Age-appropriate Portions for Toddlers (and Moms)
Most of the nutrient measurements we rely on use the idea of serving sizes. But what does a toddler serving size look like? Learn more from Rachel Rothman, MS, RD.
This post is by Rachel Rothman, MS, RD, and is the third post in the three-part blog series about introducing solids to your little one. Rachel is a mom to a toddler, a pediatric dietitian and instructor of “Introduction to Solids” and “Nutrition for Toddlers and Preschoolers” at the San Diego Breastfeeding Center. Join us for the next Nutrition for Toddlers and Preschoolers class on October 29th at 10:00am. More information and registration can be found here.
In case you missed it, I discussed the feeding relationship in my previous two posts, and these may be summarized using the division of responsibility. Parents are responsible for the “what, when, and where of feeding; children are responsible for the how much and whether of eating” [1]. In this third post we discuss age appropriate serving sizes – however, as with all nutrition advice, sustainably learning the behaviors associated with this division of responsibility will be as important, if not more influential, than simply choosing specific serving size, as all of our young ones progress at slightly different paces and individual ways.
Most of the food we eat- and the nutrient measurements we rely on – use the idea of serving sizes. But what does a serving look like?
Adults struggle with this because it’s hard to learn at home, and when we eat out, it’s nearly impossible to get consistent feedback. As children, most parents did not learn to react this way, and an age of abundant and convenient food has limited the effects of our natural impulses.
When we feed our children, many parents second-guess themselves and their children’s eating behaviors. Is my child eating enough? Is my child eating too much? Here are some helpful guidelines when it comes to your children and serving sizes, starting from the beginning, when first introducing solids.
Tips and guidelines when thinking about the appropriate serving size for your infant and toddler:
- Around 6-7 months, as your baby is first starting solids, it’s important to remember serving sizes are very small. If you are offering purees, you will want to start by offering 1-2 teaspoons, keeping in mind initially your baby may not take more than a small taste. You will most likely be advancing to 1-3 tablespoons as your baby moves toward 7-8 months.
- From 6 months to around 1 year, breast milk or a breastmilk substitute should still make up the majority of your baby’s calorie intake. Offer breast milk or a breastmilk substitute before solids, especially when starting out.
- All babies are different. Some babies love solids right off the bat and may take more than 2-3 tablespoons. That’s okay! It may take other babies some time to begin their solid intake and they may refuse for a while. That’s okay, too! The important thing is to continue to offer solids, but let your child decide whether he/she wants to eat.
A typical toddler breakfast: 2-3 tablespoons of yogurt, 1/4 cup fruit and 2-3 small pancakes (and it’s okay if they don’t finish the whole thing!).
-Around 8-11 months your baby continues to grow, so does his/her appetite. Solid intake may increase, but not by much. A full day’s worth of solids might be: ¼ cup of fruit, ¼ cup vegetables, 1-3 tablespoons protein and ¼ cup whole grains. A serving of vegetables, however, may still be closer to 2-3 tablespoons.
- After one year of age, baby’s growth slows (most babies triple their birth weight over the first year!). With a decrease in growth rate may also come a decrease in appetite. Do not be alarmed if intake decreases after one year of age. It’s most important to monitor your baby’s weight gain and growth.
Snacks and lunch packed for daycare: 1/2 peanut butter and jelly sandwich, blueberries, oat and spinach muffin, string cheese and nectarine slices.
Additionally, after one year of age, your toddler may be eating more meals and snacks throughout the day. When thinking about meals and snacks to serve, try to offer something from each food group. Meals should consist of a fruit or vegetable, carbohydrate and protein, while a snack might consist of a fruit and vegetable and a carbohydrate. Don’t be afraid to think outside the box and try new things. One of my daughter’s favorite on the go snacks is a mix of chick peas and green peas; a combination of protein and carbohydrates with a healthy mix of vitamins and minerals.
Stay positive! Picky eating behaviors often develop during this time and can persist as a phase many healthy kids go through. If you stay positive and dedicated to offering a broad variety of healthy, whole foods, you have the best chance of continuing to nourish your little one while accommodating their tastes and preferences.
To learn more about introducing solids to your little one, join me at the SDBFC in one of my Introduction to Solidsor Nutrition for Toddlers and Preschoolers classes. More information can be found here.
[1] Satter, Ellen M., Child of Mine: Feeding With Love and Good Sense, Bull Publishing Company; Revised edition (March 1, 2000)
Rachel Rothman, MS, RD is a mom, pediatric dietitian, and instructor at the San Diego Breastfeeding Center. She lives in San Diego with her husband Ben and daughter Sydney.
Two Things More Important than Portion Sizes when Offering Solids to Infants
Join Rachel Rothman, MS, RD in our three-part blog series to learn more about introducing solids to your little one. Rachel is a pediatric dietitian and the instructor of our Introduction to Solids classes here at the SDBFC.
Introduction to Solids, Serving Sizes, Feeding Relationship
When babies are 4-6 months of age, many moms start thinking about how much solid food kids should eat. It’s easy to get caught up in a race toward the “starting solids” milestone, but what comes next? Many parents wonder, now that their little one has started eating solid foods, how much is enough? Am I making him/her overeat? Am I wasting food? Am I teaching poor habits?
What might reassure you is that as long as your selections contain a balance of protein, carbohydrate, fats and vitamins and minerals, measuring “servings” of food consumed may not necessarily be the best way to ensure your baby’s success at adopting a solid diet.
Join Rachel Rothman, MS, RD in our three-part blog series to learn more about introducing solids to your little one. Rachel is a pediatric dietitian and the instructor of our Introduction to Solids classes here at the SDBFC.
Introduction to Solids, Serving Sizes, Feeding Relationship
When babies are 4-6 months of age, many moms start thinking about how much solid food kids should eat. It’s easy to get caught up in a race toward the “starting solids” milestone, but what comes next? Many parents wonder, now that their little one has started eating solid foods, how much is enough? Am I making him/her overeat? Am I wasting food? Am I teaching poor habits?
What might reassure you is that as long as your selections contain a balance of protein, carbohydrate, fats and vitamins and minerals, measuring “servings” of food consumed may not necessarily be the best way to ensure your baby’s success at adopting a solid diet.
First, take a step back. Renowned feeding expert Ellyn Satter, MS, RDN, MSSW gives parents the helpful suggestion of a “division of responsibility.” Parents are responsible for the “what, when, and where of feeding; children are responsible for the how much and whether of eating” (Satter). Babies have the innate ability to self regulate. They will let you know when they want more, such as opening their mouths when food is offered. Conversely, will let you know when they are full, such as turning away from the spoon and sealing their lips tightly.
Rather than a fixed “serving” - offer food to your child, but look for signs that they are full. With that in mind, you have two things in your control: when is mealtime, and what are you serving.
When is mealtime?
A general idea of how many meals you should offer each day depends on the age of your child:
Once you have an idea of when those mealtimes and snack times fit into your baby’s wake and sleep schedule, you’ll want to establish some strategies for how much to offer at each serving. Start small: when first introducing solids, 1-2 teaspoons is enough for your little one. And remember, up to one year of age breast milk or formula will continue to make up the majority of your baby’s calorie intake.
Next, think about the overall composition of the meal:
Thinking about the composition of meals, know that all babies are different and some may progress through textures more quickly (or more slowly) than others. That’s okay. As discussed above, you can only control the what and when. Your child is in control of the how much and whether.
This process is bigger than serving size. You’re trying not merely to nourish your little one; but to introduce your little one to a variety of new foods, textures, flavors, and nutrients. This diversity is part of a journey you’re on, together with your young child, to ensure their healthy relationship with food. These approaches will help your child to develop the tools to succeed when making food decisions on his/her own.
Stay tuned for my next post: “How To Help Your Little One Feel Full” to learn more about introducing new foods to your child.