Plugged Ducts

Common Concerns While Breastfeeding - What is That Knot in My Breast?

Common Concerns While Breastfeeding - What is That Knot in My Breast?

Dealing with a plugged/clogged duct? While this condition is often painful and frustrating, it’s usually manageable with some self-care and support. So, what exactly are plugged (clogged) ducts, why do they happen, and what can you do to resolve them? Let’s break it down!

Common Concerns While Breastfeeding - What is That White (and painful!) Spot on My Nipple?

Welcome back to our blog series…. Common Concerns While Breastfeeding.  These aren’t the complicated, ‘come-to-my-house-immediately’ phone calls we receive.  Rather, these are the questions that come from clients and friends in the middle of the night, by text or by email, that don’t necessarily warrant a lactation consultation.  They can often be easily resolved with a few simple tricks.  So, we would like to share those tricks with you!


Many moms know the pain associated with a shallow latch during the early days, but have you ever had nipple pain suddenly begin after weeks or months of pain-free breastfeeding?  After checking nipples for signs of a poor latch, you notice a white spot on the nipple in question - you pick at it for a few seconds, but it still remains.  What is it?  What caused it?  What can you do to resolve it and get back to pain-free breastfeeding?  This is what’s called a “milk blister” or “milk bleb” and is not cause for great concern, but it can be an uncomfortable and unwelcome guest!