Chest/Breastfeeding Robin Kaplan Chest/Breastfeeding Robin Kaplan

Breastfeeding Truly Takes a Village!

A few months ago, we sent out a Call for Breastfeeding Stories.  Our desire was to flood the Internet with beautiful breastfeeding stories of triumph, overcoming challenges and struggles, and positive outcomes, regardless of the total amount of milk a mom was producing.  We are thrilled to share these stories with you, our readers, and hope that they offer support and inspiration for you, wherever you are in your breastfeeding journey. 

Thank you to all of the mothers who submitted their stories!  If after you read these memoirs you are inspired to submit your story, feel free to send it to    

A few months ago, we sent out a Call for Breastfeeding Stories.  Our desire was to flood the Internet with beautiful breastfeeding stories of triumph, overcoming challenges and struggles, and positive outcomes, regardless of the total amount of milk a mom was producing.  We are thrilled to share these stories with you, our readers, and hope that they offer support and inspiration for you, wherever you are in your breastfeeding journey. 

Thank you to all of the mothers who submitted their stories!  If after you read these memoirs you are inspired to submit your story, feel free to send it to    


This Breastfeeding Memoir is from Natalie

Before my son was even born, I knew I wanted to breastfeed him. I attended multiple classes on breastfeeding, stocked up on nursing pads, nipple butter, and felt as prepared as I could be prior to his arrival. After a precipitous labor/delivery, he ended up being born in front of the hospital! One benefit was that I got to hold him immediately, so we had lots of skin to skin time which was emphasized in the classes. We tried breastfeeding within one hour of his birth, and he immediately latched! We had a lactation consultant visit at the hospital, and she said everything looked great! I even scheduled my first lactation appointment at SD Breastfeeding Center when my son was 4 days old. We weren't having issues, but I quickly learned that breastfeeding my son was way different than the practice doll we used in the class! During that visit, I learned my son had lip and tongue ties. Nobody else evaluated him for these, but being tongue tied myself it didn't come as much of a surprise. Fortunately, he was transferring well and the ties did not seem to be interfering with his feeding.

Fast forward 2 weeks, and my son was not at his birth weight. He was feeding for over an hour, falling asleep, and seemed very irritable and unhappy. As a new mom, I assumed this was normal. I pushed on for another week and then decided to schedule another visit with the LC for an evaluation. There, I did a weighted feed and learned that he wasn't transferring effectively. The LC explained how he was being restricted by his lip and tongue ties, and this could potentially decrease my supply. She recommended I consider a release of his ties, so I immediately called a provider and had them addressed the next day.

I read how many mothers noticed instant results and symptom relief post release. I didn't notice immediate results, but was confident that things would improve over the next few weeks. When they didn't, I followed up with Melanie, our LC. She assessed him and noticed that he still seemed restricted, wasn't transferring adequately, and recommended we take him for body work. Due to his poor weight gain (6 oz in 2 weeks) she taught me how to use my breast pump and implement an SNS (supplemental nursing system). She also recommended a galactagogue supplement. Things weren't moving in the direction I wanted, but I was committed to do everything I could to continue breastfeeding.

At this point, I was feeling very defeated and inadequate. I felt like I was doing everything I could, and was so sad that my little baby was not growing at the rate he should. My pregnancy and delivery were so natural and without issue that I naively thought breastfeeding would follow. I called my sister in law, who happens to be a breastfeeding mother.  She immediately came over with galactagogue-rich foods and tea, and even pumped for my son while I built up my supply!


After additional LC visits, support groups, and the implementation of bodywork, I made the decision to have a second release for my son. Even though we are still post op and performing stretches, I already am seeing results. My son is happier, and I no longer have to use the SNS system. I have a nice freezer stash of my milk, and he is thriving with weight gain. He's not even three months old, so I don't know how this journey will end. I do know, however, that I'll do everything I can to preserve our nursing relationship. Without the help of multiple providers, I'm not sure where we would be. "It takes a village" is such an appropriate phrase for this season of my life. I am so thankful to live in a community that has SO much support for breastfeeding mothers.

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Chest/Breastfeeding Robin Kaplan Chest/Breastfeeding Robin Kaplan

Breastfeeding... It has to get easier, right???

When I started working with Galit 10 1/2 months ago, I knew immediately that she would be one of the most dedicated, hard-working, and comedic mothers I would ever encounter.  Her breastfeeding journey has been wrought with painful nipples, engorged breasts, and twins who had difficulties transferring milk.  It has also been blessed with sweet moments of tandem nursing, gaining an abundance of milk, and confidence to overcome any challenge that lay in her path.  Happy 1st birthday to your adorable boys, Galit, and happy 1st nursiversary to you!  You continually inspire me!  

Here is Galit’s story, in her own words!


I had twins at 37 weeks 3 days who were 5.5 and almost 6 lbs (FRIGGING AMAZING) after preterm labor at 23 weeks and 4 months of bed rest!  I wanted nothing more than to provide for them and ensure their health. Breastfeeding started out pretty rough.  My colostrum was hard to obtain and milk took forever to come in.  We were told to supplement with formula to keep them out of the NICU (they lost weight after birth, as all babies do), so we obliged. We went home with two healthy boys after 4 days and they were with me the entire time!

When I started working with Galit 10 1/2 months ago, I knew immediately that she would be one of the most dedicated, hard-working, and comedic mothers I would ever encounter.  Her breastfeeding journey has been wrought with painful nipples, engorged breasts, and twins who had difficulties transferring milk.  It has also been blessed with sweet moments of tandem nursing, gaining an abundance of milk, and confidence to overcome any challenge that lay in her path.  Happy 1st birthday to your adorable boys, Galit, and happy 1st nursiversary to you!  You continually inspire me!  

Here is Galit’s story, in her own words!


I had twins at 37 weeks 3 days who were 5.5 and almost 6 lbs (FRIGGING AMAZING) after preterm labor at 23 weeks and 4 months of bed rest!  I wanted nothing more than to provide for them and ensure their health. Breastfeeding started out pretty rough.  My colostrum was hard to obtain and milk took forever to come in.  We were told to supplement with formula to keep them out of the NICU (they lost weight after birth, as all babies do), so we obliged. We went home with two healthy boys after 4 days and they were with me the entire time!

For several weeks, we used a gloved finger-straw-tube thing to help the boys practice sucking.  Then, out of desperation and exhaustion, we switched to a bottle and for several months (yes, months), we had to pull their chins down to help them open their mouths wider and also tilt the bottle up and down to simulate the natural flow of breast milk. No one was really capable of helping my hubby and I because there was just too much to remember.

My schedule was: nurse one baby, nurse the other, supplement both with bottles with as much breast milk as I could pump, then another separate bottle with formula (we were told not to mix breast milk with formula.  We tried several organic versions before finding one that worked for us), then pump. Between pumping 8+ times a day and nursing 10-12 times a day, I had between 10 and 25 minutes to eat OR to sleep at a time, around the clock, for almost two months. Ugh. I was always hungry and tired. If someone didn’t put food in front of my face, I didn’t eat. Great diet plan, aside from the feeling of extreme hunger, lack of energy, and need to consume extra calories to help my body make milk! 

After a couple months of serious struggles with nursing, we were desperate. The boys both had extremely tight frenulums (tongue ties), hampering their sucking abilities and leaving them very inefficient (45 minute feeds to take in less than an ounce), and me in incredible pain due to their pinching. We were told to have them clipped to allow their tongues to work better (ouch, but not too bad). This didn’t do enough (the frenulums were posterior and thick), so several of our doctors recommended we have them lasered (under their tongues and under their upper lips). Holy hell, this sucked so hard!  Then, worse, for a month and a half after the laser (until they healed), we had to stretch their wounds every time they ate. They cried. I cried. It was a very hard decision and experience, but we did what we thought would be best for our babies, for nursing, and for other reasons. So we resorted to these “drastic” measures. They eventually healed and can do all sorts of things with their tongues now! Oh the trouble they will get into some day. 


When they were about a month old, I got mastitis. I thought I was dying. The pain, all over my body, was horrible. I cried all the way to the hospital (and I’m not a crier when it comes to physical pain) and got antibiotics.  It took about four days before I felt okay enough to try breastfeeding again. I was in so much pain I couldn’t handle the babies biting/pinching, so I was only pumping. So much pumping. My parents (and in-laws) came to help care for the boys, as I couldn’t even hold them. 

Then, thanks to the antibiotics, I think got thrush (a yeast infection in the nipples. I had never had a yeast infection before, thus I am conjecturing that antibiotics was the cause).  I didn’t show any symptoms, aside from what I called “fire needle nipples.” The pain went all the way up to my armpits.  This lasted for 3.5 months. AAACK!  We had to sterilize everything, including pump parts, bottles, bras, and even my boobs(!) all the time.  My attempt to destroy thrush was energy and time consuming, to put it simply. I continued to sterilize everything after each use until I stopped pumping (at over 9 months). I still change nipple pads several times a day.  I’m so very thankful the boys never showed any signs of thrush, as I probably would have gone cuckoo! 

I ended up getting mastitis again a few weeks later (OMG!).  Thankfully, Robin came to my rescue with her “mastitis protocol.”  I healed within 1.5 days, with NATURAL supplements, pumping, massage, heating pads, hot showers, etc. without antibiotics! YIPPEE!  In total, I’ve had mastitis 10 times (WTH?), 5 of them pretty bad, leaving me mostly dysfunctional. Damn you, Plugged Ducts!  I know how to deal with it now (phew!). I worked for months to restore my milk production to the level it was before infections and scar tissue hampered my supply. I still produce less on the left side, as compared to my right; however, I still made enough to feed both my boys! 

In addition to dealing with mastitis and thrush, I had severe breast (and surrounding area) pain, for several weeks.  I was mostly pumping and wasn’t nursing more than once or twice a day due to the intense discomfort (So. Many. Bottles.). I discovered I have vasospasms but, thanks to Robin’s protocol, the pain is now gone! Thank goodness for Robin.  Phew!  My daily supplements can fill an aisle at Sprouts, but at least they are all actually helping, homeopathic, and aimed at health rather than disease. 


Big milestone: at about 3 months, I realized the boys were only being bottle supplemented with MY milk. I was finally producing enough to feed two growing boys and we were off formula! HOORAY!  From 3 – 5 months, I was weighing the boys before and after each breastfeeding session to see how much they were taking in (as if I wasn’t doing enough already).  We rented a scale from a local hospital to make sure the boys were eating enough.  Then one day, at about 5 months, I looked at their thighs and BAM!  I noticed they were chunky monkeys!  We immediately returned the scale! SCORE!  


At 8.5 months, we were meeting and overcoming new “opportunities for growth.”  These “opportunities” have slowed greatly, but they still come.  With 4 new teeth, one of my boys bit me. Hard.  I instinctually yelped, so he cried. I soothed for 5 minutes and we tried again.  He bit again. Hard. I yelped (no self control) and he cried harder, longer.  15 minutes later we tried again. Guess what happened? He bit. Again. I yelped (OMG control yourself, Mama!) and he was hysterical, hungry, and absolutely refusing to nurse, for 45 minutes. I gave him a little bottle of my pumped milk to calm him and his belly and put him down for a nap.  I was sure he would never want to breastfeed again.  Thank the heavens, as my hubby suspected, when he awoke, our baby had forgotten the morning ordeal and all was normal again. PHEW!  


So, was all this craziness, horrible frustration, and extreme pain worth it? HECK YES!!! So far, my boys have always been healthy!  In their whole first year, they’ve never even had a sniffle! Holy cows!  I’ve had two colds and my hubby had three! Was it the breastfeeding?  I’d like to think so. In addition to their health being friggin amazing, we get some great bonding time. I pet their heads, they give me smiles, hold each others’ hands, and sometimes giggle while nursing. They eat 3 solid food meals a day now, and I nurse them 5 times a day as well. The enzymes, antibodies, and good stuff my milk provides for them is so important.  Breastfeeding is just the BEST and I’m SO grateful my body has provided. 

We’re learning, growing, and laughing so much every day. We’ve hit the latest “golden age” of our babies and are enjoying each moment.  It’s just amazing. 

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Chest/Breastfeeding Robin Kaplan Chest/Breastfeeding Robin Kaplan

Does Your Baby Have a Tongue or Lip Tie?

Painful, cracked, compressed-after-breastfeeding nipples.  Baby not gaining weight well.  Constant breastfeeding sessions that seem to take over an hour.  Excessive baby fussiness and gas.  These are some of the many signs that your child may have a tongue and/or lip tie.  So, what is a tongue and lip tie and how do they affect breastfeeding? What are ways to fix them and improve breastfeeding?

With several fantastic articles already written on this subject, we are going to give brief answers to these questions and link to our favorite comprehensive resources.  Also, over the next month, we will be sharing stories from breastfeeding mothers whose babies had tongue and/or lip ties.

Painful, cracked, compressed-after-breastfeeding nipples.  Baby not gaining weight well.  Constant breastfeeding sessions that seem to take over an hour.  Excessive baby fussiness and gas.  These are some of the many signs that your child may have a tongue and/or lip tie.  So, what is a tongue and lip tie and how do they affect breastfeeding? What are ways to fix them and improve breastfeeding?

With several fantastic articles already written on this subject, we are going to give brief answers to these questions and link to our favorite comprehensive resources.  Also, over the next month, we will be sharing stories from breastfeeding mothers whose babies had tongue and/or lip ties.


What is a tongue tie and lip tie?

There are pieces of connective membranes under the tongue and behind the upper lip called frenula.  Everyone has a lingual (tongue) frenulum and a labial (lip) frenulum, which means that if your baby has one, it doesn’t automatically mean that you are going to have breastfeeding challenges.  It’s how the tongue and upper lip function that determine if the frenula are causing a problem.

Tongue tie 

Tongue tie


Upper lip tie

Upper lip tie

How do tongue and lip ties cause breastfeeding challenges?

When the frenula are tight, they act like rubber bands, tethering down the tongue to the base of the mouth or the upper lip close to the upper gumline.  This makes it difficult to move the tongue in an effective manner or flange the upper lip out.  When the tongue doesn’t have full range of motion, it can cause all sorts of issues.  Some moms’ nipples will be compressed, causing pain and ineffective milk extraction.  Some babies will become very tired and fatigued while breastfeeding, having to work extra hard to compensate for the lack of range of motion in their tongues.  This can turn into ineffective, long feedings and slow weight gain for babies.  Other babies gain weight perfectly fine, but have tons of gas and excessive fussy periods because they are taking in so much air while breastfeeding due to the inability to push the milk back in a wavelike motion.  Babies with tongue ties or significant lip ties often continually fall off the breast, as they are unable to form a good seal and suction.  Other babies have such difficulty latching on to the breast that they refuse to breastfeed altogether.

Here are two articles that describe how tongue and lip ties can affect breastfeeding:

A Breastfeeding Mom’s Symptoms are as Important as Baby’s

Baby’s Weight Gain is Not the Only Marker of Successful Breastfeeding


Why didn’t my healthcare provider mention this to me? 

Most health care providers have not been trained to assess and diagnose tongue or lip ties.  Again, it is how the tongue and lip function (or not function) that cause the breastfeeding challenges.  Most health care providers have not been trained to complete suck assessments on infants, therefore they cannot accurately assess what the tongue is doing while feeding.  The best person to assess for a tongue or lip tie is a trained IBCLC (International Board Certified Lactation Consultant).


Who can treat my child’s tongue and/or lip tie and what are my options?

The best person to diagnose and treat a tongue or lip tie is a trained dentist, ENT (Ear, Nose, and Throat surgeon), oral surgeon, naturopath, pediatrician, or other medical professional trained to do minor surgery.  Make sure to do your research, as not all professionals that revise tongue and lip ties know how to release them effectively.  If the professional doesn’t do the revision procedure effectively and completely, then it will not fix the breastfeeding challenges completely and your baby may have to have the procedure again.  

In most cases, the tongue or lip tie revision is done at an office visit.  Some practitioners will numb the area before the procedure, although it isn’t necessary.  Some practitioners, such as ENTs and pediatricians, may use blunt-edged scissors to snip the tight frenulum.  Others, such as dentists, may use laser for the revision procedure.  


Are there any negatives to having the tongue or lip tie revised?

There is very little risk for having your baby’s tongue or lip tie revised.  Most parents comment after the procedure that their only regret is that they didn’t do it sooner, as it improved their breastfeeding challenges tremendously.  Some babies may be a little fussy after the procedure, but most will settle with some extra cuddles.  Some parents find that a little infant tylenol or homeopathy can help relieve pain (but always check with your healthcare provider for appropriate dosing.)  


How can I keep the frenulum from scarring down after the procedure?

It is very important that parents do suck and stretching exercises after the procedure to prevent scarring down.  My colleague, Melissa Cole, IBCLC, created this quick and easy video for suck exercises after tongue tie revisions:  She recommends doing these a few times a day, during baby’s quiet alert time, to retrain baby’s tongue to suck effectively and to prevent scarring down.  A local dentist recommends bending baby’s upper lip up to his/her nose after an upper lip tie release to prevent scarring down.


Will my breastfeeding challenges resolve immediately after the procedure?

Most moms report some immediate improvement after the procedure, but it can sometimes take up to a few weeks or months to resolve all of your breastfeeding challenges, depending on other confounding issues, such as mom’s milk supply or baby’s progress.  Remember, your baby has been using his/her tongue and upper lip in this way since he/she was in utero, so it may take some time to ‘relearn’ how to use his/her tongue and upper lip effectively.  Body work, such as craniosacral therapy and chiropractic, can help speed up this process as it can reset your baby’s nervous system, as well as relax the muscle tension that your baby may have developed while using compensating mechanisms.


Here are some additional online resources that have excellent information about tongue and lip ties.  Stay tuned for our featured stories from moms whose breastfeeding challenges improved after having their babies’ tongue and lip ties revised.  Better yet, sign up for our newsletter and have these articles delivered directly to your email inbox!

Websites that offer ways to see if your baby might be tongue tied:

Catherine Watson Genna: Is My Baby Tongue Tied?

Dr. James Ochi: Tongue Tie Survey

More researched-based articles about tongue and lip ties:

American Academy of Pediatrics Tongue Tie article

Dr. Kotlow: Tongue Tie Fact Sheet

The Leaky Boob: The Basics of Tongue and Lip Tie: Related Issues, Assessment, and Treatment

Boob Group episode: Tougue Ties and Lip Ties: Symptoms, Treatment, and Aftercare


If you would like to submit your personal story about breastfeeding a baby with a tongue or lip tie, please email it to

Did your baby have a tongue or lip tie?

How did this affect breastfeeding?

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