
Does Breastfeeding Cause Cavities?

Article written by guest blogger, Leigh Anne O’Connor, IBCLC

I don’t know many people who love going to the dentist. You know, you are reclined in the lounge chair, told to relax, and keep your mouth open as someone takes metal mirrors, mini ice picks, and drills and plays around inside your mouth for 30-45 minutes.

Now you want a toddler to do this? Did you see the latest installment of the Twilight Saga? Toddler vampires are illegal because they throw tantrums and kill entire villages.

Oral hygiene is very important. It can affect your entire health, good or bad. Poor oral hygiene has been linked to diabetes and heart disease. So what are we to do about oral health of our nursing preschoolers?  

The first thing to do is find a child friendly dentist and bring your baby around his first birthday.  Make sure the atmosphere is fun, yet not too overwhelming that they have pintsized sunglasses and silly stickers.