Why Does My Milk Smell Sour?


This weekend my hubby wanted to give our son a bottle, so I thawed some milk that was pumped mid-February (2 months ago). When I was putting it in the bottle it smelled sour like spit-up. Why is that? He still ate it and it didn't make him sick. Is my milk bad? That was the oldest milk I have so I thought it would be fine still.

Thank you!



Dear Natalie,

There are many reasons why your milk may smell sour.  

What Can I Do About My Fast Let-Down?


What are some good nursing positions if you have a fast let-down?




Dear Alanna,

When moms have a very fast let-down, babies often have difficulties tolerating the fast and furious flow.  Some choke and sputter at the breast.  Some pull off and get sprayed in the face.  Others pinch down on the nipple, as if trying to put a kink in the water hose.  All of these can cause somewhat uncomfortable feedings for mom and baby.

So this is what you want to do.... Work with gravity!

Do All Exclusively Breastfed Babies REALLY Need Iron Supplements?

When I read a policy statement from the American Academy of Pediatrics stating that exclusively breastfed babies need to be supplemented with iron starting at 4 months, I have to wonder…

Are they saying that my perfect nutrition for my baby is no longer PERFECT? 

Are they saying that what my body produces is suddenly SUB PAR? 

This caused me to do a little research.  What IS the deal with iron in breast milk? 

How Can I Respond to My Pediatrician Who is Not Supportive of Breastfeeding?

Welcome to our first edition of Help A Breastfeeding Mama Out!  Every Thursday, we will answer a question from one of our dear readers.  Do YOU have a burning question you would like answered on our blog Please email them to robinkaplan@sdbfc.com and we add it to our list!


Any advice for responding to doctors when they are unsupportive of breastfeeding past the first few months or uneducated about it (such as believing it causes cavities, etc.)?  Thank you in advance!




Dear Theresa,

My first response would be, "Can I have my records, please?"  

Are New Moms Bombarded with TOO MUCH Information?

So I would like to take a virtual raise of hands to see how many of us have googled ‘sore nipples’ or ‘increasing milk supply’ on a random Thursday night at 11pm?  What about ‘when will my baby sleep through the night?’

Sure, we are blessed to live in a time when we can go online to find information on anything, yet, how legitimate and correct is this information we stumble upon?  If I search ‘sore nipples and breastfeeding’, I get over 327,000 hits… that is INSANE!  That many people have written an article about sore nipples?

And the information overload doesn’t end there.

Advice for the New Breastfeeding Mom

Dear New Breastfeeding Mama,

All rights reserved by Rebeca CygnusAre you feeling completely overwhelmed by your new profession as Mother of a New Baby?  Are you googling sore nipples and how often should my newborn breastfeed while sitting awake at 3:30am?  Are you like me and only prepared for pregnancy and labor, but forgot to read the books about how to take care of a newborn?

Well, then look no further, my sweet friend!  Put the google search DOWN!

While I don't have all of the answers to breastfeeding and parenting  (let's be honest....who really does?), I do have some short and sweet resources that may be helpful for you in your time of need.  

And if you don't find what you are looking for on this list, add your question to the comments and I will do my best to provide you with the help you need!

Here are my Top 6 Advice for the New Breastfeeding Mom articles:

1. My Newborn is So Sleepy!

2. Laid-Back Breastfeeding: Physically and Mentally

3. Napping and Postpartum Sleep Deprivation

4. Common Concerns While Breastfeeding - Sore Nipple Therapy

5. Common Concerns While Breastfeeding - Help!  I'm Engorged!

6. How to Bring in Your Milk Supply More Quickly

Know Your Newborn's Rights After a Hospital Birth: What Are Your Choices?

Did you know that you don't have to cut your baby's umbilical cord immediately after he/she is born?

Did you know that you could hold off on standard hospital procedures after your baby is born, given he/she is healthy, until after the first breastfeeding session (and beyond?)

I am somewhat embarrassed to admit, but I was one of those mothers who walked into labor and delivery trusting everything my OBGYN said.  I had not done any extra research on the policies and procedures that took place during a hospital birth.  I had no idea how these medicalized birth practices could impact my delivery, my child's future well-being, my breastfeeding initiation, and my recovery.  

Now that I have been in the birth and postpartum professional world for over 3 years, I am shocked about how little I knew about my rights during birth and beyond.  And I have a masters degree, dammit! I am an educated woman about everything else in my life, so why didn't I learn more about birthing practices?  

Fortunately, there are many research-based articles on the web that will help you make a decision about whether these routine hospital procedures are for you or not.

So which procedures are under your control?

1. All initial evaluations can take place while the baby is resting on mom's chest.

2. Your baby doesn't need a bath in the hospital - the vernix helps fight infections and is moisturizing, so rub it in!

3. If you don't have chlamydia or gonorrhea, your baby doesn't need drops in the eyes after birth.

4. Vitamin K shots - does your baby really need this?  

And these are just a few....

For more information about your newborn's rights after a hospital birth, take the time to listen to this fabulous online radio show episode from Pregtastic called, Know Your Rights!  Routine Hospital Procedures for You and Your Newborn.

Also, while you are at it, make sure your hospital is breastfeeding-supportive.  In 2012, you would think they all are, but, again, I was shocked at how many of them are not.  Best for Babes has a great article that can help you figure this out: Top 10 Questions to Help You Find a Breastfeeding-Supportive Hospital.

Why TSA Needs Some Serious Professional Development Classes about Breastfeeding

I have to admit that I was completely dumbfounded when I read the article about how a TSA worker required a breastfeeding, working mom to pump in a public airport restroom to save her $200 pump from being confiscated.  Were the bottles filled with over 3.4oz of breast milk (which is completely legal) – NO!  Was her breast pump any different than a battery-operated computer or DVD player – Nope!  So, what was this man possibly thinking?  Apparently, he wasn’t thinking, which is an enormous problem when dealing with public safety.

The Lactation Consultant Who Changed My Life

On March 7, 2012, International Board Certified Lactation Consultants (IBCLCs) globally will celebrate their 11th official Annual IBCLC Day.  The theme for this year’s celebration isIBCLCs Make an Impact and this powerful statement definitely rings true in my life.

Six and a half years ago, an amazing, gentle IBCLC entered my home and changed the course of my life forever.  My son, Ben, was 4 days old.  I had just returned home from the pediatrician’s office and breastfeeding was NOT going well at all.  My fuller milk had not ‘come in’ yet.  My nipples were completely torn to shreds.  My son wanted to eat non-stop and my sanity had started to wane. 

Gentle Weaning: Techniques and Resources

Gentle Weaning: Techniques and Resources

In this third article in our Gentle Weaning series, we will start the conversation about different techniques you can try to gently wean your baby.  If you are wondering about how to pace the weaning process, check out our last article, Gentle Weaning: What is the Process?

Every breastfeeding mother eventually weans her child.  It is part of the evolutionary process.  Whether your baby is a few months old or a preschool-age child, there comes a time when the act of breastfeeding no longer occurs.   When the time is right for both you and your child to wean, there are quite a few techniques you can use to help make the process go more smoothly. 

 I have searched books and the Internet to find some of the best resources out there.  I would love if you would please share your own resources and experiences, as well, so that we can all benefit from them!