What Happens During a Virtual Breastfeeding Consultation?
Since COVID-19 has sent all of us to ‘shelter in place’, we are getting asked so many questions about our virtual consultations. Parents want to know what happens during a virtual breastfeeding consultation and how it can be helpful.
So, I wanted to take this opportunity to answer some questions we have been getting about our virtual consultations and explain all that we can accomplish during one.
Let’s get into the questions!
Can a lactation consultant actually help with breastfeeding without being in the same room?
100% yes! We are total ninjas when it comes to this! Our ‘detective’ skills and ability to see the whole picture help us understand your situation and concerns even when we can only see each other through our phones/computers!
What happens at a virtual breastfeeding consultation?
Here is how it works at SDBFC
Before your appointment:
We send you a video on how to do an oral assessment on your child. This is how we check for tongue and lip ties and how everything is working in your baby’s mouth. You can either record yourself doing this assessment on your kiddo and then send it to us before your appt (the preferred method) or we can walk you through this assessment during your consultation.
You fill out an intake form so that we have all of your background information and feeding history before we even meet.
During your appointment:
We discuss your baby’s oral assessment - which looks at suck, tongue range of motion, and overall oral structure
We watch your baby latch and breastfeed, offering advice on positioning and latch, while demonstrating these techniques with our lovely baby dolls.
We discuss milk supply and ways to make sure that your baby is getting enough
We can help with pumping and flange sizing
We co-create a personalized plan of care to help you meet your personal feeding goals.
What type of equipment do I need and is it helpful to have a support person nearby during the consult?
We use Google Hangouts Meet (HIPAA compliant), so you just need your phone. A phone is better than a computer because it allows us to get up close to your baby while we are assessing positioning, latch, and sucking rhythm.
It can be VERY helpful to have a support person with you so that you can just focus on latching/feeding your baby and have someone else hold the phone for you. Also, partner/family support is more crucial than ever now that we don’t have access to in-person support groups and consultations. Your partner will be included in the conversation and tips will be provided so that they can assist and support you with the feeding process.
How can a lactation consultant assess for tongue tie without putting her fingers in my baby’s mouth?
You actually get to do the oral assessment on your child while either recording a video to send to us, during your consult, or both! This is actually really awesome because you get to feel what the lactation consultant would normally feel, helping you better understand how your child’s tongue is functioning… either at max capacity or with room for improvement! We will look for how your baby’s tongue lateralizes, lifts, maintains suction, extends, and cups your finger. We will also view what his/her tongue frenulum and upper lip frenulum look like.
How can a lactation consultant help with positioning and latch during a virtual consult?
Using a baby doll, we can demonstrate positioning techniques, if you need guidance. Once we evaluate your baby’s latch, we can use verbal recommendations and visuals (such as YouTube videos) to demonstrate how to help your baby achieve a wide latch.
I prefer to learn in-person. How can I learn from someone without being in the same room?
We feel the same way! We would prefer to offer an in-person breastfeeding consultation when given the choice. We thrive while sharing space with a family while working with them. We miss our in-person consultations soooooo much! Unfortunately, lack of access to PPE has required us to temporarily suspend in-person consultations provided by the San Diego Breastfeeding Center. So, we all have had to fine-tune our assessment and counseling skills to meet your needs and hopefully we will change your mind about learning from someone via the interwebs :-)
How can we tell if my baby is getting enough without a lactation consultant’s scale?
Now, that is the one downside to virtual consults. No scale to weigh your baby before and after a feeding. So, we have to watch your baby carefully while feeding. We will look for jaw movement, suck/swallow ratios, stamina while feeding, and other indicators for milk transfer. We also might recommend renting a scale from the hospital for weighted feedings for a few days (since there are no in-person support groups to gather this data.) OR you might consider purchasing a scale from Amazon just to track your baby’s weight for a few days, which will give us the information we need to know if your baby is getting enough over a 24 hour period. Also we will be very conservative in our recommendations for supplementation with pumped milk and/or formula. We will make sure that we do everything we can to ensure that your baby is thriving while we work on the feeding details.
Should I just wait until the ‘shelter in place’ has been lifted so I can meet with a lactation consultant in person?
Definitely not! Breastfeeding is not fun when it hurts or feels confusing. We don’t want you to second guess yourself, especially during the heightened pandemic stress we are all under. With possible formula shortages on the horizon, we want to help you solve your breastfeeding challenges ASAP, as well as be a resource when other feeding questions arise.
So, does that help?
Remember, we accept Aetna PPO, Tricare, and UCSD HMOs. Also, we have an amazing sliding scale, so if our cash prices are a deterrent, please call our office (619-724-4117) so that we can offer you a sliding scale rate.
What other questions do you have about our virtual breastfeeding consultations? I would be happy to answer them for you!
Lactation Support during COVID 19 - Let's Get Virtual!
With new Shelter in Place restrictions, the San Diego Breastfeeding Center has decided that it will be safer for our staff and our clients if we all stay at home.
So, starting today, our physical space is temporarily closed, but our virtual space is WIDE OPEN! We are doing everything we can to provide the same high-quality, judgment-free breastfeeding support that we have offered in person for the past 10 years… just DIGITALLY.
Virtual Breastfeeding Consultations
For those of you looking for an individual breastfeeding consultation from an expert IBCLC, book one of our VIRTUAL BREASTFEEDING CONSULTATIONS. You’d be shocked on all we can accomplish without being in the same room!
Each virtual breastfeeding consultation includes an oral assessment on your baby (Yep! We can do those virtually!), positioning and latch assessment/recommendations, milk supply/sore nipple remedies, and a personalized plan of care. We can also do prenatal consultations and pump flange fittings, as we do these virtually all of the time!
As always, all appointments come with 2 weeks of free email support. And, we can still bill your insurance (Tricare and Aetna PPO) and have our sliding scale for those families with financial needs. If our appointments do not fit within your budget due to financial constraints, PLEASE call our office to find out the rate on our sliding scale!
Virtual Breastfeeding Support Groups
For those of you who love support groups and are looking to stay connected with other breastfeeding parents while getting some breastfeeding help along the way, pop into one of our VIRTUAL BREASTFEEDING SUPPORT GROUPS! Our community of local IBCLCs are hosting a free meeting, Monday-Friday, from noon-1pm. Click on this calendar link, choose the day, and then ask to Join Hangouts Meet.
Virtual Prenatal Breastfeeding Classes
For those expectant parents wanting to prepare for breastfeeding without an in-person class to go to, check out our VIRTUAL PREPARING TO BREASTFEED CLASS. Taught LIVE by Robin Kaplan, owner of the San Diego Breastfeeding Center (and author of LATCH), this class will get you excited about breastfeeding! From latch and positioning to preventing common breastfeeding concerns, Robin helps you and your partner prepare a breastfeeding plan that works best for your family. Facts and myths will be addressed as you get the tools and resources you need to confidently start your breastfeeding journey.
Don’t let breastfeeding challenges exacerbate during COVID19. Please reach out for help! We are here to support you along your breastfeeding journey and want to do everything we can to help make this part of your life a little bit easier!
What SDBFC is doing to protect you and your family during COVID-19
As social distancing and worldwide quarantines are affecting us all during the coronavirus crisis, the staff at the San Diego Breastfeeding Center is doing everything we can to continue to provide support for breastfeeding families. Your family’s health and well-being (as well as our’s) is our top priority. Here is what you can expect for the next few weeks.
Classes and Support Groups
Group classes are either cancelled or will be offered virtually. Please visit our website for an updated calendar.
We are partnering with several local lactation consultants to offer virtual breastfeeding support groups through Google Hangouts Meet. Here is the schedule (starting on Wed March 18):
Monday: 12p-1p (hosted by Rachelle Markham)
Tuesday: 12p-1p (hosted by Dawn Dickerson)
Wednesday: 12p-1p (hosted by Robin Kaplan)
Thursday: 12p-1p (hosted by Rachael Oeffner)
Friday: 12p-1p (hosted by Ashley Tehrani)
To attend one of our virtual breastfeeding support groups, please go to our calendar for details and a link to each daily virtual support group. We will also make an announcement with all of the details on our Facebook and Instagram, as well.
In-person Lactation Consultations
Prior to the visit
We screen all of our patients a day before the visit via text. In case of a confirmation of possible symptoms of a respiratory infection, a virtual visit will be offered instead via a HIPAA-compliant telemedicine platform.
We thoroughly clean and disinfect all our supplies using CDC-approved disinfectants before every visit. We also disinfect our phones/computers before and after each visit using alcohol wipes.
We take our temperature every morning to make sure that we do not have a fever. If we or someone in our household is sick, we will reschedule your appointment.
During the in-person visit
Upon arrival, you will be asked screening questions before we can begin the consultation.
We alway clean our hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
Throughout the visit, we will use gloves every time we touch you and your baby.
When weighing your baby, we will use a disposable chux pad to place on the disinfected scale. You can use your own receiving blanket, if preferred.
We ask that you bring your own breastfeeding pillows, if you are using one. We will not have pillows to use in our clinic.
We are staggering our office appointments so that no one will sit in the waiting room.
We will minimize our physical contact with you and your baby throughout the consult, unless we are doing a physical/oral assessment
For in-office consultations, we ask that you leave siblings at home, if at all possible.
If we are seeing you in your own home, we ask that only household members are in the home during the consultation.
Virtual consultation options
For anyone who would prefer a virtual consultation, you can book one of these through our website. While these are slightly less-comprehensive, as we are not able to assess milk transfer, they are a wonderful option during this social distancing time. Through virtual consultations, we can provide guidance on how to maintain your milk supply and baby weight gain, optimize position and latch, and co-create a temporary plan of care until we can see you in person.
It can be very helpful to have a second adult around during the virtual consult, as you will be walked through how to do an oral assessment with your child.
My Village of Breastfeeding Support
Over the next few weeks we will be sharing stories of triumphant breastfeeding mamas and their biggest supporters who helped them reach their personal breastfeeding goals. If you would like to share your breastfeeding story and thank your biggest breastfeeding cheerleaders, check out the details in our recent blog article.
Here is Stephanie's story.
It has truly taken a village to help me be successful in nursing both of my babies! I knew I wanted to breastfeed, but, after the birth of my first son, my passion and commitment to it were a surprise to even me. I was also caught extremely off-guard by the difficulties both of my boys encountered as we began our breastfeeding journeys together. Tongue ties, lip ties, low weight gain, low supply, poor latch, pain/cracking/bleeding, overactive letdown, and more were all hurdles we had to cross. There is absolutely NO way I could have made it to 13 months formula-free with my first son and still going strong and formula-free at 6 months with my second without these amazing people.
Over the next few weeks we will be sharing stories of triumphant breastfeeding mamas and their biggest supporters who helped them reach their personal breastfeeding goals. If you would like to share your breastfeeding story and thank your biggest breastfeeding cheerleaders, check out the details in our recent blog article.
Here is Stephanie's story.
It has truly taken a village to help me be successful in nursing both of my babies! I knew I wanted to breastfeed, but, after the birth of my first son, my passion and commitment to it were a surprise to even me. I was also caught extremely off-guard by the difficulties both of my boys encountered as we began our breastfeeding journeys together. Tongue ties, lip ties, low weight gain, low supply, poor latch, pain/cracking/bleeding, overactive letdown, and more were all hurdles we had to cross. There is absolutely NO way I could have made it to 13 months formula-free with my first son and still going strong and formula-free at 6 months with my second without these amazing people.
My husband! My passion and commitment to breastfeed my babies surprised him also, but he never questioned it and stood by me no matter what decisions I made! He became just as committed and passionate about it, knowing it was the best thing we could do for our boys. He came to appointments, helped get the baby latched on time after time, stood up for me when others questioned why I didn’t just quit, and let me cry when it all just became too much! He has truly been my rock through all of this, and I can sense his gratitude for the sacrifices I have made to give our boys this amazing gift!
My Lactation Consultants! Four different lactation consultants have come alongside my babies and me in our journey together. Every single one of them encouraged me that I could do it when the hurdles seemed insurmountable. They provided a listening, sympathetic ear when I just needed to vent or cry or talk it out. They provided help, advice, referrals, and life-changing solutions that kept us going!
My tribe of other breastfeeding Mamas! Friends I have known since childhood, friends I’ve made in recent years, and people I met through the breastfeeding process made it all possible - others who had or were experiencing some of the same challenges, some who didn’t have trouble but believed just as passionately in the benefits of breastfeeding, some who visited, some who called, and one who even created an on-line community to connect us all! There were many people in my life who didn’t understand why I didn’t give up when they saw the emotional and physical toll it was taking on me, but these other Mamas got it! They knew why I couldn’t quit, why no challenge was too big!
My virtual breastfeeding community! Although I will never meet most of these women in person, the support, advice, commiseration, and encouragement they have provided have truly been critical! To be able to jump online in the middle of the night when it just seemed like I couldn’t do it and have others on there to tell me that, yes, I could do it got me through many rough moments! They have calmed nerves, answered questions, given virtual hugs, and just been an amazing support system!
My babies! Even from the very start and even in the face of all of our challenges, my babies have always loved nursing! They didn’t quit so there was no way I could!