Milk Storage

How Long Does My Breast Milk Stay Fresh?

Breast milk storage guidelines can be incredibly complicated to decipher.  With each pump company and breastfeeding website having its own storage and handling recommendations, how's a mother to know which one to follow?  Plus, throw in whether the baby is full-term, pre-term, healthy, or in the NICU, and we have quite a confusing situation.

After delving into our lactation consultant guidelines for human milk storage, I think I have the definitive list for you….at least for this year!

How Can I Keep Up My Milk Supply While on a Business Trip?


Do you have tips on your first (business) trip without the baby when you're breastfeeding and have to pump (in my case, baby will be 9 mo.)? 

Thank you!



Dear Kristi,

Absolutely!  Taking a business trip, when you have a breastfeeding baby at home, doesn't have to be as daunting as it sounds.