunate to have a huge system of in-person breastfeeding support, online support can be critical.  

This year’s theme for World Breastfeeding Week is Sustaining Breastfeeding Together, which really brings forth the collaborative nature of breastfeeding.  When I think about the components that shape a mother’s breastfeeding experience, the first thing that come to mind is support.  Who is part of her ‘Dream Team of Breastfeeding Support’?  Her partner?  Her family and friends? Her doctors and midwives?  Her lactation consultant?  Her local and online community? All of these connections shape how we view ourselves as a breastfeeding mother and how successful we feels about ourselves and our experience.  Since not all of us are fortunate to have a huge system of in-person breastfeeding support, online support can be critical.  

Over the years we have collected breastfeeding memoirs from our readers.  Our goal is to share the many different ways that mothers breastfeed, each story highlighting different challenges that may arise and how mothers are resilient and determined to find success, whatever that may look like to them.  

This August, in honor of the 2017 World Breastfeeding Week’s theme, we are sending out a call for YOUR breastfeeding memoir.  Would you like to share your story so that another mother may find support from and connection to your experience?  Did you overcome a challenge?  Did the support of another person help shape your breastfeeding experience?   



  • We will be collecting breastfeeding memoirs from August 1 - September 15, 2017.
  • Each memoir should be between 150-250 words and include a photo
  • Each memoir must be original content
  • All selected memoirs will be posted on the SDBFC website’s blog and be considered for inclusion in an upcoming breastfeeding book!

Possible topics, but not limited to:

  • Increasing milk supply

  • Going back to work
  • Overcoming breastfeeding challenges
  • Breastfeeding after a NICU stay
  • Breastfeeding after breast surgery
  • Tongue tie
  • Breastfeeding twins
  • Positive nursing in public experience
  • Full term breastfeeding
  • Tandem nursing

Feel free to post any questions in the comments.

Please email your original breastfeeding memoir and photo(s) to Robin Kaplan (

There are so many online stories of moms feeling like they’ve failed…. Let’s flood the Internet with stories of triumph!

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