Robin Kaplan Robin Kaplan

Check Out These Lactation Rooms at the San Diego Airport!

Traveling just got easier for breastfeeding and pumping moms traveling through the San Diego International Airport!  Just in time for the holidays, right?

Last month, the San Diego Nursing in Public Task Force was contacted by a local breastfeeding mom, Emily Mest, who frequently travels through the San Diego International Airport for work.  Here is Emily’s story, which set the wheels in motion to make breastfeeding and pumping easier for all moms traveling through the San Diego airport.

Traveling just got easier for breastfeeding and pumping moms traveling through the San Diego International Airport!  Just in time for the holidays, right?

Last month, the San Diego Nursing in Public Task Force was contacted by a local breastfeeding mom, Emily Mest, who frequently travels through the San Diego International Airport for work.  Here is Emily’s story, which set the wheels in motion to make breastfeeding and pumping easier for all moms traveling through the San Diego airport.


Over the last year breastfeeding twins as a fulltime working mom, I’ve had a lot of  “air travel adventures”. There was the first time I pumped in my seat on a packed plane, and the glorious time an American Airlines stewardess curtained off her jumpseat area to give me a clean, private space. I’ll never forget bringing 25lbs of frozen milk back for the twins after a week in Costa Rica, and the kind United agent who waived the overweight bag fee since all the extra weight was breastmilk. I’ll  also never forget pumping tucked into a dirty corner of the Houston airport, just to have a tiny bit of privacy without pumping in an even dirtier bathroom.

Through it all, I couldn’t stop thinking how uncomfortable and emotionally draining this all was. From being away from my small babies, the normal stresses of air travel, and dealing with pumping, to clogged ducts, maintaining supply, and the ever-looming threat of mastitis.  If I hadn’t fought with everything I had to breastfeed my 35-weeker twins, I’d likely have thrown in the towel. If I hadn’t found a savvy working moms breastfeeding support group on Facebook, I doubt I would have had the confidence for those moments when I chose to throw on a cover and pump in front of hundreds of people in a crowded airport (choosing that over pumping in a foul-smelling bathroom). I found myself sad for other mamas who would have to endure this. I was disheartened thinking that if they didn’t have strong support or entrenched stubbornness, maybe they would stop breastfeeding because pumping during air travel can push you to your limits.

I had seen other mamas posting pictures of beautiful lactation rooms or lactation pods in other airports, so I started to investigate a bit. I emailed some of the pod companies to ask about how they go about getting their pods installed in airports. I Facebook messaged Jenna Ikuta, the manager of the San Diego Nursing in Public Task Force, responding to a post of hers about breastfeeding advocacy, and asked if she knew anything about Terminal 1 in the San Diego International Airport, where pumping is particularly hard. From Jenna, I found out that as of January 2016 a new law in California would require a place for moms to pump that is not a bathroom in all airport terminals that had over 1 million flights per year, except terminal 1 in San Diego.  

I became a mom on a mission: even if it happened after I was done breastfeeding, something had to be done about Terminal 1 in San Diego. As it turns out, my “mission” had really already been completed – the lactation room in Terminal 1 opened earlier this fall.  The San Diego Breastfeeding Coalition sent me an email to this regard, and I was shocked and excited. The following week I had a business trip and low and behold, after asking 5 employees someone finally knew what I was talking about and pointed me to the lactation room. It was beautiful.




There’s still a bit of work to be done: educating employees about the lactation room, putting up a well-placed sign or two, and spreading the word among nursing mamas. I posted in a few of the local breastfeeding groups, and added the location to the great app “Moms Pump Here” that helps moms find pumping locations around the country. I’m ironically writing this on my first business trip in over a year without a pump – I’m just gone for the day and the twins are only nursing morning and night now.  I hope that the next time you’re at the San Diego International Airport for a Southwest flight you enjoy the new facilities: just past security to your left, tucked under the escalators.


After submitting Emily’s letter to the San Diego International Airport’s Customer Relations Coordinator (with the help of the UCSD’s Lactation Supportive Environments Department), we were thrilled to report back to Emily that there were, in fact, THREE Lactation Rooms at the San Diego airport.  It appeared that the security and airport staff just had no idea that all three existed.  Since this misinformation was brought to the airport’s attention, they have gone above and beyond to make these Lactation Rooms available and accessible to breastfeeding and pumping moms.  First, they have placed the breastfeeding symbol on their interactive map, showing where all of the lactation rooms are located. Secondly, they have sent out a press release so that all of their staff members will know about the Lactation Rooms and where they are located.  

Hopefully the last step will be to take Emily’s advice and affix well-placed signs throughout the airport so that moms can easily find these rooms when they need them.  

We would like to commend the San Diego International Airport for making breastfeeding and pumping moms a priority in their renovation plans and for creating a wonderful space where moms may have some well-deserved privacy.

Thank you, Emily, for bringing this to our attention so that all breastfeeding and pumping moms traveling through our airport can benefit from these rooms!  And, for moms who would like to breastfeed their children throughout the terminal, remember that California law protects your right to breastfeed in public!  

Safe travels during the busy holiday season, and beyond!

Have you seen a Lactation Room or a Mamava Lactation Suite at one of the airports you have traveled through?  Snap a photo and place it in the comments so that we can share this information with other traveling moms!

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Robin Kaplan Robin Kaplan

Update on our Kickstarter Project

Well, our 30 days are up for our Kickstarter project and, unfortunately, our Nursing in Public Task Force website project didn't receive the funding that we had hoped for.  We reached about 10% of the funding we needed and I am so incredibly appreciative of the support we received from our generous donors!  

While I am sad that the Nursing in Public Task Force website project will have to be put on hold for now, I am not too discouraged to let it go completely.  Over the next few months, I will be updating the resources on our local Nursing In Public Task Force webpage, speaking at the Annual California Breastfeeding Summit about our project, and hopefully finding other funding sources to pay for this valuable online resource.  So, if you happen to have any ideas for other funding sources (or an amazing benefactor who'd like to pay for the website!), please email me so we can explore these options :-)  

If you would like to stay current on this project, please sign up for our newsletter, as we will be updating our website with new information and resources for nursing in public.

Thanks, again!  This has been an enlightening learning experience for me and I hope to have a huge announcement in the next few months that we have secured funding for this valuable and needed website!



Well, our 30 days are up for our Kickstarter project and, unfortunately, our Nursing in Public Task Force website project didn't receive the funding that we had hoped for.  We reached about 10% of the funding we needed and I am so incredibly appreciative of the support we received from our generous donors!  

While I am sad that the Nursing in Public Task Force website project will have to be put on hold for now, I am not too discouraged to let it go completely.  Over the next few months, I will be updating the resources on our local Nursing In Public Task Force webpage, speaking at the Annual California Breastfeeding Summit about our project, and hopefully finding other funding sources to pay for this valuable online resource.  So, if you happen to have any ideas for other funding sources (or an amazing benefactor who'd like to pay for the website!), please email me so we can explore these options :-)  

If you would like to stay current on this project, please sign up for our newsletter, as we will be updating our website with new information and resources for nursing in public.

Thanks, again!  This has been an enlightening learning experience for me and I hope to have a huge announcement in the next few months that we have secured funding for this valuable and needed website!



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Robin Kaplan Robin Kaplan

Join our Movement to Stop Nursing in Public Harassment

We are so excited to announce that we have launched our first Kickstarter campaign today!  It is called the Nursing in Public Task Force Website.  

As you know, the ladies at the San Diego Breastfeeding Center are fierce advocates for protecting a woman's right to breastfeed in public.   This is exactly why we created the San Diego Nursing in Public Task Force in 2013. Too many local moms had been discriminated against and shamed for breastfeeding their babies outside of their homes and we just couldn’t stand by silently anymore!

We are so excited to announce that we have launched our first Kickstarter campaign today!  It is called the Nursing in Public Task Force Website.  

As you know, the ladies at the San Diego Breastfeeding Center are fierce advocates for protecting a woman's right to breastfeed in public.   This is exactly why we created the San Diego Nursing in Public Task Force in 2013. Too many local moms had been discriminated against and shamed for breastfeeding their babies outside of their homes and we just couldn’t stand by silently anymore!


In these past 2 years, we have helped over a dozen women mediate nursing in public harassment incidents, as well as countless of others to remedy discriminatory incidents on their own.  We feel like the time has come to expand these resources… to help breastfeeding women and businesses/organizations across the country uphold their state laws that protect the rights of breastfeeding mothers and stop these discriminatory acts.


So, how can you help?

Today we launched a Kickstarter campaign to raise money for a national Nursing in Public Task Force website.  The money raised will pay for a website designer, content creation, and a photographer/videographer for the website.  We would be extremely grateful if you would take a few moments out of your day to look at the Kickstarter project.  If you feel like this sounds like a worthy cause, please consider donating and share with your friends (by forwarding this article and sharing on Facebook).  Know that you will be making a difference in thousands of women's and children's lives, as well as creating more tolerant and supportive communities across our country.

Click here to check out our Nursing in Public Task Force Website Kickstarter campaign:


Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts!  

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Robin Kaplan Robin Kaplan

American Airlines: Please change your policy about checked pumped breastmilk!

A few weeks ago, the San Diego Nursing in Public Task Force was contacted by Theresa Morawski Pulickal about an incident she needed help resolving with America Airlines.  Theresa has already done an amazing job advocating for herself and almost completely resolved the situation she had with the airlines, but she needs your help to change American Airline's policy regarding transporting breast milk.  She doesn’t want another mother to have to deal with the challenges she dealt with a few weeks ago. 

Here is her story.  



I am trying to change an American Airlines policy after an experience I had traveling from Puerto Vallarta to Phoenix to San Diego a few weeks ago. While in Puerto Vallarta, I pumped breast milk for my child home in San Diego. He was not traveling with me. At the Puerto Vallarta airport I was told by the TSA agents that I could not carry my breast milk on the plane. I tried to tell them that the rules in the US state that it's okay to carry pumped milk onboard the plane and it could be tested, but they gave me a firm ‘NO’. I took my breast milk coolers to America Airlines (AA). I told them I was told to check my breast milk by the TSA agents. The American Airlines ticket agent generated a check bag tag and said it would cost $499MXN pesos. I asked if the could be waived, as it is breast milk. I told them I was not expecting a fee. They said, no, because the baby was not with me and that it was company policy to charge a fee and that he (the AA Agent) didn't agree with it either, but had to charge me.  I paid the fee, as it was very important to me to bring home my milk. I checked the bag to Phoenix. In Phoenix, I spoke to the AA customer service representative. The agent told me that they should not have charged me for the bag in Puerto Vallarta, but he was unable to reimburse at his location. He told me there is no one to call and I would have to make a claim online through the comment/compliant website. I picked up my bag and went through TSA in Phoenix to San Diego with no problem. They looked at my milk and tested the cooler bag. I was allowed to carry on. 

A few weeks ago, the San Diego Nursing in Public Task Force was contacted by Theresa Morawski Pulickal about an incident she needed help resolving with America Airlines.  Theresa has already done an amazing job advocating for herself and almost completely resolved the situation she had with the airlines, but she needs your help to change American Airline's policy regarding transporting breast milk.  She doesn’t want another mother to have to deal with the challenges she dealt with a few weeks ago. 

Here is her story.  


I am trying to change an American Airlines policy after an experience I had traveling from Puerto Vallarta to Phoenix to San Diego a few weeks ago. While in Puerto Vallarta, I pumped breast milk for my child home in San Diego. He was not traveling with me. At the Puerto Vallarta airport I was told by the TSA agents that I could not carry my breast milk on the plane. I tried to tell them that the rules in the US state that it's okay to carry pumped milk onboard the plane and it could be tested, but they gave me a firm ‘NO’. I took my breast milk coolers to America Airlines (AA). I told them I was told to check my breast milk by the TSA agents. The American Airlines ticket agent generated a check bag tag and said it would cost $499MXN pesos. I asked if the could be waived, as it is breast milk. I told them I was not expecting a fee. They said, no, because the baby was not with me and that it was company policy to charge a fee and that he (the AA Agent) didn't agree with it either, but had to charge me.  I paid the fee, as it was very important to me to bring home my milk. I checked the bag to Phoenix. In Phoenix, I spoke to the AA customer service representative. The agent told me that they should not have charged me for the bag in Puerto Vallarta, but he was unable to reimburse at his location. He told me there is no one to call and I would have to make a claim online through the comment/compliant website. I picked up my bag and went through TSA in Phoenix to San Diego with no problem. They looked at my milk and tested the cooler bag. I was allowed to carry on. 


When I got home, I submitted a complaint on the AA website and I posted my experience on Facebook, Twitter, and Yelp. 

The next day I received a call from Jana at AA’s customer relations explaining she was contacting me due to my social media posts.  She reiterated that AA’s policy is that you only get a free bag only if the child is along with you for travel and that milk is not considered a medical necessity so it does not qualify to be free. I asked how I could get the policy changed and she said I had already voiced my concern and it was now being handling internally.  I was offered a $50 voucher (that I did not want) and instead asked her to follow up with the policy change. 

I posted my updated status on Facebook.  Later I received a message through Facebook saying that AA will reimburse me for the bag in 7-10 days.   I wrote back thanking them for the reimbursement, but asked if this could lead to a policy change. I received a generic message saying they appreciated my feedback. 

Last week, I received a formal letter from American Airlines’s customer relations stating that they had done a thorough investigation of my incident.  The letter included this paragraph: “We apologize for the inconvenience caused when you were unable to carry-on your breast milk with you from Puerto Vallarta to Phoenix. Our customer service personnel are expected to be knowledgeable of our baggage policies including information about exempted articles such as medication and other assistive devices. Please accept our sincere apology for our service failure as well as any resulting anxiety or inconvenience this may have caused you.”  I was then offered a full refund for my checked breast milk bag. 

After I received this formal email, I called back to clarify American Airline’s policy and was told by the agent that a fee would still be charged if breast milk is checked because it was not considered a medical necessity.

While I am very appreciative that American Airlines worked so quickly to resolve my incident, I would like to take this opportunity to ask American Airlines to change their baggage policy with regards to checking pumped breast milk.  I am reaching out to other mothers and advocates of breast feeding/pumping/nursing to get this policy changed. I feel that even though my child wasn't with me and TSA wouldn't allow my breast milk to be carried on that American Airlines shouldn't be charging a fee to check pumped breast milk.  I think it should be free, just like a cane, a diabetic’s insulin, or an oxygen tank. To some babies, pumped breast milk is a medical necessity and a mom shouldn’t have to pay to bring it home to her baby. That is what I want to see changed.


Call to action: How you can help!

Let’s see if we can get American Airlines to change their policy on checked breast milk!  Here are some easy ways to have your voice heard:


Post the following message on American Airlines’ Facebook page:

Thank you for refunding a mom’s baggage fee when she had to check her pumped breastmilk due to a TSA mistake.  How about instating a policy update where all moms are exempt from paying a baggage fee if TSA requires them to check their pumped milk with your airlines?  What a great way to support your passengers and their families!


Copy this email and send it to American Airlines’ Customer Relations Department

(Make sure to use these parameters: Topic (Customer Relations), Subject (Complaint), Reason (Other), and when it asks 'Is your comment or concern related to your flight', choose 'No')

Dear American Airlines,

As a breastfeeding advocate, I am asking that you consider updating your policy so that breastfeeding/pumping moms may check their pumped milk on your flights, at no charge.  Whether a mom is traveling with or without her child, she depends on bringing home her pumped breastmilk safely so that she can provide nourishment to her child at the end of her travels.  The benefits of breastmilk are vast and beyond any other substitute, which is why a mom works so diligently to pump and bring home her milk to her child.  While TSA is supposed to allow a mother to carry her pumped milk on board, sometimes TSA agents make a mistake, which require a mother to check her pumped milk.  I am asking you to consider adding pumped breastmilk to your list of items that are exempt from baggage charges, such as a cane, booster seat, or stroller.  Breastmilk is DEFINITELY a medical necessity! This would help your airlines stand out among the others as being supportive of all families and their needs.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

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Robin Kaplan Robin Kaplan

A Resolution to the LA Fitness Nursing in Public Harassment Incident

Last month I shared a story about how a breastfeeding mother had been involved in a nursing in public harassment incident at a local LA Fitness.  During this incident, Monique Golueke was told that her only option for breastfeeding in the Oceanside LA Fitness facility was in the Kids Klub restroom.  After some media coverage, a nurse-in, and several cordial email exchanges between the San Diego Nursing in Public Task Force and Jill Greuling (Vice President of Operations for LA Fitness), I am elated to report that we have come to an incredibly positive resolution!  

Today, I received an email from Ms. Greuling, stating that the following memo will pop up for every LA Fitness employee in California when they log on June 5th, requiring an acknowledgement that they read and understand the information contained in the memo:

"According to California Civil Code, section 43.3, “Notwithstanding any other provision of law, a mother may breastfeed her child in any location, public or private, except the private home or residence of another, where the mother and the child are otherwise authorized to be present.”  To accommodate breastfeeding women in LA Fitness facilities, staff members may recommend reasonable places for her to do so, such as the foyer, the sales area or in the Kids Klub. It is not reasonable to tell a woman that the only place she can breastfeed her baby is in the Kids Klub restroom."

The San Diego Nursing in Public Task Force would like to commend Monique Golueke and Ms. Greuling for having the initiative to take tangible, practical actions that will prevent any incidences like this from happening in the future.  We are thrilled we were able to collaborate with her to bring forth such a positive resolution.

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Robin Kaplan Robin Kaplan

Mother Kicked Out of LA Fitness for Breastfeeding in the Locker Room

It happened again in San Diego!  How is this possible?  Another nursing in public incident that clearly violated California state law!  An incident where a mother felt violated and shamed for nursing her baby in a public place.  Another reason that reinforces the need for our San Diego Nursing in Public Task Force.


Here is Monique Golueke’s story, in her own words. 

"It had been over a year since I had been to the gym and after what happened today, it's not likely I'll be returning, at least not to LA Fitness. I was so excited to attend a step class alongside one of my best gals.

On April 22, 2014, I reinstated my membership, paid the fees, and signed my boys up for the unlimited Kids Klub pass. Forty-five minutes into our class, I was notified that the boys had been crying and they weren't able to settle down. I swooped them up and took them directly to the ladies’ restroom/locker room where I washed both of their little hands. My 9-month old still seemed upset so I decided to nurse him while my toddler sat next to me and played with my phone. About five minutes later, I was approached by an LA Fitness employee.  She told me that we needed to leave and that children were not allowed in the locker room.

It happened again in San Diego!  How is this possible?  Another nursing in public incident that clearly violated California state law!  An incident where a mother felt violated and shamed for nursing her baby in a public place.  Another reason that reinforces the need for our San Diego Nursing in Public Task Force.


Here is Monique Golueke’s story, in her own words. 

"It had been over a year since I had been to the gym and after what happened today, it's not likely I'll be returning, at least not to LA Fitness. I was so excited to attend a step class alongside one of my best gals.

On April 22, 2014, I reinstated my membership, paid the fees, and signed my boys up for the unlimited Kids Klub pass. Forty-five minutes into our class, I was notified that the boys had been crying and they weren't able to settle down. I swooped them up and took them directly to the ladies’ restroom/locker room where I washed both of their little hands. My 9-month old still seemed upset so I decided to nurse him while my toddler sat next to me and played with my phone. About five minutes later, I was approached by an LA Fitness employee.  She told me that we needed to leave and that children were not allowed in the locker room.

I explained that I was nursing my son and she responded by saying that since I was new I probably didn't know the rules. She told me that an "elderly" woman had complained. Upon signing back up for the gym, there was no mention of the rules regarding the children.

When approached, I felt completely mortified, embarrassed and ashamed. I asked the employee where I should be nursing and she told me that there was a bathroom located in the kids club. Escorted out I felt embarrassed, ashamed and humiliated.  Keep in mind that there are no signs posted stating that children are not allowed in the ladies’ restroom/locker room. My intention was to nurture and care for my children in a safe and friendly environment.

Escorted me out-what now?

They were more than happy to accept my money, then send me on my way.

I decided to call corporate and notify them of what happened and also have my account deactivated, I also asked them to refund my money. They were apologetic and handled the situation by having the manager from the Oceanside location contact me.

The manager called me and asked what had upset me: the fact that I was breastfeeding or the fact that the kids were in the locker room. I barely understood what he was asking. It was clear he didn't understand the legality of the situation. He told me that if I ever wanted to return to LA Fitness, I was welcome to nurse my baby in the restroom located in the Kids Klub.

I'm not positive but I think the only place to sit in the restroom that he was referring to is on the toilet. 

At that point, I decided to again contact Corporate and inform them of the absurd conversation I had with the manager.  They were apologetic and explained that if they needed to contact me they would. The conversation was strange and at this time I was heated and enraged. The woman didn't really say much."

After Monique shared her story in a private Facebook group, women from all over San Diego county banded together to organize a peaceful nurse-in in front of the Oceanside LA Fitness, showing their support for Monique as well as upholding a mother’s right to nurse in public.

Click here for the video from ABC 10 News showing the Nurse-In at LA Fitness.

Jill Greuling, Vice President of Operations for LA Fitness, issued this statement to 10News: 

"We support the right of women to breastfeed in our facilities. When Mrs. Golueke voiced her intention to do so to one of our staff, she was offered space in the Kids Klub or, as an option, the separate restroom within the Kids Klub and a chair if she wanted more privacy. The staff member initially spoke to Mrs. Golueke to let her know that children are not allowed in the locker room area. This conversation occurred because another member observed her in the locker room with small children and reported it to us.”

Unfortunately, this statement is untrue.  Monique was ONLY offered to breastfeed in the Kids Klub restroom and that is a significant problem.  The CA law states that a women is allowed to breastfeed her child, anywhere she and her child  are authorized to be.  If children are in fact not allowed in the locker room at LA Fitness, then the law doesn’t protect Monique in that area of the gym.  The issue is with the statement from the staff member who recommended that Monique breastfeed her baby in the Kids Klub bathroom.  This is not an appropriate place to breastfeed a child.  It is unsanitary and demeaning.  It is important for all LA Fitness staff to know that this is not an appropriate recommendation and that, instead, mothers should be alternatively told that they may breastfeed in the lobby or in a comfortable spot in the Kids Klub.

At this time, the San Diego Nursing in Public Task Force is sending a letter to the LA Fitness Corporate office kindly requesting that they create a breastfeeding-supportive policy statement for their members, including a list of appropriate areas where mothers may breastfeed their children in their facilities (not including a bathroom.)  We will also be offering language that they can share with their staff members on how to kindly respond to a mother who is breastfeeding her child in a place where her child is not authorized to be.

We will keep you posted!

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Robin Kaplan Robin Kaplan

Breastfeeding in Public is Legal in California, Right?

Recently San Diego, California (aka America’s Finest City) has been hit with some pretty obnoxious breastfeeding-in-public harassment situations.  While I assumed that most Californians knew that breastfeeding in public was legal in our wonderful state, apparently, most people don’t.  Even my husband, who is an attorney and married to a lactation consultant, was unaware that there was actually a California law that protected a woman’s right to nurse in public. 


First and foremost, it is shocking to me that we actually need a law to protect a woman’s right to feed her baby in public, but yet, I must remind myself that most people think breasts are for fun rather than functionality.

Secondly, why don’t most people know that this law exists? 

Third, how is it possible that EVEN WITH a law stating a woman can breastfeeding in public, mothers are STILL being harassed for doing so?

What does the California law actually say?

Recently San Diego, California (aka America’s Finest City) has been hit with some pretty obnoxious breastfeeding-in-public harassment situations.  While I assumed that most Californians knew that breastfeeding in public was legal in our wonderful state, apparently, most people don’t.  Even my husband, who is an attorney and married to a lactation consultant, was unaware that there was actually a California law that protected a woman’s right to nurse in public. 


First and foremost, it is shocking to me that we actually need a law to protect a woman’s right to feed her baby in public, but yet, I must remind myself that most people think breasts are for fun rather than functionality.

Secondly, why don’t most people know that this law exists? 

Third, how is it possible that EVEN WITH a law stating a woman can breastfeeding in public, mothers are STILL being harassed for doing so?

What does the California law actually say?

According to California Civil Code, section 43.3, “Notwithstanding any other provision of law, a mother may breastfeed her child in any location, public or private, except the private home or residence of another, where the mother and the child are otherwise authorized to be present.” 

In laymen’s terms: a mother may breastfeed her child in ANY public space!

Are you ready to hear about the situation where a mother was harassed for nursing in public?

Hope you’re sitting down for this one!


On January 8, 2013, Rebecca Garcia was breastfeeding her 8 month old son in one of the courtrooms at the Chula Vista Courthouse.  When her son started to fuss, the bailiff, Deputy Chong, approached Rebecca and asked what she was doing.  When Rebecca said she was breastfeeding, Deputy Chong stated loudly, in front of the entire courtroom, “You should be ashamed of yourself, it’s inappropriate, you need to leave and go outside, do that somewhere else private, and it is illegal to breastfeed in court!”

Rebecca reported that, “I felt embarrassed and ashamed because of the way that the Deputy was staring me down, so I unlatched my child thinking I should leave.  I did not want to interrupt the proceedings and I was so embarrassed and started to get very emotional. The judge heard the commotion and stopped the court and asked what was going on.  I explained to her what the deputy said and she said that I could stay. She also asked me if I had a cover, which I did, and gave permission to continue breastfeeding.  I was relieved to hear this from her because the Deputy was so rude and uncaring.” 

Unfortunately, Rebecca’s son started to fuss again, so she chose to leave the courtroom and breastfeed in a cubicle in the hallway, due to her embarrassment from the confrontation. 

This is where I hope you’re sitting down….

Deputy Chong followed Rebecca out of the courtroom and continued to harass her for breastfeeding in the courtroom, making many disparaging comments, including his opinion that she should be ashamed of herself.  At one point, Rebecca attempted to leave Deputy Chong’s presence, and Deputy Chong went so far as to physically block her way out of the cubicle so that he could continue the harassment.  Finally, even when Rebecca exited the cubicle, Deputy Chong followed her to say a few more disparaging comments, finishing with, “I don’t know what kind of world you live in, but it’s not okay to breastfeed in public.”

Following this incident, Rebecca filed a complaint with Deputy Chong’s supervisor.  The supervisor informed Rebecca that she would speak with Deputy Chong, but not to expect a phone call describing the resolution or any form of apology.

Again, how is this possible?  The fact that Rebecca’s right was so egregiously violated inside of a California State courtroom by a California State employee shows that awareness of this law is clearly lacking.

Fortunately, Rebecca decided that her story needed to be heard.  Following this incident, she contacted our San Diego County Breastfeeding Coalition.  Katherine Doan, another breastfeeding mom who happened to be a witness to this incident, contacted me through our San Diego Breastfeeding Center Facebook page to see if I could help as well.  I was so moved by Rebecca’s story (as were all of you), that I knew I had to do something!  Plus, ironically just 1 week before I found out about this incident, I had written an article for Lactation Matters about how I planned to create change in my community for protecting a mother’s right to breastfeed in public.  Coincidence…. I think not!

Here’s what Rebecca and I have done so far….

We’ve contacted the San Diego County Courts to request a meeting with their executive officer to discuss the following:


  • A request to place a substantial segment in the court’s annual discrimination training to educate their staff regarding the language of California Civil code, section 43.3, that states a woman can breastfeed in public.
  • A request that ALL San Diego courthouses display ‘Breastfeeding Welcome Here’ stickers.
  • A demand that Rebecca Garcia receives a formal, written apology for the actions of Deputy Chong.

Due to the publicity on our Facebook page, Caridad Sanchez, a staff member from Senator Barbara Boxer’s office, contacted me and was moved to action.  Caridad was appalled by Rebecca's nursing in public incident and inspired to help remedy this situation, as well as make sure that this doesn't continue to happen to other breastfeeding mothers.  Caridad and I plan to meet in the next few weeks to discuss how she can help connect me with state legislators to pursue an enforcement provision to the CA state law, as well as other possibilities to protect the rights of breastfeeding women.

It is my every hope that this situation resolves in a peaceful and compassionate manner.  I will continue to update this blog as more details and resolutions become available. 

In the meantime, here’s what you can do to make a difference:


The more we can ‘normalize’ breastfeeding in public, or breastfeeding in general, the less common this form of harassment will be.

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