Robin Kaplan Robin Kaplan

Help Us Make A Difference on Giving Tuesday!

Happy #GivingTuesday!

Breastfeeding is not always easy!  Having personally experienced breastfeeding challenges with both of my kids, I know firsthand how critical breastfeeding support is for a mom in those first few weeks after her baby is born.  Critical, both physically and emotionally.

Join me in helping local low-income women gain access to critical breastfeeding support on this #GivingTuesday.


Happy #GivingTuesday!

Breastfeeding is not always easy!  Having personally experienced breastfeeding challenges with both of my kids, I know firsthand how critical breastfeeding support is for a mom in those first few weeks after her baby is born.  Critical, both physically and emotionally.

Join me in helping local low-income women gain access to critical breastfeeding support on this #GivingTuesday.


Wondering how to do this?

We are asking you to help us #SupportSDMoms by donating your weekly coffee money!  It’s that simple!  If everyone on this email list donated $10-$20 today, the amount they would spend at a coffee shop this week, we would be able to raise over $40,000 on #GivingTuesday.  


Can you help us reach this goal?

All you have to do is click on this Paypal link to donate this week’s coffee allowance and help bring affordable breastfeeding support to hundreds of local low-income moms.

After a fairly smooth pregnancy and birth, breastfeeding presented me with the greatest challenges in my journey to motherhood. Tula had a tongue tie that caused her latch to be shallow and excruciatingly painful for me. After the revision, she had …

After a fairly smooth pregnancy and birth, breastfeeding presented me with the greatest challenges in my journey to motherhood. Tula had a tongue tie that caused her latch to be shallow and excruciatingly painful for me. After the revision, she had trouble re-learning how to latch with the new mobility and ended up losing nearly a whole pound one week postpartum. That's when robin and the team at the San Diego Breastfeeding Center swooped in to the rescue.

Realizing our baby had been starving, we were wrought with concern and exhaustion. Robin was kind, supportive, and professional. She came to our home and was affordable, which was such a relief! She created a plan with us and she reassured us that we could reach our goals and get our baby healthy.

Five months later and we are going strong halfway towards our goal! Robin remains an essential source of support and guidance. Having access to these invaluable services, at the incredibly reasonable price point of $25, made all the difference.

- Lauren


  • While 93% of moms start breastfeeding exclusively at birth in San Diego, only 56% continue doing so at 3 months, largely due to a lack of access to ongoing lactation support.

  • Lack of financial resources is reported as one of the main barriers for women to receive qualified breastfeeding support to help feed their babies.

Please join us today, on Giving Tuesday, to help more local families like Lauren's gain access to critical breastfeeding support!

To donate to the San Diego Breastfeeding Center Foundation, please send checks to:

San Diego Breastfeeding Center Foundation (3355 4th Ave., San Diego, CA 92103)

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Robin Kaplan Robin Kaplan

Awesome Opportunity Drawing at the San Diego Big Latch On Event!

So you thought you were just coming to the Big Latch On event to hang out with friends and latch on your kiddo, right?  Well, wait until you see all of the fantastic breastfeeding and pumping swag you have the opportunity to win at our drawing on Saturday!  

We feel incredibly fortunate to have the support of so many local businesses and national breastfeeding-friendly companies.  These businesses have graciously donated goods and services to help raise money for the San Diego Breastfeeding Center Foundation, our non-profit organization which offers reduced-fee private breastfeeding consultations for local low-income families.  Last year we raised about $2500 for our foundation at the Big Latch On event and we are hoping to DOUBLE that this year!  

So you thought you were just coming to the Big Latch On event to hang out with friends and latch on your kiddo, right?  Well, wait until you see all of the fantastic breastfeeding and pumping swag you have the opportunity to win at our drawing on Saturday!  

We feel incredibly fortunate to have the support of so many local businesses and national breastfeeding-friendly companies.  These businesses have graciously donated goods and services to help raise money for the San Diego Breastfeeding Center Foundation, our non-profit organization which offers reduced-fee private breastfeeding consultations for local low-income families.  Last year we raised about $2500 for our foundation at the Big Latch On event and we are hoping to DOUBLE that this year!  

Leading up to the actual Latch On, you will have a chance to purchase opportunity drawing tickets.  You will receive one free ticket with registration and the rest can be purchased for:

$1 - 1 ticket

$5 - 6 tickets

$10 - 12 tickets

$20 - 25 tickets

ALL proceeds will be donated to the San Diego Breastfeeding Center Foundation

At 10:45am, we will begin to announce the winners of each prize.  You must be present to win the prize.  For a full rundown of the entire Big Latch On event, please check out our Facebook event page

Ready to see what you have the chance to win????



Dr. Stanton Hom - New patient chiropractic package

Dr. Karin Nealon - $200 craniosacral package

Rumina - several Pump&Nurse bras and tanks

Tula - Free-to-Grow carrier and blankets

Nature’s Whisper - 3 yoga class package

Deanna Honda - free massage

Morgan Gates - one-on-one makeup lesson

Ashlee Hayden - free photography package

Hands for Life Ocean Beach - Mama and Me chiropractic package

Good Vibrations - Free first chiropractic visit

Micah Arsham - Free Acupuncture visit

Whole Family Wellness - Free Acupuncture visit

Nursing Noah - teething necklace

Becoming Peaceful - Free parent coaching session and free parenting workshop

Emily New - massage

Wholesome Home - Natural product gift basket

Inspire Life Chiropractic - Discounted first exam and book

Nutrition in Bloom - free classes and free private nutrition counseling session

Freemie - Equality pump with deluxe cup

Glamourmom - nursing tanks

Fairhaven - Milk saver and milk tray

Momzelle - $50 gift card

Bamboobies - breastpads and nursing shawl

Ardo - hand pump

Dairy Fairy - bras

Jay Elle  - breast pump bag

Mama Magic Birth - free elimination communication class

If you are unable to attend the Big Latch On this year, but would still like to donate to the SDBFC Foundation, you may do so through our website at anytime.  You can also choose us as your charitable recipient through Amazon smile.  Just one click and .5% of every Amazon purchase you make will be donated to our Foundation!

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Robin Kaplan Robin Kaplan

Global Big Latch On Event 2017

We are so excited to announce that the San Diego Breastfeeding Center and Wonderful and Wild are co-hosting a 2017 Big Latch On event!  For those who are unfamiliar with the Big Latch On, this is an event that started in New Zealand in 2005 during World Breastfeeding Week.  The mission of the Big Latch On is to protect, promote, and support breastfeeding women and each year groups of breastfeeding women come together at locations all around the world to latch on their children at a designated time and day in honor of this mission and to attempt to set a new record!  This year, our Big Latch On event will also serve as a major fundraiser for our non-profit organization, the San Diego Breastfeeding Center Foundation.

We are so excited to announce that the San Diego Breastfeeding Center and Wonderful and Wild are co-hosting a 2017 Big Latch On event!  For those who are unfamiliar with the Big Latch On, this is an event that started in New Zealand in 2005 during World Breastfeeding Week.  The mission of the Big Latch On is to protect, promote, and support breastfeeding women and each year groups of breastfeeding women come together at locations all around the world to latch on their children at a designated time and day in honor of this mission and to attempt to set a new record!  This year, our Big Latch On event will also serve as a major fundraiser for our non-profit organization, the San Diego Breastfeeding Center Foundation.


So, here are the details:

When is the Big Latch On?

The Big Latch On event will take place on Saturday, August 5, 2017 from 8:30am-11am.  The actual Big Latch On will take place at exactly 10:30am, so don’t be late!  

Where will the Big Latch On take place?

At Wonderful and Wild.  The address is: 1007 University Ave. San Diego,CA 92103.

Do I need to RSVP for the Big Latch On Event?

Yes, please!  Since we need 1 non-breastfeeding witness for every 10 breastfeeding mamas, it would be wonderful if you can RSVP before the event.  If you forget, please come anyway.


What is the agenda for the Big Latch On?

8:30am-10:15am - Registration and mingle.  Purchase tickets for our Opportunity Drawing; proceeds to be donated to the San Diego Breastfeeding Center Foundation.  First 100 attendees will get an awesome Goodie Bag!

10:15am-10:25am - Settle in and get ready to latch on

10:30am-10:31am - Big Latch On!

10:40am-11:00am - Opportunity drawing winners announced

11am - Event ends

What takes place at registration?

Each breastfeeding mom needs to register, with her name and email address, so that she can be counted during the event.  Also, each mom will decide whether she gives her permission to be photographed during the event.

What takes place during the Big Latch On?

8:30am-10:15am: Once moms have registered, there will be plenty of time to relax, mingle, and grab some coffee and breakfast at many of the local restaurants in walking distance.  You will also have time to purchase tickets for the opportunity drawing items.  Definitely bring a water bottle so you can stay hydrated.

From 10:30-10:31am, all of the participants will latch on their child(ren).  Each breastfeeding mom will be counted by one of the non-breastfeeding witnesses so that she can be accounted for in setting the Big Latch On record.

From 10:40-11:00am, opportunity drawing winners will be chosen.  Winners must be present to receive the gift.


What are the opportunity drawing details?

We are in the process of collecting items for our opportunity drawing!  Each Big Latch On participant will be given one ticket to enter the opportunity drawing.  Additional tickets can be purchased at the event: $1 for 1 ticket, $5 for 6 tickets, $10 for 12 tickets.  All money raised will be donated to the San Diego Breastfeeding Center Foundation to help pay for reduced-fee breastfeeding consultations for low-income breastfeeding families in San Diego.  If you have an item or service that you would like to donate for the opportunity drawing, please contact Robin Kaplan, at

Sponsorship opportunities!

This year we are offering Sponsorship Opportunities, at a variety of levels, ranging from Goodie Bag donations to official sponsorship of our event.  If you are interested in sharing your service or product with our local families, please contact our event coordinator, Liz Bradshaw at for more sponsorship information.  So far, we are thrilled to have the following businesses as sponsors: La Luna HealthSan Diego County Breastfeeding Coalition, A Wholesome HomeLuludew, and Inspire Life Chiropractic.

How will the photographs be used after the event?

We are so thrilled that Ariel Dolfo, of Ariel Dolfo Photography, will be documenting our Big Latch On event for the fourth year in a row!  Photographs will only be taken of mothers who give permission to be photographed.  Group photos will be taken to document the event and sent with our final number of participating breastfeeding mothers, as well as placed on the San Diego Breastfeeding Center website.  

Looking forward to seeing you all there!  

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Robin Kaplan Robin Kaplan

IRC Donation Drive Success!

Written by Anna Choi, BS, IBCLC

On March 1st, we asked our community of mothers, families, and friends to help us #givehope to refugee families in San Diego by supporting our effort to collect diapers and women’s hygiene kits for the International Rescue Committee in San Diego. Our initial goal was to collect 500 diapers and 50 hygiene kits in 50 days. Within the first ten days, we had surpassed our diaper goal and were overwhelmed with gratitude as more diapers and hygiene kits continued to be delivered to our office throughout the following weeks. We are thrilled to announce that our final totals were as follows:

3,050 Diapers

40 Women’s Hygiene Kits

$400 in Walmart/Target Gift Cards

Written by Anna Choi, BS, IBCLC

On March 1st, we asked our community of mothers, families, and friends to help us #givehope to refugee families in San Diego by supporting our effort to collect diapers and women’s hygiene kits for the International Rescue Committee in San Diego. Our initial goal was to collect 500 diapers and 50 hygiene kits in 50 days. Within the first ten days, we had surpassed our diaper goal and were overwhelmed with gratitude as more diapers and hygiene kits continued to be delivered to our office throughout the following weeks. We are thrilled to announce that our final totals were as follows:

3,050 Diapers

40 Women’s Hygiene Kits

$400 in Walmart/Target Gift Cards


We appreciate the generosity of everyone who donated during our collection drive and feel very fortunate to work with such a wonderful community of people. 

On Friday, April 28th, we delivered the donations to IRC staff, at their office on University Avenue, and were greeted with smiling faces and words of gratitude. Elated to see the many boxes and packages of diapers, IRC staff happily restocked their supply room shelves as they discussed how helpful it is to have diapers readily available for refugee families in need. Sainab Warsame, Immigration Case Manager at the IRC, was quick to comment on how nicely put together the women’s hygiene kits were and let us know of her plans to hand out a few of the kits to recently arrived Congolese refugee women on Monday, at the IRC’s Vocational ESL class.




“The hygiene kits will also be given to many women the day they arrive so that they have what they need to hold them over until we take them on a bigger shopping trip,” Chris Williams, Resettlement Director for the IRC in San Diego, tells us.



If you would like more information about how to make a one-time, or monthly, donation to the IRC in San Diego, please visit:

The San Diego Breastfeeding Center is also happy to continue to collect diapers throughout the year, to be delivered to the IRC on a quarterly basis. Diapers must be in sealed, manufacturer’s packaging in order to be accepted for donation. Larger sized diapers [sizes 4-6] are always in high demand and appreciated.

Thank you again for helping us show our support for refugee families in San Diego!

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Robin Kaplan Robin Kaplan

Donation Drive to Support the International Rescue Committee of San Diego

Anna Choi, BS, IBCLC

Here at the San Diego Breastfeeding Center, we love women; we love moms; we love our community. And perhaps most of all, we love helping the women and mothers in our community. When we heard about the recent travel ban put forth by President Trump’s Executive Order, we knew it was time to reach out to our friends at the International Rescue Committee of San Diego to see what we could do to help. In our discussions with IRC San Diego staff, we learned about the devastating effects the Executive Order was having [and would continue to have] on the ability of the IRC to provide support and basic necessities for refugee families who have resettled in San Diego.  As we read about the decision of the U.S. Appeals Court to uphold the suspension of the Trump travel ban, we celebrated with our friends at the IRC. 

Anna Choi, BS, IBCLC

Here at the San Diego Breastfeeding Center, we love women; we love moms; we love our community. And perhaps most of all, we love helping the women and mothers in our community. When we heard about the recent travel ban put forth by President Trump’s Executive Order, we knew it was time to reach out to our friends at the International Rescue Committee of San Diego to see what we could do to help. In our discussions with IRC San Diego staff, we learned about the devastating effects the Executive Order was having [and would continue to have] on the ability of the IRC to provide support and basic necessities for refugee families who have resettled in San Diego.  As we read about the decision of the U.S. Appeals Court to uphold the suspension of the Trump travel ban, we celebrated with our friends at the IRC. 

David Miliband, President and CEO of the IRC, tells us:

“We are grateful that we can get back to work resettling refugees who have fled the terrors of war and violence, while also caring for those who remain trapped in conflict zones. As this ruling will almost certainly be appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court, in the meantime, the IRC remains committed to serving our refugee clients here in the U.S. and in more than 40 countries around the world.”


What does this decision mean for the IRC? It means that refugee resettlement cases that were put on hold due to the travel ban can now continue to move forward. Families who have spent years in refugee camps, fleeing war and oppression, can once again look forward to a new life in a safe community. For the IRC San Diego Resettlement Team specifically, it means the arrival of 78 new refugees in the coming days, weeks, and months. Those arriving in San Diego include wives reuniting with husbands, children with parents, brothers with sisters, and friends with friends. It also means an increased need for donations and support from the community. That’s where we, at the San Diego Breastfeeding Center, and you, come in!

Some of the more common needs of the IRC San Diego [aside from monetary donations, which you can contribute here: ] are diapers and women’s hygiene kits. Those arriving in San Diego include three 2-year olds, two 1-year olds, and several pregnant women. As mothers ourselves, we know firsthand how expensive diapers are, and what an impact the expense can make for those on a fixed income. The first few days in San Diego are very transitionary for newly arriving refugees, and as permanent housing and living expenses are arranged, it can be very helpful for IRC staff to have hygiene kits on hand to distribute, helping newly arrived refugees get through their first few days in a new place. 


So, we’ve challenged ourselves to collect 500 diapers and 50 women’s hygiene kits in 50 days. Donated diapers can be any brand and any size, in unopened packages. Hygiene kits should include the following items: 

  • 10+ sanitary pads
  • wet nap towelettes
  • kleenex
  • deodorant
  • soap
  • lotion
  • shampoo/conditioner
  • toothbrush/toothpaste
  • $10 Walmart Gift Card

Today is day 1. Here is a picture of the hygiene kit I created to give you an idea of what the finished product looks like. Kits can include travel sized portions of the above items, or full sized containers, packaged into a gallon ziploc bag or a grocery bag.


Having visited the IRC San Diego offices and spoken with staff members, I can’t tell you enough how much these donations are appreciated and needed. All donations can be dropped off at our weekly Breastfeeding Support Group, held at our office in Hillcrest {3355 4th Ave SD 92103} every Wednesday from 11:30am-1pm. We will also have a Saturday donation collection on Saturday, March 25th from 10am-12pm, also at our Hillcrest office {3355 4th Ave SD 92103}. The last day to drop off donated items is April 19, 2017.  We hope you will help us reach our goal and stand with us as we support the refugee women and mothers in our local community. 

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Robin Kaplan Robin Kaplan

Managing Speed-bumps Along Your Breastfeeding Path

This past Saturday, I had the honor of hosting the Breastfeeding Lounge and speaking at the Your Natural Baby Fair about my favorite topic... breastfeeding, of course!  The topic for this presentation was a little different than those discussed at the prenatal classes I teach each month.  Instead, I was finally able to address all of the questions I am asked at my weekly support group.  You know... those questions about hiccups that happen AFTER the initial latch/positioning/initiating milk supply issues.  The questions that pop up AFTER the first few months of breastfeeding, right when you think you have it ALL figured out!  Now those are truly my favorite!


My presentation was titled: Managing Speed-bumps Along Your Breastfeeding Path.  During this talk I focused on:

  • Appropriate feeding amounts for babies (for up to a year)

  • Appropriate weight gain for babies (for up to 1 year)

  • Lactogenic foods that support your milk supply

  • How to maintain your supply during baby's distractable times, returning to work, and when offering solids

  • Benefits (both nutritional and emotional) for breastfeeding beyond 1 year


Since this talk could only accommodate 60 people (who happened to be in San Diego at the fair), Sunny, from New Mommy Media and the Preggie Pals podcast, interviewed me to discuss the topics in my presentation.  

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Robin Kaplan Robin Kaplan

Breastfeeding in Public is Legal in California, Right?

Recently San Diego, California (aka America’s Finest City) has been hit with some pretty obnoxious breastfeeding-in-public harassment situations.  While I assumed that most Californians knew that breastfeeding in public was legal in our wonderful state, apparently, most people don’t.  Even my husband, who is an attorney and married to a lactation consultant, was unaware that there was actually a California law that protected a woman’s right to nurse in public. 


First and foremost, it is shocking to me that we actually need a law to protect a woman’s right to feed her baby in public, but yet, I must remind myself that most people think breasts are for fun rather than functionality.

Secondly, why don’t most people know that this law exists? 

Third, how is it possible that EVEN WITH a law stating a woman can breastfeeding in public, mothers are STILL being harassed for doing so?

What does the California law actually say?

Recently San Diego, California (aka America’s Finest City) has been hit with some pretty obnoxious breastfeeding-in-public harassment situations.  While I assumed that most Californians knew that breastfeeding in public was legal in our wonderful state, apparently, most people don’t.  Even my husband, who is an attorney and married to a lactation consultant, was unaware that there was actually a California law that protected a woman’s right to nurse in public. 


First and foremost, it is shocking to me that we actually need a law to protect a woman’s right to feed her baby in public, but yet, I must remind myself that most people think breasts are for fun rather than functionality.

Secondly, why don’t most people know that this law exists? 

Third, how is it possible that EVEN WITH a law stating a woman can breastfeeding in public, mothers are STILL being harassed for doing so?

What does the California law actually say?

According to California Civil Code, section 43.3, “Notwithstanding any other provision of law, a mother may breastfeed her child in any location, public or private, except the private home or residence of another, where the mother and the child are otherwise authorized to be present.” 

In laymen’s terms: a mother may breastfeed her child in ANY public space!

Are you ready to hear about the situation where a mother was harassed for nursing in public?

Hope you’re sitting down for this one!


On January 8, 2013, Rebecca Garcia was breastfeeding her 8 month old son in one of the courtrooms at the Chula Vista Courthouse.  When her son started to fuss, the bailiff, Deputy Chong, approached Rebecca and asked what she was doing.  When Rebecca said she was breastfeeding, Deputy Chong stated loudly, in front of the entire courtroom, “You should be ashamed of yourself, it’s inappropriate, you need to leave and go outside, do that somewhere else private, and it is illegal to breastfeed in court!”

Rebecca reported that, “I felt embarrassed and ashamed because of the way that the Deputy was staring me down, so I unlatched my child thinking I should leave.  I did not want to interrupt the proceedings and I was so embarrassed and started to get very emotional. The judge heard the commotion and stopped the court and asked what was going on.  I explained to her what the deputy said and she said that I could stay. She also asked me if I had a cover, which I did, and gave permission to continue breastfeeding.  I was relieved to hear this from her because the Deputy was so rude and uncaring.” 

Unfortunately, Rebecca’s son started to fuss again, so she chose to leave the courtroom and breastfeed in a cubicle in the hallway, due to her embarrassment from the confrontation. 

This is where I hope you’re sitting down….

Deputy Chong followed Rebecca out of the courtroom and continued to harass her for breastfeeding in the courtroom, making many disparaging comments, including his opinion that she should be ashamed of herself.  At one point, Rebecca attempted to leave Deputy Chong’s presence, and Deputy Chong went so far as to physically block her way out of the cubicle so that he could continue the harassment.  Finally, even when Rebecca exited the cubicle, Deputy Chong followed her to say a few more disparaging comments, finishing with, “I don’t know what kind of world you live in, but it’s not okay to breastfeed in public.”

Following this incident, Rebecca filed a complaint with Deputy Chong’s supervisor.  The supervisor informed Rebecca that she would speak with Deputy Chong, but not to expect a phone call describing the resolution or any form of apology.

Again, how is this possible?  The fact that Rebecca’s right was so egregiously violated inside of a California State courtroom by a California State employee shows that awareness of this law is clearly lacking.

Fortunately, Rebecca decided that her story needed to be heard.  Following this incident, she contacted our San Diego County Breastfeeding Coalition.  Katherine Doan, another breastfeeding mom who happened to be a witness to this incident, contacted me through our San Diego Breastfeeding Center Facebook page to see if I could help as well.  I was so moved by Rebecca’s story (as were all of you), that I knew I had to do something!  Plus, ironically just 1 week before I found out about this incident, I had written an article for Lactation Matters about how I planned to create change in my community for protecting a mother’s right to breastfeed in public.  Coincidence…. I think not!

Here’s what Rebecca and I have done so far….

We’ve contacted the San Diego County Courts to request a meeting with their executive officer to discuss the following:


  • A request to place a substantial segment in the court’s annual discrimination training to educate their staff regarding the language of California Civil code, section 43.3, that states a woman can breastfeed in public.
  • A request that ALL San Diego courthouses display ‘Breastfeeding Welcome Here’ stickers.
  • A demand that Rebecca Garcia receives a formal, written apology for the actions of Deputy Chong.

Due to the publicity on our Facebook page, Caridad Sanchez, a staff member from Senator Barbara Boxer’s office, contacted me and was moved to action.  Caridad was appalled by Rebecca's nursing in public incident and inspired to help remedy this situation, as well as make sure that this doesn't continue to happen to other breastfeeding mothers.  Caridad and I plan to meet in the next few weeks to discuss how she can help connect me with state legislators to pursue an enforcement provision to the CA state law, as well as other possibilities to protect the rights of breastfeeding women.

It is my every hope that this situation resolves in a peaceful and compassionate manner.  I will continue to update this blog as more details and resolutions become available. 

In the meantime, here’s what you can do to make a difference:


The more we can ‘normalize’ breastfeeding in public, or breastfeeding in general, the less common this form of harassment will be.

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