Update on our Kickstarter Project
Well, our 30 days are up for our Kickstarter project and, unfortunately, our Nursing in Public Task Force website project didn't receive the funding that we had hoped for. We reached about 10% of the funding we needed and I am so incredibly appreciative of the support we received from our generous donors!
While I am sad that the Nursing in Public Task Force website project will have to be put on hold for now, I am not too discouraged to let it go completely. Over the next few months, I will be updating the resources on our local Nursing In Public Task Force webpage, speaking at the Annual California Breastfeeding Summit about our project, and hopefully finding other funding sources to pay for this valuable online resource. So, if you happen to have any ideas for other funding sources (or an amazing benefactor who'd like to pay for the website!), please email me so we can explore these options :-)
If you would like to stay current on this project, please sign up for our newsletter, as we will be updating our website with new information and resources for nursing in public.
Thanks, again! This has been an enlightening learning experience for me and I hope to have a huge announcement in the next few months that we have secured funding for this valuable and needed website!
Well, our 30 days are up for our Kickstarter project and, unfortunately, our Nursing in Public Task Force website project didn't receive the funding that we had hoped for. We reached about 10% of the funding we needed and I am so incredibly appreciative of the support we received from our generous donors!
While I am sad that the Nursing in Public Task Force website project will have to be put on hold for now, I am not too discouraged to let it go completely. Over the next few months, I will be updating the resources on our local Nursing In Public Task Force webpage, speaking at the Annual California Breastfeeding Summit about our project, and hopefully finding other funding sources to pay for this valuable online resource. So, if you happen to have any ideas for other funding sources (or an amazing benefactor who'd like to pay for the website!), please email me so we can explore these options :-)
If you would like to stay current on this project, please sign up for our newsletter, as we will be updating our website with new information and resources for nursing in public.
Thanks, again! This has been an enlightening learning experience for me and I hope to have a huge announcement in the next few months that we have secured funding for this valuable and needed website!
Join our Movement to Stop Nursing in Public Harassment
We are so excited to announce that we have launched our first Kickstarter campaign today! It is called the Nursing in Public Task Force Website.
As you know, the ladies at the San Diego Breastfeeding Center are fierce advocates for protecting a woman's right to breastfeed in public. This is exactly why we created the San Diego Nursing in Public Task Force in 2013. Too many local moms had been discriminated against and shamed for breastfeeding their babies outside of their homes and we just couldn’t stand by silently anymore!
We are so excited to announce that we have launched our first Kickstarter campaign today! It is called the Nursing in Public Task Force Website.
As you know, the ladies at the San Diego Breastfeeding Center are fierce advocates for protecting a woman's right to breastfeed in public. This is exactly why we created the San Diego Nursing in Public Task Force in 2013. Too many local moms had been discriminated against and shamed for breastfeeding their babies outside of their homes and we just couldn’t stand by silently anymore!
In these past 2 years, we have helped over a dozen women mediate nursing in public harassment incidents, as well as countless of others to remedy discriminatory incidents on their own. We feel like the time has come to expand these resources… to help breastfeeding women and businesses/organizations across the country uphold their state laws that protect the rights of breastfeeding mothers and stop these discriminatory acts.
So, how can you help?
Today we launched a Kickstarter campaign to raise money for a national Nursing in Public Task Force website. The money raised will pay for a website designer, content creation, and a photographer/videographer for the website. We would be extremely grateful if you would take a few moments out of your day to look at the Kickstarter project. If you feel like this sounds like a worthy cause, please consider donating and share with your friends (by forwarding this article and sharing on Facebook). Know that you will be making a difference in thousands of women's and children's lives, as well as creating more tolerant and supportive communities across our country.
Click here to check out our Nursing in Public Task Force Website Kickstarter campaign:
Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts!
Positive Breastfeeding in Public Stories - Nordstrom ROCKS!
Written by Ashley Treadwell, IBCLC
So much of what we hear about feeding our babies in public is negative - stories from women being harassed and shamed for breastfeeding in public. While we believe that it is so important to respond to these incidents and educate people on the importance of normalizing breastfeeding, we also think that one of the best ways we can empower women is to share our positive experiences as well. Below is one of many examples of wonderful responses women receive while feeding their babies in public - meet Margaret!
I took five and a half months off after my baby was born in November 2014. She is our first, and after twelve weeks maternity leave, paid at 55% of my regular pay, I had another twelve-ish weeks of personal leave upaid. It was worth the financial sacrifice!
Written by Ashley Treadwell, IBCLC
So much of what we hear about feeding our babies in public is negative - stories from women being harassed and shamed for breastfeeding in public. While we believe that it is so important to respond to these incidents and educate people on the importance of normalizing breastfeeding, we also think that one of the best ways we can empower women is to share our positive experiences as well. Below is one of many examples of wonderful responses women receive while feeding their babies in public - meet Margaret!
I took five and a half months off after my baby was born in November 2014. She is our first, and after twelve weeks maternity leave, paid at 55% of my regular pay, I had another twelve-ish weeks of personal leave upaid. It was worth the financial sacrifice!
I made it a point to go out for lunch at Nordstrom (using a generous gift card) once a week. I was breastfeeding and extra-hungry, and I enjoyed soup, a sandwich, and dessert every time.
Usually, I visited the Ladies Lounge to nurse before or after lunch. My most-positive experience was at the Nordstrom in Westfield North County (Escondido) just before Christmas. One of the couches faces the door, so that other women going towards the bathroom stalls pass by and see you. So many people stopped to admire the baby and say a kind word. Older women in particular stopped to admire the ability of a breastfeeder to give her baby food anywhere, anytime. They regretted bottle-feeding their babies so many years ago. I made sure to say a kind word, like "you were a new mommy when 'bottle was best' back in the day - you were doing what you were told!" and we would chuckle about how silly doctor recommendations can sometimes be, and smile with the mutual generosity of mamas who are just trying to do what's best.
It was, needless to say, a very supportive and empowering experience.
As the baby got older, her sleep-wake cycle changed and it was impossible to predict when she would be hungry. A few times I fed her from the breast while eating at Nordstrom Cafe (in Fashion Valley). The staff were nothing but kind - going the extra mile to carry my things and being so kind.
I hope other San Diego mamas can build a routine of feeding baby out of the house. If they're feeling shy at first, Nordstrom Ladies Lounge is a great place to start.
Do you have a positive breastfeeding in public experience to share? Please send it to us at ashleytreadwell@sdbfc.com
Positive Breastfeeding in Public Stories
Written by Ashley Treadwell, IBCLC
So much of what we hear about feeding our babies in public is negative - stories from women being harassed and shamed for breastfeeding in public. While we believe that it is so important to respond to these incidents and educate people on the importance of normalizing breastfeeding, we also think that one of the best ways we can empower women is to share our positive experiences as well. Below is one of many examples of wonderful responses women receive while feeding their babies in public - meet Briana!
Written by Ashley Treadwell, IBCLC
So much of what we hear about feeding our babies in public is negative - stories from women being harassed and shamed for breastfeeding in public. While we believe that it is so important to respond to these incidents and educate people on the importance of normalizing breastfeeding, we also think that one of the best ways we can empower women is to share our positive experiences as well. Below is one of many examples of wonderful responses women receive while feeding their babies in public - meet Briana!
"So I'm at Ross today with the toddler and baby when baby gets fussy and hungry. I let the kiddo try on big girl shoes in the ladies dept while I nursed baby. But a woman and her 'tween came down our aisle and hovered. I wasn't covered up and panicked for a second thinking that this may be my first altercation regarding NIP.
NOPE. The super sweet lady said I was doing a great job--and the most important one. She breastfed all 3 of her babies. I felt such a sense of connection and gratitude. I had a hard time not crying and hugging her.
I've never had anything but support from family, friends and strangers, but this was really touching today.
Just wanted to share a happy story, and write a little blessing to the wonderful woman who made my day. May she feel the love that I felt from her today, every day."
Do you have a positive breastfeeding in public experience to share? Please send it to us at ashleytreadwell@sdbfc.com
Join the Normalize Breastfeeding Campaign
The San Diego Breastfeeding Center is so excited to announce that we are the newest local sponsor of the Normalize Breastfeeding Campaign, a project who's mission is to normalize breastfeeding and address the taboo of public breastfeeding in modern society, through photography.
The San Diego Breastfeeding Center is so excited to announce that we are the newest local sponsor of the Normalize Breastfeeding Campaign, a project who's mission is to normalize breastfeeding and address the taboo of public breastfeeding in modern society, through photography.
Vanessa Simmons, a Ghanaian-American photographer, mother of three, and founder of NormalizingBreastfeeding.org, started her breastfeeding awareness media campaign in June 2014 by posting photos of breastfeeding women on social media. Now with over 7,200 Facebook followers, 50 volunteer social media admins, and a website, Vanessa has launched a Kickstarter campaign to raise money for her Normalize Breastfeeding OB/Pediatrician and WIC Offices book. The content of the book will be a collection of stories from the women who Simmons photographs and from the stories featured on her blog. She will be sharing her own breastfeeding stories in greater detail, as well. The money raised through the Kickstarter campaign will fund expenses for Simmons to travel to cities and towns, throughout the United States, to photograph the many ways that breastfeeding is 'normal.'
So, what does 'normal breastfeeding' include?
Pretty much everything, which is why we are so passionate about helping Vanessa raise this money! We can't wait to see more photographs of breastfeeding mothers of color, mothers breastfeeding preemies, mothers using supplemental nursing systems, exclusively pumping moms, tandem nursing moms, breastfeeding in public, and moms nursing their toddlers and preschoolers! AND, we cannot wait to get these Normalize Breastfeeding books into OBGYN, Midwife, and Pediatrician offices, hopefully inspiring mothers to find themselves in these photographs, making breastfeeding more accessible and creating a new definition for 'normal breastfeeding.'
How can YOU help?
Join us today to help normalize breastfeeding by donating to the Normalize Breastfeeding Kickstarter Campaign!
A Resolution to the LA Fitness Nursing in Public Harassment Incident
Last month I shared a story about how a breastfeeding mother had been involved in a nursing in public harassment incident at a local LA Fitness. During this incident, Monique Golueke was told that her only option for breastfeeding in the Oceanside LA Fitness facility was in the Kids Klub restroom. After some media coverage, a nurse-in, and several cordial email exchanges between the San Diego Nursing in Public Task Force and Jill Greuling (Vice President of Operations for LA Fitness), I am elated to report that we have come to an incredibly positive resolution!
Today, I received an email from Ms. Greuling, stating that the following memo will pop up for every LA Fitness employee in California when they log on June 5th, requiring an acknowledgement that they read and understand the information contained in the memo:
"According to California Civil Code, section 43.3, “Notwithstanding any other provision of law, a mother may breastfeed her child in any location, public or private, except the private home or residence of another, where the mother and the child are otherwise authorized to be present.” To accommodate breastfeeding women in LA Fitness facilities, staff members may recommend reasonable places for her to do so, such as the foyer, the sales area or in the Kids Klub. It is not reasonable to tell a woman that the only place she can breastfeed her baby is in the Kids Klub restroom."
The San Diego Nursing in Public Task Force would like to commend Monique Golueke and Ms. Greuling for having the initiative to take tangible, practical actions that will prevent any incidences like this from happening in the future. We are thrilled we were able to collaborate with her to bring forth such a positive resolution.
Mother Kicked Out of LA Fitness for Breastfeeding in the Locker Room
It happened again in San Diego! How is this possible? Another nursing in public incident that clearly violated California state law! An incident where a mother felt violated and shamed for nursing her baby in a public place. Another reason that reinforces the need for our San Diego Nursing in Public Task Force.
Here is Monique Golueke’s story, in her own words.
"It had been over a year since I had been to the gym and after what happened today, it's not likely I'll be returning, at least not to LA Fitness. I was so excited to attend a step class alongside one of my best gals.
On April 22, 2014, I reinstated my membership, paid the fees, and signed my boys up for the unlimited Kids Klub pass. Forty-five minutes into our class, I was notified that the boys had been crying and they weren't able to settle down. I swooped them up and took them directly to the ladies’ restroom/locker room where I washed both of their little hands. My 9-month old still seemed upset so I decided to nurse him while my toddler sat next to me and played with my phone. About five minutes later, I was approached by an LA Fitness employee. She told me that we needed to leave and that children were not allowed in the locker room.
It happened again in San Diego! How is this possible? Another nursing in public incident that clearly violated California state law! An incident where a mother felt violated and shamed for nursing her baby in a public place. Another reason that reinforces the need for our San Diego Nursing in Public Task Force.
Here is Monique Golueke’s story, in her own words.
"It had been over a year since I had been to the gym and after what happened today, it's not likely I'll be returning, at least not to LA Fitness. I was so excited to attend a step class alongside one of my best gals.
On April 22, 2014, I reinstated my membership, paid the fees, and signed my boys up for the unlimited Kids Klub pass. Forty-five minutes into our class, I was notified that the boys had been crying and they weren't able to settle down. I swooped them up and took them directly to the ladies’ restroom/locker room where I washed both of their little hands. My 9-month old still seemed upset so I decided to nurse him while my toddler sat next to me and played with my phone. About five minutes later, I was approached by an LA Fitness employee. She told me that we needed to leave and that children were not allowed in the locker room.
I explained that I was nursing my son and she responded by saying that since I was new I probably didn't know the rules. She told me that an "elderly" woman had complained. Upon signing back up for the gym, there was no mention of the rules regarding the children.
When approached, I felt completely mortified, embarrassed and ashamed. I asked the employee where I should be nursing and she told me that there was a bathroom located in the kids club. Escorted out I felt embarrassed, ashamed and humiliated. Keep in mind that there are no signs posted stating that children are not allowed in the ladies’ restroom/locker room. My intention was to nurture and care for my children in a safe and friendly environment.
Escorted me out-what now?
They were more than happy to accept my money, then send me on my way.
I decided to call corporate and notify them of what happened and also have my account deactivated, I also asked them to refund my money. They were apologetic and handled the situation by having the manager from the Oceanside location contact me.
The manager called me and asked what had upset me: the fact that I was breastfeeding or the fact that the kids were in the locker room. I barely understood what he was asking. It was clear he didn't understand the legality of the situation. He told me that if I ever wanted to return to LA Fitness, I was welcome to nurse my baby in the restroom located in the Kids Klub.
I'm not positive but I think the only place to sit in the restroom that he was referring to is on the toilet.
At that point, I decided to again contact Corporate and inform them of the absurd conversation I had with the manager. They were apologetic and explained that if they needed to contact me they would. The conversation was strange and at this time I was heated and enraged. The woman didn't really say much."
After Monique shared her story in a private Facebook group, women from all over San Diego county banded together to organize a peaceful nurse-in in front of the Oceanside LA Fitness, showing their support for Monique as well as upholding a mother’s right to nurse in public.
Click here for the video from ABC 10 News showing the Nurse-In at LA Fitness.
Jill Greuling, Vice President of Operations for LA Fitness, issued this statement to 10News:
"We support the right of women to breastfeed in our facilities. When Mrs. Golueke voiced her intention to do so to one of our staff, she was offered space in the Kids Klub or, as an option, the separate restroom within the Kids Klub and a chair if she wanted more privacy. The staff member initially spoke to Mrs. Golueke to let her know that children are not allowed in the locker room area. This conversation occurred because another member observed her in the locker room with small children and reported it to us.”
Unfortunately, this statement is untrue. Monique was ONLY offered to breastfeed in the Kids Klub restroom and that is a significant problem. The CA law states that a women is allowed to breastfeed her child, anywhere she and her child are authorized to be. If children are in fact not allowed in the locker room at LA Fitness, then the law doesn’t protect Monique in that area of the gym. The issue is with the statement from the staff member who recommended that Monique breastfeed her baby in the Kids Klub bathroom. This is not an appropriate place to breastfeed a child. It is unsanitary and demeaning. It is important for all LA Fitness staff to know that this is not an appropriate recommendation and that, instead, mothers should be alternatively told that they may breastfeed in the lobby or in a comfortable spot in the Kids Klub.
At this time, the San Diego Nursing in Public Task Force is sending a letter to the LA Fitness Corporate office kindly requesting that they create a breastfeeding-supportive policy statement for their members, including a list of appropriate areas where mothers may breastfeed their children in their facilities (not including a bathroom.) We will also be offering language that they can share with their staff members on how to kindly respond to a mother who is breastfeeding her child in a place where her child is not authorized to be.
We will keep you posted!
Nursing in Public - The Positive Spin
Recently, there have been a lot of stories in the national and local news about mothers being illegally harassed for nursing their babies in public (“NIP”). The latest one involved a Twitter exchange between a breastfeeding mom and a Delta Airlines Public Relations employee.
While we think it is so incredibly important that these types of incidences are highlighted and spoken about, we also believe it can paint an incorrect picture that if you nurse your baby in public, you’d better be ready for a fight. So we thought we’d seek out some positive experiences mamas have had feeding their little ones while out and about - below are a few of the responses we received. For every woman that may be made to feel uncomfortable for NIP, it is our greatest hope that there are 100 that receive smiles, nods, and even an occasional high five.
Recently, there have been a lot of stories in the national and local news about mothers being illegally harassed for nursing their babies in public (“NIP”). The latest one involved a Twitter exchange between a breastfeeding mom and a Delta Airlines Public Relations employee.
While we think it is so incredibly important that these types of incidences are highlighted and spoken about, we also believe it can paint an incorrect picture that if you nurse your baby in public, you’d better be ready for a fight. So we thought we’d seek out some positive experiences mamas have had feeding their little ones while out and about - below are a few of the responses we received. For every woman that may be made to feel uncomfortable for NIP, it is our greatest hope that there are 100 that receive smiles, nods, and even an occasional high five.
From Lara Snyder:
Our son is three months old and so far I have had nothing, but positive and amazing breastfeeding experiences! The first time we ever tried NIP-ing was when my family was flying home to Colorado, for Christmas. It was my husband's and my first time flying with an infant so we got to the airport early. Our son was only one month old and like any one month old he got hungry often! Since it was my first time flying with a baby and NIP-ing I was really nervous that someone would give me a hard time and make the flight difficult. Luckily nothing like that happened! After getting through security our son started to get fussy because he was hungry, so my husband found a comfy bench to put all our stuff down and so I could nurse. Oddly enough the bench was right outside some bathrooms and quite a few people saw what I was doing!! Once we got all our stuff situated and I got comfortable, my husband simply said, "Ok I'm going to the bathroom, you feed the baby," without even second thinking my boob was going to be out in public. Sitting right there in the middle of the San Diego Airport, I fed our baby boy while airport employees and multiple travelers walked by. No one said a thing about my nursing! I'm sure a few people felt uncomfortable, but they just looked away. One man even came out of the bathroom and began talking to my family. It was a little strange to me and my husband because we didn't know this person, but he was rather nice and wished us safe travels! Once we got on the plane the positive experience continued and our wonderful little man slept the entire flight! The pressure changes bugged him a little, and even then I started nursing him and everything went smoothly! My husband offered to sit in the middle seat (even though he hates it) just in case an unappreciative person sat next to us, they would have nothing to complain about because they would see my husband and not me! After our flight landed in Colorado we waited to be the last couple off the plane, and a lot of the other passengers were surprised there was a baby on board! Both my husband and I were so grateful I could nurse my son during the rough patches during the flight, and we felt so proud of our little man surprising everyone by not being that crying baby on the plane!
From Marion Luebberman:
I had to take my little guy to two life celebrations for friends who had passed away before he was four months old. I was terrified both times because I was sure people would give me the stink-eye for bringing a baby to something so somber, but the truth is, people love to see babies during times of sorrow. At the first event, I had to nurse during the eulogy and my son was only a couple months old so he was very floppy and not cooperative at all. The mother and aunt (neither of whom I'd met before) of our deceased friend came over and offered to help me. I was struggling with my cover and they both said "we've all been there, do what you gotta do!" I felt so comfortable there and my boy was fed and happy. At the next service, which was attended by 200+ bikers, my husband and I were talking to the widow of the friend we had just lost. She lit up at the sight of a little baby and told me that if I had to feed him at any time, I was welcome to "whip it out and do what you gotta do!" I did just that and nobody blinked an eye. If I could pass on any message to moms who are wary of nursing in public, I would tell them what these awesome moms told me - do what you gotta do!
From Tiffany Kyle:
In my 15mo of breast feeding I can honestly say I have never had a negative experience nursing in public. One day stands out especially for me as being an incredibly positive moment. I was at Starbucks with my son and I think he was probably 7 or 8 months at the time. It was one of the Starbucks that has comfy furniture and it was quite crowded. I had been chatting with the people around me a little bit and they were commenting on how cute my baby was. When my son needed to nurse, we did our thing. I'll admit I wondered for a split second if any of these strangers who were sitting very near to us would have a problem with it, but everyone was more than supportive. The lady across from me gave me a high five and said what a great job I was doing and no wonder my son was such a happy guy. Seriously made my day. :)
Thank you so much to all of the ladies who contributed their positive stories - let’s keep it going by not only sharing our own experiences, but creating a happy memory for the next woman you see feeding her baby at the zoo, or the park, on the airplane, or in the grocery store - give her a high-five and tell her what a fantastic mama she is, and “to do what you gotta do!”
Do you have a positive NIP experience you would like to share with our readers? Send your story to ashleytreadwell@sdbfc.com and we will include it in an upcoming article!
Help a Mama Out: Overcoming Nursing in Public Anxiety
‘Help a Mama Out’ Topic of the Week: What are your favorite tips for overcoming anxiety about breastfeeding in public?
Sandy: Take along a support person
Melanie: Practice in front of a mirror. Another thing that helped me was to just focus all of my attention on my baby. I learned not to look around for a reaction from a stranger.
Miranda: Bring a light shawl to cover up, and remember, you are protected by law to breastfeed in public!
Marie: Have someone with you who is either a) also nursing and has no issues nursing in public or b) is super supportive of you nursing in public. Also, the first couple of times, go somewhere you are already comfortable, like a local bookstore or Starbucks.
Sara: So whatever makes you most comfortable! Practice, practice, practice! So it in front of people you are comfortable with first, then adjust slowly. Find your comfort zone and be happy with it.
Kat: I started going to places and having play dates with other moms who nursed in public.
Keep Austin Nursing in Public: Check out The Badass Breastfeeders free e-course: Becoming a Badass Public Breastfeeder. Know your rights (breastfeedinglaw.com). Surround yourself, even if it’s only online, with a support system. Breastfeed in a bubble… I never pay much attention to those around me when I’m nursing. I’m not looking around for real or possibly imagined dirty looks or sideways glances.
KC: I wore a nursing tank with a t-short on top. Undo the tank from the top and lift your shirt up from the bottom and use that to shield yourself until baby latches. Then the shirt just rests on the baby’s cheek. Second he popped off, I pulled my shirt down and fixed the tank from the top. It helped me feel like I wasn’t exposing everything to everybody. My friends called me the ‘stealth nurser’ because no one knew I was nursing.
Lisa: Practice in a breastfeeding support group. Also, just do it and your comfort level will increase over time.
Raquel: Try practicing breastfeeding in a carrier. I nursed all 3 of my kids in my ergo. Not only was I hands free, but no one was the wiser when I had the little sleeping hood over their heads.
Marybeth: Take a buddy – someone who will talk to you, smile and chat with you, and treat you like it’s normal (it is!!!) while you tackle your anxiety.
Amanda: Start gradual. Start in your car with a cover. Move to a quiet out of the way corner. Eventually, you’ll just get rid of the cover (because your baby will hate it!) and feed anytime, anywhere. I have Momzelle shirts, but you can easily make your own as well. Keeps my tummy covered and lets me feed discretely.
Brooke: A deep v-neck shirt works great to pull your boob up and out….LOL!
Michelle: I use a muslin blanket when I’m out. It’s nice and cool and you can tuck it into your bra strap for security. You’ll be rocking NIP in no time!
Natural Parenting: Just start. It may be awkward at first, but the more you do it, the easier it gets. Also, what helped me was to nurse uncovered in front of a mirror at home – once I saw in the mirror what everyone else saw (i.e. how little flesh is really exposed), it made it a lot easier for me.
Stephanie: This video says it all
Our Interview with Abby (THE Badass Breastfeeder!)
A few weeks ago, I serendipitously stumbled upon the e-mail course called "Becoming a Badass Public Breastfeeder in 7 Days." For those of you who have been following our blog since January 2013, you are already well aware that I am in the process of creating a San Diego Nursing in Public Task Force to assist mothers who have dealt with nursing in public harassment. In this process, I have been combing the Internet to find websites to include in our resource list. Well, as always, Abby (The Badass Breastfeeder) has outdone herself by creating something that is fresh, pertinent, and totally relatable for breastfeeding mothers. I was dying to 'meet' her, as well as ask her a few questions about her email course, and she enthusiastically agreed to an interview. So, here's Abby telling a little about herself and sharing her fantastic resource, Becoming a Badass Public Breastfeeder in 7 Days!
A few weeks ago, I serendipitously stumbled upon the e-mail course called "Becoming a Badass Public Breastfeeder in 7 Days." For those of you who have been following our blog since January 2013, you are already well aware that I am in the process of creating a San Diego Nursing in Public Task Force to assist mothers who have dealt with nursing in public harassment. In this process, I have been combing the Internet to find websites to include in our resource list. Well, as always, Abby (The Badass Breastfeeder) has outdone herself by creating something that is fresh, pertinent, and totally relatable for breastfeeding mothers. I was dying to 'meet' her, as well as ask her a few questions about her email course, and she enthusiastically agreed to an interview. So, here's Abby telling a little about herself and sharing her fantastic resource, Becoming a Badass Public Breastfeeder in 7 Days!
Tell us a little about yourself. When and why did you start The Badass Breastfeeder?
Ok, well, I can be a bit chatty so I might tell you more than you ever really wanted to know about me! I was born in Cincinnati, OH. I have lived in Columbus, OH; Racine, WI; Abcoude and Amsterdam, Holland; Brooklyn and Queens, NY; and Chicago, IL. I am 36 years old. I received my Bachelor’s Degree in Criminology/Psychology from John Jay College of Criminal Justice in NYC in 2001 (yes, I was there during the 9/11 terrorist attacks. That sucked). My now husband and I moved from NYC to Chicago, IL in 2003. I received my Master’s Degree in Social Work from Jane Addams College of Social Work in 2009. I spent 14 years working with adolescents and their families involved in the criminal justice system and the child welfare system.
It all came to a sudden stop when my son, Jack, was born on July 30, 2011. I suddenly knew nothing about children. Everything that I had believed and thought was thrown into question when I met my son. There was not one aspect of parenting that I planned for that fit with how I felt about my new life. I started completely over and basically read so much that I got another Master’s degree, but this time in gentle parenting. I didn’t really get another degree, but I immersed myself in information about breastfeeding, babywearing, cosleeping, etc. I struggled big time with getting started with breastfeeding. I felt totally alone and afraid. I felt like a failure every time it was time to nurse Jack. He seemed to hate it. He cried, struggled and popped on and off. We supplemented with formula and my breastfeeding relationship with my son was close to ending every day. I was devastated. Then we decided to kick the formula. The more I read the more empowered I felt. I fought really hard to get him exclusively breastfeeding. I stayed up all day and all night reading everything under the sun. By 2 month we were exclusively breastfeeding. I felt so powerful! I started to feel like my old self again, but better. I had learned so much about myself and we were now on an exciting journey to gentle parenting and Jack would be in charge of weaning. I was so excited. I had so much to say and share. Then one day I was harassed by some moms in a private Facebook group for posting a photo of me breastfeeding in a park. The next day in March 2012 I started a Facebook page to share these pictures publicly because I wanted moms to have a place to celebrate breastfeeding where they would be free from harassment. I started a blog for my friends where I shared the details of my parenting journey. And then I have no idea what happened! It just got really big really fast. I started channeling my passion for advocacy from my social career into sharing information with other moms and challenging what we were hearing from the mainstream and providing support where it was majorly lacking. It grew and grew and grew! I have tried to let moms guide me and show me what they need.
What inspired you to create the email course: Becoming a Badass Breastfeeder?
It became clear from running the Facebook page that our culture sees breasts as sexual and nothing else. Women are afraid of being harassed when they breastfeed in public. Women are being devalued as mothers and nurturers. Women choose not to breastfeed at all sometimes because of discomfort with their bodies or having never been around it. Women get the message that their bodies are to be hidden away for the sexual use by the partners. We have become so disconnected from our natural purpose and power. Some women become mothers and never see breastfeeding at all until they are breastfeeding their own babies. I got so much feedback from women who said that they were afraid to breastfeed in public. This motivated me to take all of my thoughts about breastfeeding in public, all of the support and advice I had given on the Facebook page and my blog, and put it into one place. In November 2012 I created the e-mail course “Become a Badass Public Breastfeeder in 7 Days.” The e-course is a great method because people can get small bits of information allowing them to think about it and digest it before moving onto another topic. I worked harder on it than I thought I would and through writing it I became even more passionate about the topic. I feel like it solidified for me my niche as The Badass Breastfeeder.
What resources does a mother receive when she signs up for the course and where can she sign up?
In the e-course, a mother will receive tips for exuding confidence while nursing in public, tips for dealing with staring (which is the number 1 fear I heard from women), ideas about clothing and finding comfy spots in public, tutorials on how to breastfeed while babywearing, detailed advice on engaging unsupportive family and friends in a conversation about nursing in public, comebacks for negative comments from the public, and a summary of the laws that protect breastfeeding in public. I focus on empowerment through rethinking about our bodies and providing information. You can sign up at www.badasspublicbreastfeeding.com. I have also created a workbook version that goes into much greater detail and engages the mother in a journey of self-reflection designed to empower her on all levels of motherhood. I created this doe to the demand from many women who wanted to do the course with their friends and for professionals interested in running groups on the topic. More information on this can be found at http://www.gentleparentinfo.com/UltimateNIPGuide.html.
Have you received any feedback about this course?
It has gotten great reviews! I get e-mails from women, on a daily basis, who say that they no longer feel afraid, that they nurse in public regularly and feel empowered as a mother. I am quite happy! It’s more than I ever expected. I feel if breastfeeding in public can be normalized then more babies will be breastfed. And that is the entire point.
What are your top five tips for Becoming a Badass Breastfeeder?
1. Change your thinking about your body. We can become so focused on our insecurities, but when we reframe our thinking it actually changes the way we feel about ourselves and the way we act.
2. Engage fully with your baby. This will help take the focus off of others so you won’t be as concerned about what they are thinking or where they are looking.
3. Get into babywearing! It makes it so much easier when you are out and about. I know breastfeeding while babywearing can be difficult to figure out, but the course can help.
4. Learn how the breastfeeding laws in your state protect you. You can print them out and carry them around. You might be surprised by how much more confidence this gives you.
5. Create a support network of family and friends. It’s almost impossible to be successful at anything when the people in our lives are unsupportive. The largest section of the course is about engaging family and friends to be more supportive and finding like-minded moms to meet face to face. Moms are so good at supporting moms!