Sleeping Like A Baby – 4-12 Months

Sleeping Like A Baby – 4-12 Months

Have you been asked this question: How is your baby sleeping?  This is my least favorite question because it puts the parent in a position to evaluate or validate their parenting skills based on their child’s sleep.  The reality is that your baby’s sleep habits may have everything to do with brain development and how the brain organizes sleep cycles and awake windows.

Boob Group Podcast Roundup - The New Parent's Guide to the Breastfeeding Journey


Welcome to the Boob Group Podcast Roundup!  As many of you know, Robin was the original host of the Boob Group podcast and hosted the first 112 episodes!  There was so much amazing breastfeeding and pumping advice and research shared during those 2.5 years, so Robin has decided to reshare these episodes with all of you in a monthly roundup!  

This month we are featuring a beautiful collection of three episodes that can help you navigate the first days and weeks of your breastfeeding journey.


So many of us spend months preparing for our birth but don’t give much thought about what happens after our baby is born. After we’ve had our baby, breastfeeding can seem overwhelming and unfamiliar. We get lots of varying advice from pediatricians, parents, friends, and of course ‘Dr. Google’, and it’s hard to know what “normal” really looks like. 

We created this series as a guide to help breastfeeding parents maximize their breastfeeding success. For our first time parents, this can give you a general idea of what to expect at each stage of your baby’s life and how to overcome common challenges along the way! To our 2nd and 3rd time parents, hopefully you can use this series as a way to pick up new tips and tricks to make it potentially easier this time around. 

Let’s dive in! For each age range, we will discuss what typical feeding sessions look like- how often babies should be feeding, for how long, and how much they should be generally getting. We’ll help you understand what weight fluctuations your baby might have early on and what overall weight gain looks like so you can feel prepared at upcoming appointments. We’ll also see how sleep patterns change as babies get older so you can have realistic expectations of when your baby might start sleeping for longer stretches. On top of these foundational topics, please see the guide below for other common questions we’ll cover in each episode.

We hope that this series empowers you with the tools needed to get breastfeeding off to a great start!

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First 24 Hours 

  • How can birth stories influence lactation?

  • What are the benefits of Skin-to- Skin?

  • What do I do if I’m separated from my baby and can’t breastfeed? 

  • Why is my baby eating so often? 

  • What is colostrum? 

  • How do I know if my baby is getting enough? 

  • Why is my baby so sleepy? 

First Week

  • Why is my baby losing weight?

  • What do I do if my baby is jaundiced? 

  • When do I need to supplement and what are my options? 

  • Why are my nipples so sore? 

  • What is engorgement and what can I do about it? 

Second Week 

  • When should my nipple soreness go away?

  • What is mastitis and how do I avoid it?

  • When should I introduce a bottle?

  • What happens during a growth spurt?

  • What are the benefits of babywearing? 

  • What does bedsharing look like? 


And… here are the podcast episodes!

Want more resources about the breastfeeding journey? Please see the additional ones below.

Stay tuned, as next week we will share episode 4 and 5 of this series, which discusses the breastfeeding journey from 3 weeks - 6 months!

How Do I Wean from Supplementing my Breastfed Baby?

This is Part Two in our supplementation series.  Don’t miss Part One: I’m Told that my Breastfed Baby Needs to be Supplemented…. What Should I Do?


One of the most challenging aspects of supplementing your breastfed baby is knowing when and how you can reduce or completely stop that supplementation.  You will want to work with your pediatrician and an IBCLC to help fine tune this process for you and your baby, but here are some general guidelines.

The reason you were supplementing may determine when you can stop

Early supplementation in the first few days after your baby was born may have been recommended to help resolve a temporary medical situation, such as jaundice, hypoglycemia, or excessive weight loss.  Typically, once your milk supply has fully ‘come in’ and baby is gaining well, supplementation can stop. Longer-term supplementation, such as for a premature baby, baby with feeding challenges, or a breastfeeding parent working to increase milk supply, will likely require a longer weaning process.  In both cases, though, watching the baby for signs of effective breastfeeding will be an important part of baby's care.  


How do I know if my baby is breastfeeding well?

There are quite a few ways we can tell that a baby is breastfeeding well

  • Baby actively feeds for 20-40 minutes, seems satisfied after eating, and can go about 2-3 hours between most feedings

  • Breastfeeding is comfortable and your breasts feel softer after your baby has fed

  • Diaper count - Babies in the first few weeks to months should pee/poop at least 5 times a day.  As babies mature, so do their digestive systems. After the first few months, babies often continue to pee at least 5 times daily, but poop frequency may drop to 1-2 times daily

  • When you weigh your baby before and after a breastfeeding session (like with a gram-sensitive scale at a breastfeeding consultation or support group), your baby is taking in an appropriate amount for his/her age and weight.

  • Weight gain - Baby is gaining the appropriate amount of weight based on his/her age  


What is the best way to wean from supplementing my breastfed baby?

As your baby begins to breastfeed more effectively and transfer more milk from you while breastfeeding, you might also notice that your baby begins to refuse supplements (or just takes less) after breastfeeding.  If your baby is gaining weight well, then you might consider offering less of a ‘top off’ after breastfeeding and see if your baby continues to gain weight well. If your baby is gaining more weight than expected for his/her age, this is also a reason to pull back on supplementation.

To wean from supplementing your baby, you will want to either reduce the amount of supplementation after each breastfeeding session or cut back on how often you supplement during the day.  Try this reduced supplement amount for a few days and see if your baby still seems satisfied after eating throughout the day and night, as well as check your baby’s weight to make sure he/she gained enough over that time period.  If weight gain is still more than needed/expected and your baby seems satisfied after eating, continue to pull back on the amount of supplement per day until you reach a point where you have either cut supplementing completely or dropped down to your baby’s sweet spot.

While reducing the supplementation amount, this also means that you might be able to cut back on the number of times you pump per day, which is what every parent wants to hear, right?  A lactation consultant can definitely guide you on this process so that your milk supply isn’t lowered with this decrease in pumping frequency.


What if I am unable to wean from supplementing my baby?

There are some situations when a breastfeeding parent may not have a full milk supply and will need to supplement long term.  Working with a lactation consultant can be very valuable during this process to help maximize your milk supply potential, as well as discuss options for long-term supplementation.  

It is incredibly important for any parent needing to provide long-term supplementation to understand that EVERY drop of breastmilk you produce for your child is valuable.  You are creating a perfect food for your child, as well as providing amazing immunity-boosting benefits that only YOU can create. Your milk was meant for your baby and breastfeeding does not have to be all or nothing.  While it can feel absolutely heartbreaking to hear that exclusive breastfeeding may not be a possibility, I’d like to share a beautifully written breastfeeding memoir on our website.  The author, Aran, brilliantly coins a new term, ‘Inclusive breastfeeding’, which helps put all of this breastfeeding and supplementation into perspective.

 So, what additional questions do you have about weaning your breastfed baby from supplements?  Feel free to add a comment here and we will gladly offer advice!

And, if you need some guidance on how to navigate your supplementation journey, book an appointment with us, as we would love to help!

To book an appointment at the San Diego Breastfeeding Center, click here!

If you don’t live in San Diego and would like to book a virtual consultation, email Robin at

If you are looking for a lactation consultant in your area, click here for ILCA’s Find a Lactation Consultant Directory

I'm Told that my Breastfed Baby Needs to be Supplemented.... What Should I Do?

Being told that your breastfed baby needs to be supplemented can feel extremely overwhelming and can often feel like quite a blow to the self-esteem.  You might be concerned about your milk supply and if your baby will prefer the bottle to your breast. You may feel confused as to why your baby isn’t gaining the appropriate amount of weight while breastfeeding.  

So, let’s talk about the reasons why a baby might need to be supplemented and how to do this without sabotaging your milk supply and your breastfeeding relationship.


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What is a supplement?

A supplement is anything in addition to what your baby receives from your breast while breastfeeding.  Babies can be supplemented with: 

Mom’s own pumped milk (if baby is not removing her milk well enough)

Donor milk (from a milk bank or from another breastfeeding/pumping parent)


How do I know if my baby truly needs supplemental feedings?

Babies are expected to gain a certain amount of weight based on their age.  So, if a baby is NOT gaining that expected amount, additional supplementation is often recommended.  Here are the weight gain expectations for the first year of baby’s life:

Initial weight loss in the first few days of life - no more than 10% of baby’s birth weight

2 weeks - baby should be back to birth weight (or very close, if he/she lost more than 10% in the first 2 weeks

2 weeks - 4 months - baby should gain about 7 ounces per week

4 months - 6 months - baby should gain about 4-5 ounces per week

6 months - 1 year - baby should gain about 2-4 ounces per week

Why might a baby need to be supplemented?

There are many common reasons why a baby might need supplemental feedings.  

Some common medical issues that can arise shortly after birth that may lead to supplements are prematurity, low birth weight, poor feeding, low blood sugar levels (hypoglycemia), elevated bilirubin levels (jaundice), dehydration, excessive weight loss or poor weight gain.  After those first few weeks, some common reasons for supplementation are baby not removing milk well while breastfeeding (due to tongue tie, reflux, very long feeding sessions) and a low milk supply. In all of these cases, the first step is to ensure that baby is breastfeeding effectively.  Next we want to assess mom’s milk supply to make sure that she is producing enough milk for her baby. Sometimes all it takes are a few modifications to the baby’s feeding routine to help baby start to gain weight. Other times it requires a lactation consultation (done by an IBCLC) to assess baby’s feeding and mom’s milk supply for the cause for baby’s low weight gain.


What if I can't express enough milk for my baby?

First you’ll want to make sure that you have everything you need to express your milk.  If using an electric pump, make sure the pump flanges fit correctly and that you are pumping for about 15 minutes after breastfeeding.  Some moms let down for the pump easily. Others find that they prefer a hand pump or hand expression. You will want to find what works best for you.

In those first few days after birth (when milk production has not quite yet surged), it can be a bit challenging to express a measurable amount of milk.  In this case, sometimes baby might need to be supplemented by donor milk or formula.

Once your mature milk is in (after those first few days), you might want to meet with an IBCLC to put together a breastfeeding/pumping plan to see if you are able to express enough milk for your baby, as well as increase your milk supply, if necessary.  If you are not yet able to express enough milk for your baby’s supplemental feedings, donor milk or formula would be recommended.  

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Do I have to use a bottle when giving my baby supplemental feedings?

Not at all!  There are several ways to supplement a baby.  Each way has its pros/cons and will be determined by what works best for you and your baby.

Cup feeding is great for older babies, as well as some younger babies who will not take a bottle

Finger feeding is great for the first few weeks of life, as the flow is slow and your finger can help organize your baby’s sucking rhythm.

Supplemental nursing systems (SNS) allow your baby to be supplemented at the breast so that he/she still thinks everything is coming from you!  The SNS has a tube that slips into your baby’s mouth, at the breast, to provide the supplement at the same time baby is breastfeeding. This works best when baby is latching/breastfeeding well and mom is trying to increase her milk supply.

Bottles are definitely an option, as well.  You will want to offer a bottle in a baby-led (paced) manner so that your baby doesn’t begin to prefer the ease and flow of the bottle, compared to your breast.

Will my baby ever be able to fully breastfeed after supplements?

Generally, the answer to this is YES!  Most reasons for supplementation are short-term problems that are resolved relatively quickly with good treatment.  Premature babies grow and get stronger, and typically get better at breastfeeding around their due dates or shortly after.  A baby who is having difficulty with breastfeeding immediately after birth will often be ready for breastfeeding within a few days after birth.  If breastfeeding challenges linger for more than a few days, an IBCLC can help identify the reasons and set you on a path for reducing and hopefully eliminating supplementation as soon as possible. In the meantime, expressing your milk in addition to breastfeeding will help maintain and build your milk supply as challenges resolve.  

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When can I stop supplementing?

Part 2 will discuss how you’ll know it's time to wean from supplements and helpful tips for doing so. 

For more information about supplementation reasons, methods, and choices, check out these The Boob Group podcast episodes: 

Exclusive Breastfeeding and Early Supplementation 

Breastfeeding the Jaundiced Baby

When Breastfeeding Doesn’t Go As Planned 

Low Milk Supply: Donor Milk, Milk Banks, and Formula

Partial Breastfeeding: When Supplements are Needed

It's the Ultimate World Breastfeeding Week Giveaway 2019!!!

The theme of World Breastfeeding Week 2019 is Empower Parents: Enable Breastfeeding.  According to the World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action - “Empowerment is a process that requires evidence-based unbiased information and support to create the enabling environment where mothers can breastfeed optimally. Breastfeeding is in the mother’s domain and when fathers, partners, families, workplaces, and communities support her, breastfeeding improves.” Well, we couldn’t agree more!  Here at the San Diego Breastfeeding Center and The Badass Breastfeeder, our goal is to provide judgment-free breastfeeding support so that breastfeeding and pumping families can provide as much breast milk to their children as possible and reach their personal breastfeeding/pumping goals.  We also love to partner with wonderful companies that do all that they can to support, guide, and protect a family’s ability to meet their personal breastfeeding/pumping goals. 

To celebrate World Breastfeeding Week 2019, 11 breastfeeding and pumping-supportive companies have donated items for an enormous Ultimate World Breastfeeding Week Prize Package, valued at over $2000!  First we’d like to introduce you to the co-hosts of the 2019 Ultimate World Breastfeeding Week giveaway. Then, we’ll share all of the goodies that have been so graciously donated.

Your hosts:

San Diego Breastfeeding Center:  A judgment-free online and in-person resource for evidence-based breastfeeding information and personalized assistance for parents facing breastfeeding challenges.  Founded by Robin Kaplan, M.Ed., IBCLC in 2009, SDBFC offers private breastfeeding consultations, classes, free support groups, and an extensive blog. In August 2016, Robin started the San Diego Breastfeeding Center Foundation, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization which offers reduced-rate lactation consultations to local families with financial need.  In 2018, Robin published her first book, Latch: A Handbook for Breastfeeding with Confidence at Every Stage and just last month released her first online course, Breastfeeding for the Working Family, a step-by-step course to help breastfeeding parents prepare for a seamless transition back to work and meet their personal breastfeeding goals DESPITE returning to work.

The Badass Breastfeeder: The Badass Breastfeeder is a blog written by Abby Theuring, a social worker, writer, public speaker, activist, wife and mother of 2 who lives in Chicago, IL. The blog empowers mothers to breastfeed in public, and to breastfeed beyond infancy. It encourages moms and dads to trust their parenting instincts and helps parents develop the confidence to make important decisions for their families. It’s also the personal story of one family’s struggles through the ups and downs of attachment parenting. Unlike many parenting blogs, it paints an honest, authentic picture of the stressful moments that come along with being a parent. The Badass Breastfeeder is a global community of moms and dads who share their experiences so that we know we are not alone. 

How to Enter the 2019 Ultimate World Breastfeeding Week Giveaway

You may enter the giveaway from August 1, 2019 - August 8, 2019.  On August 8, 2019, we will announce 1 lucky winner of the Ultimate World Breastfeeding Week Prize Package.  Winners must live in the United States or Canada.

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NOW Check out the Prizes!

One Breastfeeding for the Working Family online course.  Protect your breastfeeding relationship (and your milk supply) DESPITE returning to work!  This step-by-step course will prepare you for a seamless transition back to work.

One Ruby All In One Nursing and Handsfree Pumping Bra from Dairy Fairy.  A feminine and functional bra that’s supermodel worthy and super mom functional.

One Explore Baby Carrier - “Splash” by Baby Tula.  The Tula Explore Carriers offers all the features you and baby need: variable width settings for use with newborns to toddlers, adjustability perfect for nursing while baby is in your carrier, and multiple carry positions including forward-facing and back carry.

One Milk-Saver. One Milk Tray, one Nursing Blend, one Nursing Time Tea, one Softies Nursing Pads, and  one Nipple Nurture Balm all from Fairhaven Health. Milkies by Fairhaven Health is a line of innovative breastfeeding products to help moms reach their breastfeeding goals! Products include breast milk collection and storage solutions to help moms returning to work, as well as supplements, teas, nipple balm, nursing pads, and much more!

One $50 gift certificate for Lactation Granola Bars from Oat Mama.  Undeniably delicious and packed with brewer's yeast and healthy fats from nuts and seeds, Oat Mama lactation granola bars are lovingly crafted by breastfeeding mamas for breastfeeding mamas.

One $25 gift certificate from Momzelle.  Momzelle's mission is to help mothers feel comfortable and confident breastfeeding in public by designing high quality, affordable and super cute nursing wear.

One Breastfeeding/Nursing Necklace from Wee Kings.  Wee Kings nursing necklaces are the perfect distraction for baby's hands while being fed, and are a stylish, practical accessory for mom to wear.

LatchPal and a Little Zip Pocket Blanket from LatchPal.   LatchPal® is an Award Winning Breastfeeding Clip that holds up any shirt, for a nursing top in seconds.  The patented one-handed fastening method makes it easy to for a mom to breastfeed (or pump ) in comfort., without neck strain or distractions.

Set of Visy bras and BusyTabsfrom Nurse Me Mama.  Its soft cotton & stretch frame assists in cupping around breast. The visual graphics on frame helps baby focus and latch!

Breastfeeding Friendly Seed Tee from Cuarto Creciente.  Designed for functional nursing without having to lose style, comfort and most importantly without feeling exposed when nursing in public. Seed t-shirts are locally made in Vancouver by a lovely couple who has been in business for over 30 years.

One Gemma Nursing Top from Teat and Cosset.  The Gemma tee is our best selling top for nursing moms because the flattering & functional V design in the front hides zippers for easy & discrete nursing & pumping. Moms can now nurse their babies AND feel confident at the same time.

5 Breastfeeding Myths and Misconceptions that Really Annoy the Heck Out of Us!

How many times have you heard a so-called breastfeeding ‘fact’ from a family member, friend, healthcare professional, or online resource that has your ‘mama-radar’ going off at warp speed?  Maybe something just doesn’t sound right. Maybe it goes against all of your breastfeeding instincts. Maybe it is completely contradictory to what you heard the previous day. Well, it’s time to start busting those myths and misconceptions! 

World Breastfeeding Week 2019 begins in a few days and this year’s theme is all about empowering breastfeeding families.  We couldn’t think of a better way to empower breastfeeding families than by providing real facts to some of the most common breastfeeding myths/misconceptions! We will also be chatting about additional breastfeeding misconceptions on Baby Tula’s Facebook Live on August 2, 2019 at 10am PST, so definitely join us that day!

So, here we go…..

Myth #1: When pregnant, you should rough up your nipples to prepare them for breastfeeding.

Ok, so who thought up this ridiculous idea??? Why would we ever think that "roughing up" our nipples by rubbing them with a towel was a good recommendation. There is no need to cause nipple trauma and scabbing before your baby even arrives! In fact, rubbing your nipples can actually remove the protective substances produced by the breast during pregnancy and afterwards. Sure, your nipples may feel sensitive for those first few days to weeks, but with a great latch, they will become less sensitive over time, all on their own. No need to do anything to prepare them prior to your baby being born.

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Myth #2: If your baby feeds more than every 2-3 hours, then he/she is not getting enough.

So, this statement is a little complicated.  Sometimes, this can be true, especially if your baby is not gaining weight well and feeding every hour throughout the day and night.  This situation might indicate that your baby might not be getting enough milk and your milk supply/baby milk transfer should be assessed.

Typical baby behavior is feeding about 8-12 times per 24 hours, especially for the first few months.  Remember, babies’ tummies are small, so they need frequent, small feedings. Some babies with reflux and tummy issues also like small, frequent feedings.  There are also situations where babies temporarily feed more frequently, like during cluster feedings times (aka witching hours) and during growth spurts (which last a few days.)  Cluster feeding often happens when your baby needs a bit more snuggling time to unwind from the day and growth spurts are nature’s way of requesting more milk for future feedings. So, these are totally normal situations when a baby would feed more frequently than every 2-3 hours and don’t indicate a low supply, at all.

Myth #3: Nursing beyond a year is just for mom’s benefit

So, let’s just think about this one for a second.  Is there an on/off switch that makes breastmilk less valuable and nutritious on a baby’s first birthday?  Does it suddenly lose all of its immunological properties? I think not. In fact, there are so many nutritional, social, mental, and physical benefits for breastfeeding beyond a year, as well as the fact that breastfeeding beyond a year is normal. has incredible resources on this subject, so I will just share a few of my favorites:

  • According to Dewey (2001), in the second year (12-23 months), 448 mL of breastmilk provides:

    • 29% of energy requirements

    • 43% of protein requirements

    • 36% of calcium requirements

    • 75% of vitamin A requirements

    • 76% of folate requirements

    • 94% of vitamin B12 requirements

    • 60% of vitamin C requirements

  • Immunities in mother’s milk continues as long as breastfeeding continues and some increase in concentration as the child gets older.

  • The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that “Breastfeeding should be continued for at least the first year of life and beyond for as long as mutually desired by mother and child… Increased duration of breastfeeding confers significant health and developmental benefits for the child and the mother… There is no upper limit to the duration of breastfeeding and no evidence of psychologic or developmental harm from breastfeeding into the third year of life or longer.” (AAP 2012, AAP 2005)

So, if you want to breastfeed for longer than a year, go for it!  It is fantastic for both you and your child. What’s most important is the breastfeeding family’s goals for how long they want to breastfeed…. Not what others believe should be the goal!

Myth #4: Small breasts = small milk supply; Large breasts = large milk supply

As a lactation consultant, I see breasts of all shapes and sizes and this misconception could not be further from the truth. Milk supply is determined by the amount of glandular tissue you have in your breasts and how this fatty tissue expands and multiplies during pregnancy and after your baby is born. Milk supply also significantly depends on breast emptying after your baby is born…. The more you empty your breasts when feeding or pumping, the more signals are sent to your brain to produce more milk. The actual breast is just the vessel/container to hold the milk. So, a size DD breast can hold more milk at one time, compared to a size B breast, but may not necessarily differ in the amount of milk made over a 24 hour period.

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Myth #5: If your baby is taking forever to transfer milk while breastfeeding, then you have a lazy baby

I don’t think there are many phrases I despise more than ‘lazy baby.’ Think about this…. Why would a baby choose to be lazy? Your baby’s only job is to feed to stay alive, therefore survival is based on being as robust a feeder possible. A baby who seems ‘lazy’ and takes over an hour (on average) to breastfeed is actually a baby having a difficult time breastfeeding. This could be caused by tethered oral tissue (tongue/lip tie), jaundice, using a nipple shield, prematurity, as well as many other reasons. So, babies who appear ‘lazy’ are often just doing the best that they can with the situation they’ve been dealt. And this is a fantastic reason to meet with an IBCLC to see how you can help your baby begin to feed more effectively and easily, as soon as possible!

So, what other breastfeeding myths and misconceptions absolutely drive you crazy?

Share them in the comments and we will do our best to remedy this misinformation in our interview on Baby Tula’s Facebook Live this week.

Boob Group Podcast Roundup - New Parent Support


Welcome to the Boob Group Podcast Roundup!  As many of you know, Robin was the original host of the Boob Group podcast and hosted the first 112 episodes!  There was so much amazing breastfeeding and pumping advice and research shared during those 2.5 years, so Robin has decided to reshare these episodes with all of you in a monthly roundup!  

This month we are featuring 4 episodes that review the importance of support during breastfeeding and where you can turn to find that help. 

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Having a baby changes relationships we have with our partners, family, and friends. Obviously you don’t need a partner to have a baby, but having additional support during the postpartum period, and especially on our breastfeeding journey, is crucial. They say “it takes a village” to raise a baby, but with modern society and many of us living far from home, it can leave us feeling pretty isolated.


In these episodes, we discussed ways to ask for help and find support from a variety of local and online resources! For those of us with partners, it’s crucial for them to know how important they are in making our breastfeeding experience both positive and successful. We need not only cheerleaders, but people who will relieve us of stress and know how to assist us each step of the way. On top of that, we also need to be connected with other breastfeeding parents who are going through similar experiences! We’ll review the multiple ways to find a new mom community -  whether it’s through an online forum, a local support group, or a facebook page for breastfeeding mamas.  


We’ll talk about how to find a group that best suits your needs, what expectations you can have before joining, and the amazing benefits of connecting with other new parents. We hope to inspire you to reach out and find your support because we are all right there with you! 


San Diego Big Latch On 2019 T-shirts are ON SALE!

Who wants an awesome Big Latch On 2019 T-Shirt???

We are so excited to partner up with Heart and Soul Printing, one of our favorite local designers and screenprinters, to offer you a San Diego Big Latch On 2019 t-shirt or tank top.  

Each t-shirt costs $25 (plus sales tax and S&H) and will only be on sale from August 12-19, 2019 so don’t miss your opportunity to have one of the most adorable event t-shirts out there!

*** Shirts will only be shipped. You will not be able to pick up your shirt at the San Diego Breastfeeding Center.

All proceeds will be donated to the San Diego Breastfeeding Center Foundation to help pay for lactation consultations for local low-income families.  

Ready to see the awesome T-shirts????







For more details about the Big Latch On Event, check out our FB event page:

As well as our blog:

Meet SDBFC's Newest Lactation Consultant - Ashley Tehrani!

We are so thrilled to introduce you to our newest lactation consultant at SDBFC! Ashley Tehrani joined our team in September 2017, as our Wednesday Breastfeeding Support Group leader and our Social Media Coordinator. After over a year of clinical hours and course work, Ashley is now ready to see her own patients at SDBFC and we couldn’t be more excited! We can't wait for you all to meet her!


Ashley, tell us about yourself!

I grew up in Southern California and moved to San Diego to attend SDSU in 2008. I enjoy playing beach volleyball, fastpitch softball, hiking, reading and a good television show. I love to travel and hope to visit more spots within the U.S in the coming years. I had my daughter in 2015 and was introduced to the amazing community surrounding conception, birthing and postpartum that we have in San Diego.

What inspired you to become a lactation consultant?

The birth of my daughter definitely thrust me into this passion for supporting breastfeeding/lactating families. I had no idea the changes, challenges, happy moments and sad moments that being pregnant and becoming a parent would bring. I am so thankful to have had expert lactation support while in the hospital when my daughter was born, and for being directed by online support groups to the San Diego Breastfeeding Center for when I needed help later on. I was fortunate to be able to stay home with my daughter for the first few years, but found myself wanting to begin working again. The birth of my daughter and many encouraging friends and family helped me to begin my slow progression towards becoming an IBCLC.


What are you most excited about working with SDBFC?

I am excited to join a group of practitioners who are highly trained and well versed in breastfeeding and in supporting families. I am thankful for this opportunity and look forward to learning from these amazing IBCLCs and from the amazing families I will work with. I look forward to helping new families navigate breastfeeding and parenthood.


What are you top 3 tips for a brand new breastfeeding family?

  1. While pregnant, go to breastfeeding support groups (especially if you’ve never really seen people breastfeed), visit with an IBCLC prior to having baby, have an appointment with an IBCLC booked for a week or so after baby is born, bring your partner or support person along for all of this – they will likely be the one there most while you are breastfeeding in the early weeks giving you encouragement and support. 

  2. Ask for, and or accept offered help (breastfeeding or not, new to parenthood or ‘old pros’…help is essential).  This was a personal struggle I dealt with early on and still do at times. If you want/need help, there is no shame in asking for it and no shame it putting boundaries around that help (i.e yes, you can bring over a meal for us, but we are trying to settle in so please leave it on the porch). 

  3. If you have challenges with breastfeeding in the beginning it is helpful to remember that this won’t be forever and that you and baby are new to this and learning together.

Welcome to the SDBFC team, Ashley!