Understanding Infant Sleep - 6 weeks to 4 months

Understanding Infant Sleep - 6 weeks to 4 months

In our previous sleep article, we discussed normal sleep patterns and realistic sleep expectations for infants up to 6 weeks.  By the time we hit 6 weeks, our children have gone through so many developmental changes, including what shapes their sleep patterns.  What do these patterns look like now and when will you start to actually get some sleep?  

Breastfeeding the Older Baby: 12-18 Months

Breastfeeding the Older Baby: 12-18 Months

Written by Anna Choi, BS, IBCLC

Thank you for joining us for our third and final article in our blog series, Breastfeeding the Older Baby – What to Expect and How to Adjust. I’ve enjoyed writing these articles, as we have explored the evolving breastfeeding relationship between mama and baby, and I hope to have provided some insight for you about what this evolution might look like for you and your little one. In this final article, we will look at months 12 through 18 of your toddler’s life.

Why Has My Pumping Output Decreased?

I love when we receive emails with questions that our blog readers could benefit from!  Here is a question from one of our mamas who is wondering why her pumping output has decreased.  


Hi Robin!

I met with you awhile back when I first went back to work to set up a good pumping schedule.  It has worked like a charm these last 6 months.  Thank you for that!

My little guy is about to turn one and I’ve noticed a big reduction in my pumped breast milk the last few weeks. I’ve gone from pumping around 25 ounces of milk/work shift to around 15 oz.  It feels like it happened overnight. I’m just wondering if you have any suggestions on things I can do to get milk back or if this is just a normal progression.  I’m not ready to give up breastfeeding yet, but want to make sure he is getting enough milk.  He has been eating ALOT of solid food for about 5 months, so I’m sure this has had an impact on my supply :-(

Thanks for your time!


Breastfeeding the Older Baby: What to Expect at 9-12 Months

Written by Anna Choi, BS, IBCLC

Welcome back to our blog series, Breastfeeding the Older Baby – What to Expect and How to AdjustLast month we took a closer look at what breastfeeding might look like for a 6-9 month old, and tackled some of the most common questions and concerns we hear from parents with little ones in that age range. We hope you found the information helpful and relevant and are happy to have you join us again!

Two Things More Important than Portion Sizes when Offering Solids to Infants

Join Rachel Rothman, MS, RD in our three-part blog series to learn more about introducing solids to your little one.  Rachel is a pediatric dietitian and the instructor of our Introduction to Solids classes here at the SDBFC. 

Introduction to Solids, Serving Sizes, Feeding Relationship

When babies are 4-6 months of age, many moms start thinking about how much solid food kids should eat.  It’s easy to get caught up in a race toward the “starting solids” milestone, but what comes next?  Many parents wonder, now that their little one has started eating solid foods, how much is enough?  Am I making him/her overeat?  Am I wasting food? Am I teaching poor habits? 

What might reassure you is that as long as your selections contain a balance of protein, carbohydrate, fats and vitamins and minerals, measuring “servings” of food consumed may not necessarily be the best way to ensure your baby’s success at adopting a solid diet.  

Understanding Infant Sleep - The First 6 Weeks

Understanding Infant Sleep - The First 6 Weeks

“I slept like a baby”  

When I hear this saying, I immediately envision sleeping deeply, soundly, and for 10 hours straight.  Whoever came up with that saying clearly didn’t have children!  All of the babies I know definitely do not sleep soundly for an extended period of time until at least toddlerhood… and even then sleep can be disrupted by teething, colds, and just regular night waking. With current infant sleep recommendations stating that babies should learn to sleep on their own, all night, by 6 months, I have to wonder how much of this information is hearsay and old-wives’ tales and how much is evidence-based (using good research models). 

So, let’s break this down using the most current research.  

Viewing Body Image After Baby

Written by Abigail Burd, MSW, LCSW, CPRP

Happy January! The cheery month when the media tells us we need to start our New Year’s Resolutions to exercise and lose weight. Meanwhile, the Award Season is in full swing with gorgeous Hollywood actresses showing off their post-baby bodies. In the movie “Knocked Up,” Katherine Heigl’s character is told by her work that they can’t legally ask her to lose weight, but that she needs to “tighten” it up. We may not aspire to be red carpet ready, but how many of us want to tighten up or change our postpartum bodies?

This time last year, I started writing a post with tips on how to achieve goals and change. I stopped midway through writing it, realizing no one needed it. We need to hear that we are beautiful just the way we are . We need to tell ourselves that we are beautiful. And believe it. So when Robin asked me to write about body image after having a baby, I knew I wanted to share.

Check Out These Lactation Rooms at the San Diego Airport!

Traveling just got easier for breastfeeding and pumping moms traveling through the San Diego International Airport!  Just in time for the holidays, right?

Last month, the San Diego Nursing in Public Task Force was contacted by a local breastfeeding mom, Emily Mest, who frequently travels through the San Diego International Airport for work.  Here is Emily’s story, which set the wheels in motion to make breastfeeding and pumping easier for all moms traveling through the San Diego airport.