Chest/Breastfeeding Robin Kaplan Chest/Breastfeeding Robin Kaplan

I’ve Had My Baby - Now What?: Breastfeeding During the First Week

Today we would like to talk about that first week after your baby has arrived.  Chest/breastfeeding can often seem overwhelming and  unfamiliar.  Below is a quick guideline to what “normal” chest/breastfeeding looks like, as well as some examples of when things aren’t going as they should and when you might want to seek help.

Today we would like to talk about that first week after your baby has arrived.  Breastfeeding can often seem overwhelming and  unfamiliar.  New moms often receive a *huge* amount of differing advice from many well-intentioned people, which can be incredibly confusing and discouraging.  Below is a quick guideline to what “normal” breastfeeding looks like, as well as some examples of when things aren’t going as they should and when you might want to seek help.

Originally published on Jan 24, 2014; Revised Feb 22, 2025

Author: Robin Kaplan, M.Ed, IBCLC, FNC

Welcome to our new series, I’ve Had My Baby - Now What?  This is a guide with basic information to help you navigate the first days, weeks, and months of chest/breastfeeding your new baby.  

Today we would like to talk about that first week after your baby has arrived.  Chest/breastfeeding can often seem overwhelming and  unfamiliar.  New parents often receive a *huge* amount of differing advice from many well-intentioned people, which can be incredibly confusing and discouraging.  Below is a quick guideline to what “normal” chest/breastfeeding looks like, as well as some examples of when things aren’t going as they should and when you might want to seek help.



The San Diego Breastfeeding Center was established in 2009 by Robin Kaplan, International Board Certified Lactation Consultant, Functional Nutritionist, and parent.  Her vision was to create a judgment-free, inclusive support system for families navigating infant feeding challenges.  SDBFC offers a wide range of one-on-one breastfeeding, infant feeding, and nutrition consultations - as well as classes, support groups, online articles, and social media - making it your one-stop-shop for all things infant feeding!

How often should my new baby be eating and how long should each feeding take?

A newborn needs to feed 8 or more times in 24 hours.  It’s especially important in the early days to feed your baby “on demand”, or whenever the baby shows signs of hunger, regardless of when baby ate last.  If your baby is not asking to eat every 2-3 hours, or 8 or more times in 24 hours, it is important to wake the baby to feed him/her, until they have regained their birth weight.  A feeding session typically takes approximately 30-45 minutes, and both breasts should be offered during this time.  It’s important to keep the baby actively feeding during those 30-45 minutes.


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How do I know my baby is getting enough milk?

A great way to be sure baby is getting enough breastmilk is to keep a physical log of all feedings (start time and length), as well as all pees and poops. A baby who is taking enough milk will be feeding 8 or more times in 24 hours, for 30-45 minutes, and having 1 pee diaper and 1 poop diaper per day of life, until day 5.  For example, on day 1, baby should be having 1 pee and 1 poop diaper, day 2, 2 of each, etc.  After day 5, baby should be having 5 or so of each per day.  A baby who is getting enough should be satisfied for approximately an hour or two after feeding.  However, most babies will cluster feed for a 4-5 hour period during the day, when they may want to eat more frequently.  This is normal baby behavior!


How much milk does my baby actually need?

A baby needs very little milk per feeding during their first few days of life.  This is because they’re born full of meconium, which are those first few poops.  This is a perfect fit for you, as your first milk, colostrum, is low in volume.  The small amount you make is just the right amount for your baby.  The amount your baby needs slowly increases, and as your milk makes the transition from the low volume colostrum, to the higher volume mature milk between day 3 and day 5, your baby’s needs go up as well.  Nature works beautifully!



I need to supplement my baby, what are my options?

Sometimes, a baby may need to be supplemented with additional milk.  There are many reasons for this - a baby has jaundice,  is not latching well, there is a delay in the parent’s milk “coming in”, etc.  When supplementation is necessary, it’s important to remember that you can use your own pumped milk.  If you aren’t able to pump the amount you need, you can use donor milk instead.  Formula is the last resort option.  There are various methods to supplement your baby as well.  You can supplement your baby at your chest/breast using a supplemental nursing system, you can finger feed your baby, or cup/spoon feed your baby.  A slow flow bottle is always an option as well and a lactation consultant can show you how to feed your baby a bottle in a chest/breastfeeding-friendly manner.


Holy moly,  my boobs are like rocks!  They hurt and I can’t get baby latched on, what can I do?

As  your milk transitions from the low volume first milk, to the higher volume mature milk, it is common for your chest/breasts to feel full and sometimes experience engorgement.  Engorgement occurs when the chest/breasts fill up with so much milk that they become hard and  uncomfortable.  It can sometimes be difficult to get the milk flowing and baby sometimes has a hard time latching on.  

Some tricks to latch your baby on during this time are:

  • Pump or hand express for a few moments before latching your baby to soften your chest/breasts and get milk moving

  • Use warm compresses or take a shower just before feeding

  • Use cold compresses in between feedings to reduce inflammation.  

    If you still  feel incredibly uncomfortable after your baby feeds, you can pump or hand express some additional milk - but it is important to only pump to comfort as you don’t want to send the message to your body to make even more milk.  

    Please be aware that if you begin to run a high fever, have flu-like symptoms, and hot or red spots on your chest/breast, you may be developing a breast infection (mastitis) and it’s important to seek medical attention immediately.  


Why do my nipples hurt and what can I do to heal them?

It’s normal for all parents to feel some initial nipple tenderness and discomfort in the first days and weeks of chest/breastfeeding.  Anything beyond tenderness is a sign that something may not be going right, especially if there is any tissue breakdown, damage, cracks or bleeding.  If you experience any of these, please seek the help of a lactation consultant.  Great healing items are organic coconut oil and hydrogels, or soothing gels, sold by many different companies and available at big box stores.  The best prevention for sore nipples is a good latch. If you are having trouble finding a correct latch, give us a call!


When should I seek help?

There may be times when things aren’t going the way they should.  Our IBCLCs can absolutely help you with all of this!  Some signs that you might need some additional help:

  • Damaged/cracked/bleeding nipples.

  • Baby isn’t gaining weight/parent’s milk hasn’t “come in” by day 5.

  • You suspect your baby is tongue-tied.

  • Baby isn’t peeing or stooling the amount that they should.

  • Breast infection/Breast abscess

  • Oversupply

  • Extremely fussy/gassy baby

If you’re unsure about your baby’s latch, milk intake, or feeding patterns, know that you’re not alone—we’re here to help!

The first week of breastfeeding comes with many changes, and it’s completely normal to have questions or concerns along the way. Whether you need guidance on positioning, reassurance about your baby’s feeding cues, or support with any challenges that arise, our team is here to provide the care and expertise you deserve. Schedule a one-on-one appointment (consider a virtual appointment, if you don’t live in San Diego!) with one of our lactation consultants for personalized care and expert advice tailored to your baby’s unique needs.

SDBFC is committed to providing high-quality lactation and functional nutrition consultations to parents in San Diego and beyond. Explore our postpartum, prenatal, and functional nutrition consultations, take a breastfeeding class or attend a workshop.

About the Author

Robin Kaplan has been an IBCLC since 2009, the same year that she opened up the San Diego Breastfeeding Center.  Robin was the founding host of the Boob Group podcast and published her first book, Latch: a Handbook for Breastfeeding with Confidence at Every Stage in 2018.  Melding her passions for supporting lactating parents and holistic health, Robin finished her Functional Nutrition Certification in 2023. In her free time, she enjoys hanging out with her two teenage boys, hiking, traveling, weaving, cooking, and searching for the best chai latte.

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Chest/Breastfeeding Robin Kaplan Chest/Breastfeeding Robin Kaplan

Breastfeeding After Breast Reduction - It IS Possible!

Written by Ashley Treadwell, IBCLC

Many women wonder if they will have a full supply after having a breast reduction.  While the basic answer to this question is “we don’t know yet” - there are many factors, as well as things she can actively do, that can affect her ability to breastfeed successfully.  In this article, we will discuss what those activities are and how a mom can maximize her supply when breastfeeding after a breast reduction. We will also look at what long-term supplementation can look like, if it is necessary.

It is important to remind you that breastfeeding does not have to be an “all or nothing” endeavor!  We need to re-define what “success” means when it comes to breastfeeding after a breast reduction. Anytime a woman has a physiological factor that can affect milk supply, we always want her to understand that ANY amount of breastmilk is amazing. Whether she is able to provide 10% or 100% of what her baby needs, she is doing a fantastic job.    

Written by Ashley Treadwell, IBCLC

Many women wonder if they will have a full supply after having a breast reduction.  While the basic answer to this question is “we don’t know yet” - there are many factors, as well as things she can actively do, that can affect her ability to breastfeed successfully.  In this article, we will discuss what those activities are and how a mom can maximize her supply when breastfeeding after a breast reduction. We will also look at what long-term supplementation can look like, if it is necessary.

It is important to remind you that breastfeeding does not have to be an “all or nothing” endeavor!  We need to re-define what “success” means when it comes to breastfeeding after a breast reduction. Anytime a woman has a physiological factor that can affect milk supply, we always want her to understand that ANY amount of breastmilk is amazing. Whether she is able to provide 10% or 100% of what her baby needs, she is doing a fantastic job.


What Factors Will Affect My Ability to Breastfeed Exclusively?

An initial factor is how the surgery was performed.  Fortunately, surgeons are currently performing breast reduction procedures in a manner that protects as much of the lactation function as possible - increasing a woman’s chance for breastfeeding later in life.  If a large amount of breast tissue has been removed, or the ducts that deliver the milk to the nipple openings are severed, breastfeeding may be negatively affected. There are many different types of procedures and it isn’t always possible to tell which type was performed by simply noting the shape and placement of a woman’s scars.  If you have had a breast reduction surgery and don’t know the specific type that was performed, the best way to gather this information is to contact the surgeon who performed the procedure.  The most popular surgery performed in the United States is one that is also known to have the best implications for breastfeeding later in life. In this procedure, the areola isn’t completely removed and, therefore, connection between the nipple and breast tissue/ducts is partially protected.  If the procedure involves removing the nipple completely and then surgically reattaching it, your chances of exclusively breastfeeding can be decreased.

Another factor that will affect your milk production is when the procedure was performed.  The longer the time between the birth of your baby and the procedure, the better your chances will be to develop a full milk supply.  Also, your milk supply is likely to increase with each subsequent birth - so if you are not able to exclusively breastfeed a first baby, there is still a good possibility you will be able to with a second or third child!  These factors are each important because with both time and breast stimulation, breast tissue can actually re-grow and re-connect.  This can be very encouraging for first-time moms to hear - that even if they are not able to provide their first baby with 100% of their breastmilk needs, all the hard work they are putting in is likely to pave the way for a larger milk supply with later children.


What Can I do to Maximize my Milk Supply - Before and After my Baby Arrives?

Something ALL moms can do to best prepare to breastfeed a baby (those who have had reduction procedures and those who haven’t!) is to educate themselves prior to the baby’s arrival.  Take a breastfeeding class taught by an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) and find out which resources are available in your area.  Free support groups are a wonderful place to get help and support, as well as connect with other moms who are currently breastfeeding.  We encourage women to attend our breastfeeding support groups while still pregnant - it’s a great way to familiarize yourself with breastfeeding women. A breastfeeding class will teach you what normal breastfeeding looks like in the first few weeks - this knowledge can help to reduce a lot of stress and anxiety.

Find an IBCLC who is knowledgeable about helping women breastfeeding after a breast reduction.  Most offer prenatal consults that will specifically address what you can do to maximize your milk production, including different herbs available to help with supply.  And even if you don’t meet with one prior to birthing your baby, she can be there as soon as baby arrives to help, if needed.

Once your baby arrives, the very best thing you can do is to breastfeed that baby constantly!  The more stimulation your breasts receive in the early days, the better your milk supply will be.  Babies feed frequently in the early days - knowing the signs that baby is getting enough are important.  We have great information in a blog post about how to know baby is getting enough in the first week - I’ve Had My Baby, Now What? Breastfeeding During the First Week.

Some signs that baby isn’t getting enough are: baby not gaining weight after the 5th day of life, baby not having the recommended number of pee and poop diapers per day, or baby is well under birth-weight by 2 weeks of age.  If you are experiencing any of these issues, it is important to seek out the help of an IBCLC.


If Long-Term Supplementation is Necessary - What are My Options?

It may be the case that some amount of supplementation is necessary for a woman breastfeeding after a reduction, especially for her first baby.  If this is true - there are many options available.  Whether mom has little to no supply, or close to a full supply, the best way to supplement a baby to establish a wonderful breastfeeding relationship is to feed the baby the additional milk at the breast.  There are supplemental nursing systems (SNS) available that are made for this specific situation - an IBCLC can help a mom learn how to use this.  If mom doesn’t want to supplement baby this way, but does want baby to have time at the breast, she can still feed the baby at the breast and then follow up with another feeding method - like a slow-flow bottle.  If having baby at breast is important to mom, we do recommend that a bottle isn’t introduced until baby is latching well at the breast - some time after week 3.  Prior to then, mom can supplement using a SNS, and then move to some combination of that and a bottle after the baby is 3-4 weeks of age.  Supplementation can either be with mom's pumped milk, donor milk from another breastfeeding mother, or commercial formula. Here is our YouTube video showing one way a mom can supplement her baby at the breast: Supplementation: SNS at Breast


What Resources are Out There to Help Women Who Want to Breastfeed After a Breast Reduction?

Having support and help both before and after the birth of your baby is crucial and can have a lasting effect on your breastfeeding experience.  We encourage all moms, whether they’ve had breast surgery or not, to look for breastfeeding support in their communities.  Women who are breastfeeding after a breast surgery may need additional support and information specific to their unique situation.  One of our favorite places for support is the website Breastfeeding After Breast and Nipple Procedures.  Here you can find links to health care providers in your area who specialize in helping women post breast surgery, as well as a community of women who are in your same situation.  Robin also interviewed Diana West for The Boob Group podcast episode: Breastfeeding After Breast Reduction Surgery.  


Additional Resources:

Defining Your Own Success. Breastfeeding after Breast Reduction Surgery by Diana West.

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SDBFC News, Chest/Breastfeeding Robin Kaplan SDBFC News, Chest/Breastfeeding Robin Kaplan

It's Here! Our DIY Breastfeeding YouTube Channel

Ever wish you could actually watch a mama breastfeed her baby in a laid-back position because you couldn't picture it in your mind from the blog article you just read?  Wonder how you can tell if your pump flanges are fitting correctly? Well, look no further!

Today, we are beyond excited to annouce our newest baby, DIY Breastfeeding!  


What is DIY Breastfeeding?

On our DIY Breastfeeding YouTube channel, you will find 2-3 minute instructional videos about different breastfeeding topics, ranging from positions to latching to pumping and more!  Each video was recorded with one of our lactation consultants and some super cute local moms and babies.  


Which topics will be included on DIY Breastfeeding?

A few months ago we started collecting video topics from all of you and your ideas were AWESOME!  We are proud to say that today we are launching our channel with 10 stellar videos fitting into 5 different categories. Here are our current categories:

  • Breastfeeding While Babywearing
  • Latching
  • Breastfeeding Position
  • Pumping Strategies
  • Breastfeeding Twins

Lastly, we would like to share a HUGE amount of gratitude to our DIY Breastfeeding partner, New Mommy Media!  Without Sunny's awesome video shooting and editing expertise, these videos would look completely amateur and out of focus!  Sunny, we adore you to pieces and we cannot wait to create more videos with you!

So head on over to DIY Breastfeeding!  Let us know what you think about the videos and share your ideas for additional topics/categories you would like for us to include.

Which other topics/categories would you like to see included? 


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Pumping Robin Kaplan Pumping Robin Kaplan

How Can I Pump Enough for my Baby When I’m at Work?

Going back to work can be a very stressful time for many new moms.  It’s difficult to leave your baby for the first time.  You may feel nervous about returning to a job you’ve been away from for months.  Your schedule/routine may have changed due to child-care arrangements.  Plus, if you’re anything like me, none of your work pre-pregnancy work clothes fit yet!  A concern that often adds to this stress is the fear that you may not be able to pump enough for your baby’s bottles while you’re at work. Some moms find that they are constantly playing a game of catch-up, trying to keep up with their baby’s intake while with the caregiver.  Below are some things you can do to improve your ability to keep up with your baby’s needs.

Using a breast pump at work

 Going back to work can be a very stressful time for many new moms.  It’s difficult to leave your baby for the first time.  You may feel nervous about returning to a job you’ve been away from for months.  Your schedule/routine may have changed due to child-care arrangements.  Plus, if you’re anything like me, none of your work pre-pregnancy work clothes fit yet!  A concern that often adds to this stress is the fear that you may not be able to pump enough for your baby’s bottles while you’re at work. Some moms find that they are constantly playing a game of catch-up, trying to keep up with their baby’s intake while with the caregiver.  Below are some things you can do to improve your ability to keep up with your baby’s needs.


Do some research before returning to work.

Most importantly, know your rights!  There is a federal law that protects your right to express milk for your baby while at work, in a private location, that is not a bathroom.  Speak to your Human Resources Department or direct supervisor (before you return to work) to find out where you will be able to pump.  Take note of where it is, how far it is from your work-space, and what equipment you’ll need to bring with you. Check to see if there are other breastfeeding moms using the space to express milk… that way you’ll know if you need to reserve the room or if you are free to use it as you please.  Take a look at your general work hours and responsibilities and create a plan for when you will be able to pump.  


Be sure your caregiver isn’t over-feeding baby!

Often, the issue isn’t the amount that mom is pumping (or not pumping), but the amount that baby is taking while in the care of someone else.  Many caregivers unintentionally offer too much breastmilk to babies, therefore “sabotaging” mom’s supply.  There are a number of reasons this may happen - your caregiver may allow the baby to finish the bottle too quickly and babies will take in more than they need when they eat too fast.  It’s similar for us when we sit down to a big meal.  If we eat very quickly, we often end up eating past capacity as our brain doesn’t have the chance to catch up with our stomach and tell us to stop eating.  A baby may finish a bottle and still show hunger signs, and the caregiver, wanting to soothe baby, will offer more milk when if given just a bit of time, the baby would have calmed on his/her own.  

Sometimes a caregiver may not understand the proper handling and storage of breastmilk and will treat it like formula, throwing any left in the bottle, when the milk could be placed back into the refrigerator for the next feeding.  Be sure to talk to your caregiver before returning to work to help them understand how to best bottle feed your breastfed baby.  Nancy Mohrbacher, IBCLC, wrote a wonderful article addressed to the caregivers of breast-fed babies that you can forward to your nanny/sitter/daycare worker to help them.  

Lastly, make sure your caregiver knows what time you will pick your child up and ask him/her to not feed the baby for the hour or so prior, so that baby will want to breastfeed when you are reunited.


Create a calm and relaxing space/routine for yourself while you express milk at work.

Trying to pump in a stressful environment can negatively impact the amount that you are able to express.  Take a good look at where you pump milk for your baby - is it a convenient, quiet, private space?  Are you able to lock the door so that you’re not worried about a co-worker unintentionally walking in on you?  


Here are some of our top tips for expressing milk at work: 

  • Bring articles of clothing that your baby has worn, or a blanket he/she has used.

  • Have a picture nearby of your baby, or even better, a video of him/her - perhaps of your baby showing hunger cues. These items can help to get your hormones moving which will help your milk to let down and flow more quickly and fully.

  • Use a hands-free pumping bra so that you can do other things while you express - check your email, eat a snack, play scrabble on your smartphone!

  • Bring a blanket or towel and cover the flanges while you pump, so that you can’t see the amount that is coming out. Hyper-focusing on how much milk you’re expressing can inhibit your body’s response to the pump.

  • Listen to calming music, or a podcast you enjoy.

  • Watch funny videos on YouTube - we have a few that are oxytocin inducing on our San Diego Breastfeeding Center YouTube Channel.

  • Bring water and snacks to stay hydrated and satiated. Moms often see a dip in their milk supply when they are dehydrated or are not eating enough calories. (Breastfeeding women need about 2000 calories a day to sustain a robust milk supply.)

Engaging in activities that bring you joy or peace can help you relax and may increase the amount that you are able to pump.  You may find that you start to look forward to your pumping sessions!


Techniques that can help increase your output

There are a number of tips/tricks that can help you maximize your output when pumping.  

  • Be sure that all of your pump parts are in working order - that there are no damaged pieces.

  • Hands-on-pumping has been shown to help increase the amount of milk a woman expresses.

  • Learn a combination of breast massage, hand expression, and electric pumping and practice it whenever possible.

  • Apply a bit of organic olive oil to the inside of your flanges to help reduce any friction or discomfort.

  • Play around with the amount of time that you pump, but remember that stronger and longer doesn’t always mean more milk!

  • If you find that you are absolutely not able to express the amount of milk that your baby needs in a day, you can add an extra pumping session in at night before going to bed and on your days off.


Here are a few more tips from our Facebook friends: Help a Mama Out: Getting the Most Milk Out while Pumping

And MOST IMPORTANTLY, feel proud of the hard work you’re doing to provide your baby breastmilk while you’re at work!  Remember that breastfeeding is never an all or nothing endeavor.  Some women are not able to pump enough, some because of work situation or how they respond to the pump, but are still able to provide their baby as much breastmilk as possible, as well as breastfeed their baby while home with them.  Know that every drop of your breastmilk that your baby gets, whether it’s 1% or 100% of their total needs, is an amazing gift that only you can provide!


What are your favorite tips for pumping enough milk while at work? 

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Chest/Breastfeeding Robin Kaplan Chest/Breastfeeding Robin Kaplan

Podcast and Personal Stories about Tongue Ties and Lip Ties

Written by Robin Kaplan, M.Ed, IBCLC

Last week on The Boob Group, I had the esteemed pleasure of interviewing one of the most prominent experts on tongue ties and lip ties, Catherine Watson Genna.  Catherine has written multiple articles and books about the mechanics of the tongue while breastfeeding, as well as the breastfeeding challenges that can occur when a baby has a tongue or lip tie.  One of her earliest articles was written for the American Academy of Pediatrics, helping to bring awareness to this subject for the practitioners who babies see the most.

Click here to listen to The Boob Group's podcast episode: Tongue Ties and Lip Ties: Symptoms, Treatment, and Aftercare.


Written by Robin Kaplan, M.Ed, IBCLC

Last week on The Boob Group, I had the esteemed pleasure of interviewing one of the most prominent experts on tongue ties and lip ties, Catherine Watson Genna.  Catherine has written multiple articles and books about the mechanics of the tongue while breastfeeding, as well as the breastfeeding challenges that can occur when a baby has a tongue or lip tie.  One of her earliest articles was written for the American Academy of Pediatrics, helping to bring awareness to this subject for the practitioners who babies see the most.

Click here to listen to The Boob Group's podcast episode: Tongue Ties and Lip Ties: Symptoms, Treatment, and Aftercare.


Here is a list of SDBFC's articles about tongue ties and lip ties, including serveral personal memoirs from breastfeeding mothers who experienced this with their children.

Does Your Baby Have a Tongue or Lip Tie? 

Advocating When Your Baby has a Tongue or Lip Tie

The Tongue Tie/Lip Tie Challenge

What a Difference a Tongue Tie Revision Can Make

Breastfeeding After a Tongue Tie Revision


If you have a story to share about breastfeeding a child with a tongue or lip tie, whether you have the revision procedure or not, please send it to Robin Kaplan (


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Chest/Breastfeeding Robin Kaplan Chest/Breastfeeding Robin Kaplan

I’ve Had My Baby - Now What? Breastfeeding During Weeks 3-6

Welcome back to our new series, I’ve Had My Baby - Now What?  This is a guide with basic information to help you navigate the first days, weeks, and months of breastfeeding your new baby.  

Today we’d like to talk about weeks 3 through 6 of your baby’s life, and what breastfeeding looks like.  What can you expect for normal behavior from your new baby, and when do you know there’s a problem that you should seek professional help for?

Welcome back to our new series, I’ve Had My Baby - Now What?  This is a guide with basic information to help you navigate the first days, weeks, and months of breastfeeding your new baby.  

Today we’d like to talk about weeks 3 through 6 of your baby’s life, and what breastfeeding looks like.  What can you expect for normal behavior from your new baby, and when do you know there’s a problem that you should seek professional help for?



What does normal breastfeeding look like in weeks 3-6?  How often should my baby be eating, and how long should feedings take?

It’s extremely common for babies at this age to still want to feed frequently, every 2-3 hours.  Some *may* become more efficient and take in more at feedings and start to space them out a bit more, but don’t fear if your baby hasn’t done this yet!  Feedings may start to speed up as mom’s milk volume is higher and baby has had good practice breastfeeding, but again, don’t worry if your baby still feeds at the breast for as long as he/she did in the early weeks.  It can take some time for mom and baby to really get their groove and you may still be working out some kinks during weeks 3 through 6.


How much weight should my baby be gaining at this age?  How will I know if he/she is getting enough when I’m not seeing my pediatrician as frequently for weight checks?

Up to 4 months of age, we expect babies to gain .5-1 oz/day, or 4-7 ounces a week.  There are many ways other than weight to be sure that your baby is getting enough milk.  If your baby is having plenty of wet and soiled diapers each day, and generally seems content after feedings for two hours or more (outside of growth spurts and cluster feeding periods), you can feel good that he/she is probably getting enough.  If you want a little more concrete evidence, a great way to track your baby’s weight is by attending a free weekly breastfeeding support group.  There will often be a scale there to weigh your baby, you can do test weights to see how much baby is taking during that feeding, get help from a lactation consultant or educator, and, the BEST part, meet and connect with other moms.


Can I give my baby a bottle now?  If so, who should give it and how often should they do so?

 Once breastfeeding has been established, weeks 3-5 are the perfect time to introduce a bottle to your baby if you’d like them to take one.  It’s normally best that someone other than mom gives the baby the bottle, as babies often associate mom with breastfeeding and may refuse a bottle from her.  Plus, often times, partners and grandparents have been waiting for their moment to participate in the feeding of the baby.  We recommend that mom start pumping after week 3, once a day or so, to start to save up milk for that first bottle.  2-3oz is an appropriate amount to start with.  Be sure that the bottle is fed to the baby in a breastfeeding friendly manner.  If mom is going back to work, we recommend that baby receives a bottle on a somewhat regular basis, a few times a week, so that he/she remains familiar with it.  Plus, mom should pump every time baby receives a bottle to maintain her milk supply.


My baby is inconsolable for a few hours in the evenings.  Why is this happening and what can I do?

Many babies have a “witching hour”, or as I like to call it, “an unhappy hour”.  The term is a bit misleading as the behavior normally lasts for more than an hour!  It occurs most frequently in the late afternoon/evening hours.  Babies are often fussier than normal during this time, and want to eat often.  And while they want to feed often, they may pull off more frequently as well.  There are a number of theories as to what causes this fussiness at this time.  They may be feeding often to “tank up” on calories before taking a long sleep (sounds wonderful!).  They may be overstimulated from their day and having a hard time winding themselves down.  This is often a busy time for the entire household, as partners are home from work and older siblings may be home from school.  Best thing that you can do during this time is to offer the breast often.  Learning to nurse in a baby carrier can be a lifesaver as it will allow you to be hands-free while the baby is snuggled, fed, and comforted.


How will I know if my baby is colicky?  Is this the same as the ‘witching hour?’

Many parents confuse normal fussy behavior for colic.  Colic is defined as 3 hours or more of crying, 3 or more times a week, for 3 or more weeks in a row.  It normally resolves itself around month 4.  If your baby’s crying looks like this, he/she may have colic.  There are no definitive cause for colic, but it could be related to gut issues due to food sensitivities.  The “witching hour” is the period of time of day when your baby may seem unusually fussy, normally lasting for a couple of hours. This behavior peaks around 6 weeks and then often starts to fade.


If I am still having a challenging time building up my milk supply at this time, have I missed the window for increasing my milk supply?

Not at all!  Depending on the reason for mom’s low supply, there are plenty of things that can help boost  supply at this stage.  The most important thing is to learn why mom is struggling with her milk supply.  As always, lots of good breast stimulation is best - either from a baby or a hospital grade pump. There are also herbs and medications that are available that can help boost supply as well.


There may be times when things aren’t going the way they should.  If you find this, please contact an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant to help you.  Some signs that you might need some additional help:

  • Sore, cracked, bruised, or bleeding nipples.

  • Baby is gaining less than 4oz per week.

  • You suspect your baby may be tongue-tied.

  • Painful, recurrent engorgement.

  • Oversupply.

  • Baby is having problems stooling.

  • Overly gassy, fussy, or colicky baby.

  • Breast infection - mastitis, abscess, or thrush.


For  more information about what normal breastfeeding looks like in the first few weeks, check out our article,What Every Mom Should Know About Breastfeeding During the Early Weeks, which highlights our brand new brochure!  Also, check out Ashley as she discusses more tips and tricks for breastfeeding during weeks 3-6 on the Boob Group episode, New Mom Breastfeeding Manual: Weeks 3-6.

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Functional Nutrition Robin Kaplan Functional Nutrition Robin Kaplan

Was it Something I Ate? Food Sensitivities in the Breastfed Baby

From a gassy gut to red inflamed skin, breastfeeding moms often question the impact of their diet on their little one. Learn more about food sensitivities in breastfed babies.

Witten by Lindsey Hurd, MS, RD, LDN, IBCLC, and Owner of Angel Food Lactation & Nutrition, LLC

From a gassy gut to red inflamed skin, breastfeeding moms often question the influence of their diet on behavior and symptoms in their little one. There’s no denying the influx of food sensitivities and allergies in children and adults, but what about the smallest members of our society? In my practice, I see many families who have infants showing signs of food intolerance, often times leading to symptoms such as eczema, bloody stools, sleeplessness, reflux, digestive discomfort from gassiness, abdominal pressure, and the infamous mucus-filled stool. “Is it something I ate?” mom asks. “Is it a virus or bacterial infection?” “Where did this come from? She was fine a week ago!” The world of food sensitivities is vast and perplexing, yet we are beginning to find our way as we learn more and more from our families each day. Over the next few months, I will be sharing a little insight into theories of why we are seeing this influx, how babies receive components of mom’s diet in her milk, and what we can do about it. 


What’s With The Influx??

There are many theories aiming to define the cause of food allergies, however none have been proven as fact. Some include the hygiene hypothesis, the dietary fat hypothesis, antioxidant hypothesis, and the vitamin D hypothesis. The hygiene hypothesis discusses our hygiene habits, from our current water system to the use of cleaners and hand sanitizers & soaps. This may contribute to the lack of exposure to pathogens (germs) and therefore suppressing the development of our immune system possibly leading to a greater risk of allergies and sensitivities. The fat hypothesis, vitamin D hypothesis, and antioxidant hypothesis dive further into our dietary intake and focus on quantities of healthy fat consumption and fresh fruit/vegetable intake as compared to a diet consuming highly processed foods, lacking key nutrients that are necessary for optimal functioning of the body.  Regardless of the exact cause, we know the increase in food sensitivities is real. 


Maternal and Infant Immunity

Mothers and babies, although becoming two at birth, are still incredibly connected in their need for one another.  In pregnancy, mom begins to share healthy bacteria, or microbiota, and immune boosting antibodies to her baby en utero. That’s right, before she is even exposed to her new environment! Mom’s amniotic fluid contains these bacterial warriors specifically made for her baby as she learns what she will need to survive in her future environment. As she initiates her swallowing reflex, practicing for her big job of feeding, she begins to lay down the start of her future microbiome. Once baby is earth-side, she relies on her mother’s breast milk to continue this amazing level of immune support as she slowly becomes dependent on her own body to provide protection. 

How does one establish immunity you ask? Mom absorbs something called antigens, or substances that stimulate the production of antibodies from her environment by way of her digestive system and through her nose, mouth, and respiratory system, etc. This creates antibodies to help her fight off any offending bugs or substances that may harm the body. When a mom is breastfeeding, she passes these antibodies on to her baby. Through her breast milk, she offers immunity toward anything that may be harmful in their specific environment. This explains how mom can get sick, but baby remains healthy or contracts a much smaller version of the illness. Given that part of mom’s immunity is based on antigens present in her digestive system, it makes sense to imagine how food can cause the production of antibodies. This is especially true if she is sensitive or intolerant to a certain food. In turn, baby receives these antibodies from mom’s milk and responds to the food in a similar fashion. 


How Do I Know If I Am Intolerant To Foods?

Many children and adults will become intolerant or sensitive to certain foods at multiple points in their life, however these sensitivities come and go with variability in its duration. The key signs of childhood or adult food intolerance are usually digestive or dermatologic in nature. This includes diarrhea, constipation, excessive gas, abdominal pain/bloating, variability in stool appearance, and alterations in skin appearance such as eczema, rash, acne, etc. Many times, adults have experienced these symptoms for so long they are unaware of its presence or feel it is normal for their bodies. Treatments and medications may be chronically used, masking the underlying problem. Therefore, dietary modifications are not pursued, leaving the gut-wrenching effects of these ‘repeat offenders’ present in the body.  

You may be thinking, “Yikes, that’s me!!” If so, congratulations! You have just identified the first step in removing or minimizing your digestive and/or skin related woes from your daily life. Better health is right around the corner for you and your baby… the next step is to determine what the offending food(s) might be. This process is most successful with daily self-reflection of dietary intake and physical symptoms. As always, seeking assistance from a Registered Dietitian specialized in food sensitivities will not only offer reliable, evidence-based information, but also help you navigate through your day-to-day life with new eating patterns! 

As you work through the removal of offensive foods, of equal importance is achieving the optimal gut environment… Next month, we will discuss how food sensitivity alters the maternal and infant digestive system, ways to restore balance, and how mom’s digestion relates to breastfeeding. This is a fascinating concept; you won’t want to miss it! 

Can’t wait a month to find out more? Visit to schedule a Skype consult with Lindsey and begin your journey toward better health and a happier baby today! Want to stay connected between posts? Find Angel Food Lactation & Nutrition on Facebook at for current articles, events, fun discussions and more!

Also, check out The Boob Group podcast episode, Breastfeeding the Dairy Intolerance Baby, for more information about food intolerances and breastfeeding.

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Chest/Breastfeeding Robin Kaplan Chest/Breastfeeding Robin Kaplan

Does Your Baby Have a Tongue or Lip Tie?

Painful, cracked, compressed-after-breastfeeding nipples.  Baby not gaining weight well.  Constant breastfeeding sessions that seem to take over an hour.  Excessive baby fussiness and gas.  These are some of the many signs that your child may have a tongue and/or lip tie.  So, what is a tongue and lip tie and how do they affect breastfeeding? What are ways to fix them and improve breastfeeding?

With several fantastic articles already written on this subject, we are going to give brief answers to these questions and link to our favorite comprehensive resources.  Also, over the next month, we will be sharing stories from breastfeeding mothers whose babies had tongue and/or lip ties.

Painful, cracked, compressed-after-breastfeeding nipples.  Baby not gaining weight well.  Constant breastfeeding sessions that seem to take over an hour.  Excessive baby fussiness and gas.  These are some of the many signs that your child may have a tongue and/or lip tie.  So, what is a tongue and lip tie and how do they affect breastfeeding? What are ways to fix them and improve breastfeeding?

With several fantastic articles already written on this subject, we are going to give brief answers to these questions and link to our favorite comprehensive resources.  Also, over the next month, we will be sharing stories from breastfeeding mothers whose babies had tongue and/or lip ties.


What is a tongue tie and lip tie?

There are pieces of connective membranes under the tongue and behind the upper lip called frenula.  Everyone has a lingual (tongue) frenulum and a labial (lip) frenulum, which means that if your baby has one, it doesn’t automatically mean that you are going to have breastfeeding challenges.  It’s how the tongue and upper lip function that determine if the frenula are causing a problem.

Tongue tie 

Tongue tie


Upper lip tie

Upper lip tie

How do tongue and lip ties cause breastfeeding challenges?

When the frenula are tight, they act like rubber bands, tethering down the tongue to the base of the mouth or the upper lip close to the upper gumline.  This makes it difficult to move the tongue in an effective manner or flange the upper lip out.  When the tongue doesn’t have full range of motion, it can cause all sorts of issues.  Some moms’ nipples will be compressed, causing pain and ineffective milk extraction.  Some babies will become very tired and fatigued while breastfeeding, having to work extra hard to compensate for the lack of range of motion in their tongues.  This can turn into ineffective, long feedings and slow weight gain for babies.  Other babies gain weight perfectly fine, but have tons of gas and excessive fussy periods because they are taking in so much air while breastfeeding due to the inability to push the milk back in a wavelike motion.  Babies with tongue ties or significant lip ties often continually fall off the breast, as they are unable to form a good seal and suction.  Other babies have such difficulty latching on to the breast that they refuse to breastfeed altogether.

Here are two articles that describe how tongue and lip ties can affect breastfeeding:

A Breastfeeding Mom’s Symptoms are as Important as Baby’s

Baby’s Weight Gain is Not the Only Marker of Successful Breastfeeding


Why didn’t my healthcare provider mention this to me? 

Most health care providers have not been trained to assess and diagnose tongue or lip ties.  Again, it is how the tongue and lip function (or not function) that cause the breastfeeding challenges.  Most health care providers have not been trained to complete suck assessments on infants, therefore they cannot accurately assess what the tongue is doing while feeding.  The best person to assess for a tongue or lip tie is a trained IBCLC (International Board Certified Lactation Consultant).


Who can treat my child’s tongue and/or lip tie and what are my options?

The best person to diagnose and treat a tongue or lip tie is a trained dentist, ENT (Ear, Nose, and Throat surgeon), oral surgeon, naturopath, pediatrician, or other medical professional trained to do minor surgery.  Make sure to do your research, as not all professionals that revise tongue and lip ties know how to release them effectively.  If the professional doesn’t do the revision procedure effectively and completely, then it will not fix the breastfeeding challenges completely and your baby may have to have the procedure again.  

In most cases, the tongue or lip tie revision is done at an office visit.  Some practitioners will numb the area before the procedure, although it isn’t necessary.  Some practitioners, such as ENTs and pediatricians, may use blunt-edged scissors to snip the tight frenulum.  Others, such as dentists, may use laser for the revision procedure.  


Are there any negatives to having the tongue or lip tie revised?

There is very little risk for having your baby’s tongue or lip tie revised.  Most parents comment after the procedure that their only regret is that they didn’t do it sooner, as it improved their breastfeeding challenges tremendously.  Some babies may be a little fussy after the procedure, but most will settle with some extra cuddles.  Some parents find that a little infant tylenol or homeopathy can help relieve pain (but always check with your healthcare provider for appropriate dosing.)  


How can I keep the frenulum from scarring down after the procedure?

It is very important that parents do suck and stretching exercises after the procedure to prevent scarring down.  My colleague, Melissa Cole, IBCLC, created this quick and easy video for suck exercises after tongue tie revisions:  She recommends doing these a few times a day, during baby’s quiet alert time, to retrain baby’s tongue to suck effectively and to prevent scarring down.  A local dentist recommends bending baby’s upper lip up to his/her nose after an upper lip tie release to prevent scarring down.


Will my breastfeeding challenges resolve immediately after the procedure?

Most moms report some immediate improvement after the procedure, but it can sometimes take up to a few weeks or months to resolve all of your breastfeeding challenges, depending on other confounding issues, such as mom’s milk supply or baby’s progress.  Remember, your baby has been using his/her tongue and upper lip in this way since he/she was in utero, so it may take some time to ‘relearn’ how to use his/her tongue and upper lip effectively.  Body work, such as craniosacral therapy and chiropractic, can help speed up this process as it can reset your baby’s nervous system, as well as relax the muscle tension that your baby may have developed while using compensating mechanisms.


Here are some additional online resources that have excellent information about tongue and lip ties.  Stay tuned for our featured stories from moms whose breastfeeding challenges improved after having their babies’ tongue and lip ties revised.  Better yet, sign up for our newsletter and have these articles delivered directly to your email inbox!

Websites that offer ways to see if your baby might be tongue tied:

Catherine Watson Genna: Is My Baby Tongue Tied?

Dr. James Ochi: Tongue Tie Survey

More researched-based articles about tongue and lip ties:

American Academy of Pediatrics Tongue Tie article

Dr. Kotlow: Tongue Tie Fact Sheet

The Leaky Boob: The Basics of Tongue and Lip Tie: Related Issues, Assessment, and Treatment

Boob Group episode: Tougue Ties and Lip Ties: Symptoms, Treatment, and Aftercare


If you would like to submit your personal story about breastfeeding a baby with a tongue or lip tie, please email it to

Did your baby have a tongue or lip tie?

How did this affect breastfeeding?

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Pumping, SDBFC News Robin Kaplan Pumping, SDBFC News Robin Kaplan

Help a Mama Out: Tips for Talking with your Boss about Pumping

'Help a Mama Out' Topic of the Week:

Tips for Talking with Your Boss about Pumping

What's your best tip for discussing your pumping rights/schedule with your boss? 

Shelly Hovies Rogers: Be assertive with your rights, but be flexible and willing to work with your boss and coworkers.  I found my workplace to be quite accommodating to me when I nicely, but matter of fact, told them what I needed.  Also, although I didn’t have to quote the state law, I familiarized myself with it, just in case I needed to use it. 

Kelly Reyes: Before I left for maternity leave, I discussed my need to pump with my boss and then HR, just to make sure we were all on the same page.  When I had issues with the way the ‘wellness room’ schedule was being managed, my boss went to bat for me and fixed the problem that day! 

Marie Bishop: My best advice is to know the law and stand up for yourself and your baby.  In states, such as California, it is required by law that your employer provides a non-restroom space that is private for you to pump.

Meggin Dueckman: We just talked about it!  We’re all pretty close at work, so it was no problem.  I was the first of our staff to want/need to pump at work.  Mind you, here in Canada we get a year of maternity leave, so it’s not as common for people to want to pump as frequently when they return to work.  I only pumped 1 times a day at work, more for my own comfort!

Jamie Howell Swope: As a teacher at a school, it wasn’t an easy process, but I went in knowing the law and advised my principal ahead of time why I wanted to meet with her.  That way she had time to think about how to make it work, too.

Kat Picson Berling: I was really lucky in that 2 of my coworkers were pumping moms, so they had paved the way.  I told my boss that I was going to take 2 pumping breaks at x and y time and I will be in this office and it will take 15 minutes.  He was fine with it.  I’m not going to lie…. Because I had a cubicle at work, it was sometimes difficult to find a place to pump.  Even our HR coordinator wasn’t sympathetic for me.  Just make sure to know the law. 

Chantel McComber: My advice would be to put your fears aside.  Sometimes it’s hard as a working mom to ask for things because not everyone has them.  Remember that you are doing this for your health and your baby’s health and those are two things that should always come first.

Jennifer Haak: When I discussed my date of return, I told my boss that I needed a lock installed on my office door and I explained why.

Andrea Blanco: First, know your right.  Be sure that your company falls under those rights.  Then file that information away and try *not* to use it as it can be perceived as a threat (and no one likes to be threatened.)  Second, have a plan in place.  I find that if you’re willing to have the conversation in advance, go into it as sweet as possible, and have it all planned out as to how it will work for you (with consideration given to work environment/demands/pumping law.)  Then, it is much harder for your employer to say no. 

For the United States Lactation Accommodation laws, check out Break Time for Nursing Mothers

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Chest/Breastfeeding, Pumping Robin Kaplan Chest/Breastfeeding, Pumping Robin Kaplan

Help a Mama Out: Nurturing Your Breastfeeding Relationship when Back at Work

Help a Mama Out Topic of the Week: What are your favorite ways to nurture your breastfeeding relationship when you work outside the home?  

Sarah – When I was working out of the home, I pumped at the times my daughter would take a bottle.  Then, when I came home I would exclusively nurse her.  She was fine with 2 or 3 small breastmilk bottles a day, then nursed the rest of the time.  She always preferred the breast and when it came time to wean, I was nervous….but at 13 months she just did and that was that!

Alicia – Comfort nursing on the weekends and morning nursing cuddle time.  I always nurse as soon as we get home from work/daycare.

Alyssa – My favorite part of my working day (as a teacher) was when I sat down in the glider at daycare and nursed my son before taking him home for the night.  We were always so happy to see each other and it helped wipe away any headaches from the day.  Plus, I developed a friendship with his teacher and got to hear all about what he did that day, which was way better than just reading a quick note on a daily info sheet!

Jeanne – Co-sleeping helped us and a feed before I leave and ASAP when I get home.  I also pump 3-4 times at work and always demand feed when I’m home. 

Katie – We nurse in the evenings, when she wakes up in the middle of the night, and at least once more before I leave for work.  It’s funny, as soon as I pick her up after work, I think her mind lights up with ‘milk!’ because she immediately wants to nurse regardless of when her last feeding was.  I can tell that she misses that when we’re a part, as do I.

Janell – As soon as I get home, he’s on the boob.  The rest of the night, he is on the boob.  We spend all weekend with him on and off the boob.  Time consuming, but I love the connection time and it forces me to sit down and breathe with my son.

Rachel – I sit with my daughter every evening after work.  Even if she goes to sleep, we spend the entire evening and night together because we co-sleep.  I make a point to forget about all of the housework I have to do and just relax with her because I know that she won’t be little forever!

Rachelle – One of my favorite things is when I get home from work, I shower (I’m a paramedic).  After I shower, I fill the bath and my husband brings me the baby and we usually relax and nurse for 20-30 minutes.  It is my wind-down time and it is quiet with few distractions.  I love it! 

Sarah – If possible, try to arrange a mid-day nursing session.  I used a local daycare that I was able to visit at lunch and nurse, rather than pump.  It greatly helped my supply and we were able to EBF for 13 months without any supplementation.

Amanda – I asked out childcare provider not to feed our little one within 90 minutes of when I planned to pick up.  That way I could nurse as soon as I got there.




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